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About BurgundyModels

  • Birthday 11/16/1984

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    Reading, archery, shipbuilding.

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  1. Welcome aboard!!
  2. Caught myself up on your build @Ronald-V. Looks incredible. I can only hope to produce beautiful ships like this one day! -Ron
  3. Your Polaris is looking great @rmccook! You have a great attitude about the mistakes, every one of them is a lesson. As they say, a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new, and that wisdom definitely counts for shipbuilding. When I did my Polaris, I was actually surprised to learn how forgiving wood is as a medium. I hadn't done much, if any, woodworking beforehand. Coming from plastic kits there were some mistakes that simply ruined a kit, but with woodworking I've found that there is always a way to cover mistakes and fix issues. Something I also learned here, which still resonates deeply with me, is that when you're building a kit you are intimately familiar with every nook and cranny. Detail work usually includes some sort of magnification as well. But when it goes on the shelf, anyone who sees it will only see the entire finished product, and not the version that we see. Looking forward to seeing more of your build!
  4. @RossR glad to see you're making progress on this one again. Love your builds, both the Beagle and Diana. I would love to build a Diana, she really is a beautiful subject. Your build logs inspired me to utilize different finishes, i.e. shellac and stains. Following along!
  5. Love your Alert build @Thukydides! Going to use that as a reference should I ever decide to build the Alert myself.
  6. @rmccook this is the post I was referring to: @JacquesCousteau that is also a very helpful thread!! Gives a great list of what ships to look at in different stages.
  7. @Landlubber Mike I appreciate the vote of confidence! Building these ships has introduced me to such a wildly new skillset, thank goodness for all the guides and wonderful users here helping us newbies along. I ultimately decided to go with the Model Shipways 3 part Shipright series. I believe it will help to round out everything that I have learned with the OcCre kits, as well as give me an opportunity to test different finishes and approaches without trying things on a larger kit. I appreciate your input, and your Badger looks amazing!!
  8. @Erik A I appreciate your input! I'm probably too new to understand all the differences and intricacies with the different brand of ship kits. It seems that even within the same brand, kits can vary wildly with quality and level of provided instructions. I really appreciated the YouTube series for many of the OcCre kits, but also found that as I got more comfortable with different aspects of the build, I no longer needed the videos to help me along. So maybe as I progress through the hobby, quality of instruction won't be as important? Not sure. At any rate, once I do get the new ships going, I'll post a proper build log here, as well as build logs to my own website.
  9. @Nirvana I have heard similar, and while I have no direct experience myself, ultimately decided against the AL Virginia and Harvey kits. They were far too similar to the Polaris build, and I would like to try something different. I ultimately decided on the Model Shipways Shipright Series 3-pack. I think that is exactly what I needed, to get a baseline of shipbuilding skills.
  10. Thank you everyone for your input on this! I'm leaning pretty heavy toward the Model Shipways Shipright Series, the 3 pack of basic ships. I feel that's a great way to further my skillset, while still building some great looking kits.
  11. @Wawona59 that is a great looking kit! The Model Shipways kits look amazing, and pretty daunting as well. Looks like quite a bit more "realistic" as far as the approach taken to building them. The Pride of Baltimore II caught my eye as well, very beautiful looking ship. I appreciate the advice and kind wishes. @Freebird the Chuck Passaro kits look really good. I've watched his planking videos about a dozen or more times now. Is there a list of ships that are Chuck quality? Or how would I know just browsing the Model Shipways website? I would like to do a smaller warship or schooner next, so hopefully can find something that fits the bill. @mtdoramike I appreciate you saying so! The planking of the Golden Hind was rough, but came out OK in the end. I would love to tackle a build with the "correct" way to plank (OcCre planking is different, it leaves gaps that are later filled. No problem there, just different). Thank you everyone for the input. I appreciate the knowledge and wisdom conveyed here by fellow shipbuilders. I still have a lot to learn here, your input helps immensely. -Ron
  12. @Ronald-V I definitely appreciate that advice. Sometimes I get caught up in thinking that there are kits I "should" build, and almost forget that at the end of the day, it's supposed to be fun 😀 It's interesting to see the different quality kits and instructions, even with the same vendors. One kit might be very quality, yet another may be quite a bit older with poor instructions, etc. I was leaning toward Artesania Latina, but realized that it was pretty much the same as the OcCre kits. Nothing bad about OcCre, but now that I have 2 from them, the intent was to branch out a bit and learn other skills. I concluded that instead of taking my existing skillset and scaling it up (with a larger kit), I can tackle a smaller kit with high detail. Almost quantity vs. quality. -Ron
  13. @Snug Harbor Johnny I appreciate the suggestions! Both of those kits look gorgeous. The Bluenose II came up on my radar from looking through logs. I was initially apprehensive about trying Model Shipways, but after seeing their line of American ships (I'm from the US), I was quite intrigued. They also scored very high on the poll that was taken here regarding the kit quality/etc. I appreciate your input!
  14. @JacquesCousteau I appreciate your response. I very much enjoyed the challenge that the Golden Hind presented, and certainly want to scale up the difficulty a bit without necessarily scaling up the size of the ship. I know that a lot of that answer is dependent on what I like, and what interests me about these ships. Personally, I love warships, and love the assorted deck details that make them feel real, so perhaps realism as well. I suppose I want to harden the "baseline" shipbuilding skills in smaller forms, as opposed to taking my current skillset and scaling it up to a larger, but perhaps less realistic kit. When I first started this past February, I ordered some paints from Model Expo. I received one of the sample catalogs with the Model Shipways ships in them, and after looking at some of their instruction manuals, I felt immediately overwhelmed. Fast forward 6 or 7 months to today, and I look at those very same instructions as something that I can actually build! Your input definitely helps point me in the right direction!
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