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  1. Thank, your comments give me strong motivation to make it better and I really appreciate it
  2. Hi Mike, yes you are right there are a couple of frames which seem misaligned, it mainly due by some slot in the jig frames which need to be adjusted in the time and it seems the flow of frames are coming along quite nicely... thanks for supporting ,
  3. hi to everybody , I hope you had a great Christmas celebration... btw her some tiny progress...
  4. hi, a bit progress in the framing and study more the construction plans to get better understanding of the framing process... btw it seems better than formers Jig.., Cheers
  5. Thanks Mike, I always admire your progress on your Beaver Prize, looking forward to see more. Cheers
  6. hi everyone, keel is assembled with bow and deadwood and set in place in jig frames. it seems not so ugly , btw waiting for critics then cheers
  7. hi! here we go again, I made some progress I build the jig frames and I started to assembly the keel and Bow which I tried to make it look bit more real than the Plan which it seems assemble only in 2 huge wooden pieces, I try to use black paper too for caulking , then I have to work a lot o sanding to get better effect, but for the very beginning it seems not so ugly stay tuned Cheers
  8. I did some progress in framing and I found out that my previous drawing were wrong , due my less skill to set the printer, so the more framing I was assembly the more mistakes I found out. then I finally got the right blueprint of the project in the proper ratio and I decided to start over. stay tuned , you'll see the progress soon
  9. finally I've got some picture to show... waiting for comments and criticism, I think the criticism could be the majority.😅
  10. Thanks Mtaylor, I've already went through your topic and to me is enlightening, I've take inspiration on it. I hope you'll find the way to finish Cheers
  11. Hi Tmj, thanks for your encouragement, I'm fully aware that this could be a really challenge and bold endeavour, and if I fail ,( and I will for sure ) I'll remake it and remake it again. and I'm sure from this forum and from esteemed modellers as all of you are, I can get great support and suggestion. cheers
  12. here we go, I decided to make my first model in Admiralty and I collected the plans from the internet site, spend times to study and thanks to this forum I figured it out how to try to build my first model. I choose " la Licorne" because I like the French -British frigates. and she got a bit history: 1755 she was a French frigate then captured by British in 1778 soon more pics shall be attached to check the progress. I'm ready to listen and to read all suggestions and criticism on it. I hope all professionals here can be little patient with an amateur as I am.
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