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PvG Aussie

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Everything posted by PvG Aussie

  1. Jond, If only I had a suitable place to build such a wonderful boat, I would build one also! Enjoy your build. Cheers,
  2. Little time so little progress yesterday. Today has been better. Managed to repair, paint and weather a join on the aft deck, also installed diving planes fore and aft. (Forgive the terminology. I'm no submariner by any means.) Added the propellors, stays, flag pole and bollards. I have two questions where I need help: What are these red things on the deck, and What is the best way to display a decal flag? (I read that using tin foil allows for good shaping.) Cheers, Peter
  3. An easy day today. I finished the weathering on the hull and conning tower. I just realised that I forgot the air vents on the side air tanks (all 34 of them!). Better get started now! An hour later and they're on. Cheers,
  4. Thanks everyone for the advice. I just used it successfully on my 'build' post. ☺️
  5. It's coming together! (Thanks for all the likes and comments) Yesterday I added decals to the hull and conning tower, using "Tamiya Mark Fit'. Tricky because of the debth decal sizes but I am very pleased as they look great. The next job was to nervously start the weathering. I mixed two rust colours using a combination of Vallejo German Orange, Artesania Latina Hull Red, Royal Blue and Deep Yellow. The colours are ok, but I think I want to add a black, grey or brown wash to give an overall aging appearance and play down the possibly excessive weathering on the port side air tanks. A Tamiya Panel Line Accent Color (of 1/1 Black/Grey) also added a little extra but is not very noticeable. I think the straight black would be too dark. Cheers, Peter
  6. With anyone's help, I just want to ask how to add images in between paragraphs of text in a post? I normally 'drag files' onto the shaded section below but they all present after the final text. Thanks.
  7. Another great day! I had fun with kit and aftermarket 'tubes'. The fit required cutting and sanding but it did work out. (The black one is for engine exhaust, and the grey one is an air intake.) The underside parts of the deck were then added. I started on the coning tower and dry fitted it to the deck to check the fit. Obviously it isn't weathered yet, maybe tomorrow. I'm happy with the look of the deck so it may not be long before I glue it onto the hull (ok Javelin?😉). Cheers,
  8. Better? I think the deck weathering is far more subtle. I also added the previously weathered deck panels, as well as Black Tamiya Panel Line Accent Color. I'm happy with the results.
  9. Thanks for the likes and comments. The biggest danger with weathering is 'going overboard' (excuse the pun), so I think I will clear spray, hair spray and final German Grey spray the deck again. I made the error of weathering without letting the top coat dry properly and I washed off too much. Thanks for your thoughts.
  10. A great day! Firstly, I glued the two halves of the hull together. It was a bit of a challenge and it took me an hour and a half! I'm happy with the result. Secondly, I dry fitted the deck and it was excellent. Thirdly, I weathered the deck with hair spray and a top coat of Vallejo German Grey. It is meant to look like tar brushed over timber decking. The result looks a bit grubby but that may have been how it was. Feedback would be appreciated as I may have over weathered it. Thanks for all the 'likes' and comments. I thoroughly enjoy checking them first thing in the morning.
  11. Not much done today. Too many distractions. However, I did weather the deck hatches, Tamiya Dark Iron XF-84 over hair spray over a mix of rust colours. I'm pleased with the results. Tomorrow I want to weather the main deck with it's timber look underneath.
  12. Some old people like to talk about their illnesses. I Don't! Just say that I didn't do any modelling yesterday and I only started late today. But what a great afternoon it was. My PE parts arrived today and I primed them. Also I masked and painted the light grey areas of the hull (Weathering will have to wait). It was a pleasing few hours. Ps. Thanks for all the 'likes' and special greetings to those that are 'following' me.
  13. I think I'm reasonably happy with today's results. I firstly gave the hull another coat of Ljn Gray as the lighter grays underneath looked too light this morning. Next I started playing with the algae look by adding SMS RAAF Dark Slate which I applied with a hard brush. Then followed this with a larger brush wash with the same paint. I also started on the deck 'timber look' which I intend covering with hair spray and a very dark grey or even black so that I can weather walking areas to show the timber underneath. I'm not sure, but I think the green and timber look ok.
  14. I'm happy with today's effort eventhough my air brush played up badly with the low pressure required. So today I: 1. Masked the lower hull for painting. 2. Cut the hull pieces from the sprue because I didn't want to do 'fiddly bits' on big pieces. (NB: Scottish Guy!) 3. Did the first spot marbeling on the hull and tank tops. Used Tamiya Sky Grey XF-19 and 20A Thinner, (1:2), Retarder Medium at 10psi. 4. Did the second spot marbeling using Tamiya Sky Grey XF-19, Flat White XF-2 and 20A Thinner, (1:1:2), RetarderMedium at 10psi. 5. Applied the final coat of Tamiya Lijn Gray XF-77 at 20psi. 6. Applied a clear coat of 'rattle can' Tamiya Flat Clear TS-80. Next time, I think I may add panel liner as well as stencil some tiny patches of a lighter colour onto the lower hull.
  15. Micha, I did it this way because I find it easier to handle the parts while still on the sprues. There is no real problem with cut marks later on as it is only the primer and there are plenty of opportunities to paint the 'missed bits' later. I will probably do the same for the next stage so as to avoid getting my fingers in the way. Stay tuned for tomorrow's report, I'll let you know if I change my mind. Cheers, Peter
  16. I've started! Today I: 1. Gave up on waiting for parts in the mail. 2. Slip proofed the walk areas on the top of the tanks. I used an old brush and Tamiya Putty and cleaned the edge with Tamiya Lacquer Thinner. I tried Tamiya Surface Primer but the effect was not textured enough. I am very pleased with the result. 3. Primed everything! What was grey is now black (SMS Surfacer Black). Tomorrow I will start weathering the lower hull by 'black basing and lighter marbeling'.
  17. Thanks Mike. I fully appreciate encouraging words from my modelling peers. I l don't have a 'shelf of doom' because I refuse to give up on models that cost more than they are worth! Cheers,
  18. Gary, don't hold your breath waiting for the parts. They usually take at least a month to get to Australia! Sorry I sound like a sad loser. It is just that I know exactly what you're going through. If I were you, I would start to think of my next build. Cheers,
  19. Sorry to see that you are experiencing the same issues as I had with the AL Focker DR1. The most difficult parts for me were the cowling on the top of the forward structure. The metal pieces just don't fit! Be thankful because you are near completion and the bits you may have 'not got right' won't be noticed anyway. Nevertheless, you are doing a great job, under difficult circumstances!
  20. Our show is in February so if you want me to put your name down, just let me know. You are welcome to stay here among the ships and planes. This year was my first time in a regional competition and I won 'Best Ship', 'People's Choice' and 'Best of Show' with my 1/48 scale "Bounty- after the mutiny". These awards were a great surprise as I have only been modelling for a bit over two years. I checked out your ships and they are truly amazing. Cheers
  21. Yes I did, and I also checked out you excellent build of the same ship. I hope you don't mind if I get a few ideas from your U9? Cheers Ps I have a close friend in Canberra and hope to visit some day. Perhaps I could use the opportunity to check out your creations!😀
  22. Thanks everyone for the interest in this crazy topic. It certainly seems to be resolved, even if 'status; proves to be useless.😁
  23. I always like to start with plenty of research on the history of the boat and then any builds done by others. History is covered by heaps of sites on the internet as well as the enclosed book found in the kit. As far as previous builds are concerned, I have found the following: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=-z9T2yxpHAg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFrmrMl7JoU, https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235123886-progress-build-of-das-werks-172-scale-sm-u-9-german-wwi-u-boat/ (this last link has a great history coverage as well as a 'box opening'), and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A9IBHt-zAE (this link has three parts: build, painting and weathering. Quite useful.) I'll now watch all of these and make notes on ideas I like and possible decisions I will have to make along the way. Cheers,
  24. Thanks Chris and Keith for your comments. Strangly enough, I can't find it now (perhaps I'm going crazy). I think I'll take your advice Keith and simply ignore it.
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