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  1. Have you looked at the USRC Harriett Lane (Model Ship MS2270 kit)? Sail/steam 1857. It's on my to-do list.
  2. For some reason, the audio is not working, and I can't tell how this method works. Cutting wire with dull implement creates the heads?
  3. Checked the Account Settings and there is no "signature" option.
  4. Forgive me newness, but WHERE exactly does one add a "signature"? I cannot find it on the profile, account settings, etc. What am I missing?!!!
  5. Checked the build logs, and a couple reported a similar problem, but no one mentioned any type of solution or recommendation. I'm surprised there aren't more articles on some of the basic metal fabrication processes. For the tiller arm, it would be easy to just cut the wire flush and glue it in on both sides. But the extension handle must rotate, so that's not an option.
  6. Just started modeling. Got the three-vessel starter kit and finished the dory. Lot's of learning there, mostly, make sure the base is secure and properly positioned or EVERYTHING goes sideways. I'm just finishing the hull on the Norwegian Sailing Pram. The instructions for this boat seem to be much less comprehensive. The metal work (on the tiller assembly) is really making things difficult. Anyone have any pointers for hammering the end of a wire into a "mushroom" for a rivet? So far, I've bent one wire and split two pieces of wood. This is far more difficult than portrayed in the instructions. Thanks!!!
  7. Good luck with the hammering the wire into mushroom heads. I haven't had a lot of success with this and would be interested in hearing comments and suggestions from others. [I'm at this point on the same model.]
  8. Yup. I have the same problem. Lots of trimming to the thwarts, but so far, no other issues. And, my shear strake was also high so I trimmed it down to the lines shown on the stern transom.
  9. Any word of wisdom on the tiller metal work? The "gentle tap" required to create a mushroom on the end of the wire is extremely oversimplified. So far, I've split the wood on both tiller extensions (easy enough to make more) and bent the wire on the main tiller. I think simply gluing heads on the ends might be far easier.
  10. I couldn't understand how to place the supports without shaping and fitting the thwarts at the same time. Very difficult to get the supports "level" for mounting the thwarts. Also, the stern sheets are to be "connected by two cleats", but no source for the cleat material or placement is noted (sigh!!).
  11. An errata sheet is definitely needed. Several mistakes and MANY omissions are making this project more difficult than it should be.
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