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Dave boatswain

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    Odessa, Ukraine

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  1. Thank you gentlemen for your kind comments. Bob, nothing definite yet. I had an idea to test my own skills at 1:250 scale. But for this I will probably need some kind of engraver with various precision attachments... So this remains just a thought, although someday I may implement it. There was also an idea to build “Pinta” on a scale of 1:72, which was also Columbus’s caravel. In any case, I won’t rush into the next model...
  2. That's all... I attached the flag to the main mast, thereby completing the building of the La Niña caravel. I'll try to take final photos later.
  3. Parrels and flags. It would be best to make the flags from fabric, but I don’t have that option yet, so I chose the simple option and made them from paper. Perhaps I will replace them with more suitable ones later.By the way, I will hang the yards as shown in this diagram
  4. Great job Tom! The Drakkar turns out very well. By the way, have you already seen the new model of the drakkar built by Pavel Nikitin? His model turned out fantastic.
  5. Due to my new job, my free time has decreased, but I have done something. Now I am sewing sails - here is a sail for a mizzen mast. Of course, not perfect, but so far the best result 🙂And here is the sail on the bonaverture mast. I sewed this sail first, so there are some mistakes. To be honest, I don’t like this sail, and maybe I’ll make a new one and throw this one away.By the way, these two sails are not completely ready yet. Later, I will sew ropes along the edges and also form loops.
  6. Thank you! Perhaps some details are indeed larger than they should be, but overall I try to stick to this scale.
  7. Thank you all for the warm welcome. Yes Paul, you are right, I will continue to work on this model and post updates here. Dick, I have several different plans in electronic form and I study them as needed)). At your request, I will show photographs that I took during the work process.
  8. Gentlemen, thank you for your kind words. I don’t even know what to answer you :-). I had to buy some things from my friend - slats for the hull (mahogany) and for the decks (walnut), round blanks for masts and yards, a grate for the hatch, black ropes and an anchor rope. And I made everything else myself using hand tools (knife, wire cutters, pliers, files, jigsaw, scissors, various sandpapers...). The only power tool I have is an electric screwdriver with a flexible shaft, which I have used to make many different holes.
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