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David Chapman

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  1. Although I am sans paint sprayer, I tried nearly all of your ideas including graphite with no luck. As time has gone on, I'm happy with the end results. Not in any frame of mind at this point to experiment further. Would be curious how you or others deal with it.
  2. The Ezetissue is quite tough but I've had to be very careful about not tearing it. Needed to remake a couple of them due to tears. And as I have been using the now months old pre-molded sails, I have found that the tissue is more difficult to separate from the plastic "molds". Probably going to remake the last handfull+ to make it easier to remove the tissue from the forms. And no, there is literally zero flexibility to the tissue no matter if I used the Dope or not. They are all with-dope. I can see where the tissue would be very difficult for furled sails.
  3. Still working on my Cuddy Sark. After trying many color combos, I went with the natural look for the sails. It's taking forever!.... But the end is in sight. Maybe by next Christmas I'll be finished. BTW the blue tape is to mark all the long ends with very visible "flags". I've already broken off the bow sprit and a spar. Repairs still needed.
  4. Wow, it's been 5 months since I last posted. Between my surgery and a River Cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest. Besides not having our luggage the entire time, the cruise was a blast. Anyway, never really stopped pecking away at the model. I'm well into the rigging and have just started the sails. Per a suggestion from here, I got some Eze Tissue and a bottle of Eze Dope. This is my first venture beyond "all stock". These products are made to cover the wings of model airplanes. I started by soaking the Tissue in Dope and then draped and smoothed it over the tacky plastic sails. After a second coat and overnight drying I carefully peeled it off. While the finished product is a bit translucent, I'm quite happy with the result compared to the plastic version. And despite how fragile it appears, it's quite durable. It even transferred the texture of the plastic. What do you think?
  5. Back at it. Shoulder is better every day. Touched up and finally up off deck. Pretty happy.
  6. What a spectacular effort, Bruma. Just got through your log and have little left to add except... Unbelievable! I've got one going at the other end of the custom/stock spectrum. Yours is truly humbling. David
  7. Darryl, Coming off surgery my self. While recovering I've had more time to read up on books and build logs including yours. Your build is beautiful. Hope you are back in the saddle again soon. All the Best! David Chapman Current build: Cuddy Sark 1/96 Revell beginner.
  8. Apologies, had a shoulder replacement on my birthday, yesterday. Will get back with you soon. David
  9. Wow. Finally spent time reading through 2/3 of Bruma's log. He and his Cutty are brilliant! Just wow.
  10. So I spent 40 minutes hand painting these 216 blocks only to be half way done. Those air brushes are sounding pretty good right now.
  11. Kevin, That EZE tissue looks intriguing. My goodness, how much time it must take you all to build a ship from scratch! I've got maybe 120+ hours into my plastic kit and haven't gotten off the deck! That reminds me. Back in college when my current bride Deborah was off doing an internship and I was going crazy I spend 120 hrs building the attached ship with only toothpicks, thread, tissue paper and elmers. It was really quite something with rigging and sails (furled)...until my best ever dog got a hold of it. Grr! Now it works well as a ship wreck. I guess I'm not a complete rookie?
  12. Back on topic. Struggling with what to do about the sails. As you know, despite encouragement, I have been true to the stock Revell to date. My gut says to stick with that approach to the end. But others have suggested to reconsider that. My bride (of 49 years) is a bonified craftsman. She thought using the plastic sails as a form and cover them in in starch soaked cloth and trim them to fit might work. We plan to try a sample of that... but I'm still reluctant.
  13. Yes, it can get cold. At the time we were literally frozen into the Saltwater harbor.
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