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Everything posted by turangi

  1. I am curious if this is a banned kit on this site? Not sure exactly who who the manufacturer is. https://modelexpo-online.com/Falkonet--Imperial-Russian-Steam-Launch-Dagmar-in-148-Scale_p_1937.html
  2. Not to be argumentative but CA used on human body wounds may degrade due to the fact that the body constantly sheds and replaces cells and the "failure" may be due more to this process rather than a moisture issue. The CA in wounds adheres to the outer layer of cells in the wound when applied, but is shed along with those cells as part of the normal cell replacement process. As an example, if you happen to get an adhesive of any type on your fingers and cannot completely remove it it will be gone in a few days due to normal epithelial cell replacement. This applies to CA, PVA, epoxy etc. whether they are affected by moisture or not.
  3. Thanks very much for the warm welcome and gracious comments! This is a very impressive site with lots of extremely talented members. I look forward to staying here. I think I will have a go at the Model Shipways Willie Bennett next.
  4. Hello all, what a wonderful site. As a bit of introduction I just completed the Model Shipways New Bedford Whaleboat. I started building this while undergoing 6 months of chemotherapy that caused the loss of feeling in my hands. I thought it would be good therapy and it did seem to help. I worked on it when I felt able and found it relaxing and fun as I was essentially on home confinement for many months. Due to my neuropathy and inability to feel the small parts I made extensive use of hemostats, forceps and tweezers. I am included a few photos and any comments, suggestions or criticisms would be welcomed! John
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