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Patrick Haw

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Posts posted by Patrick Haw

  1. Mort, 


    Now I understand!  Acually though, the curve of the stern fascia is very slight, although it definitely curves, so I don't think it's necessary to shape it with heat before putting it on the ship.  Others may have had a different experience. The fascia sits on the stern extensions very easily, givving the necessary curve.  The two lower corners of the fascia don't actually attach to anything when you first put it on the ship.  Looking at my pics of the fascia above, you can see that because of the full slot and half slot for the quarter gallery patterns the bottom corners of the fascia are only attached by tiny bits of wood at the upper and lower outer corners and it doesn't take much to knock them off.  So it wasn't the curve of the fascia but my clumsiness that was responsible for breaking the corners!!  Anyway, it's all fixed now and won't show at all once the outer stern fascia goes on...somewhere down the road a couple of years!!

  2. Hi Kevin,


    Good to have you back.  This is sort of like a parachute company re-grouping after a dispersed jump, everybody showing up at the marshalling area in dribs and drabs!  As for re-posting your pictures, it's up to you how you do it.  I put up blocks of pictures of my build - basic hull construction, gun ports, stern galleries.  Of course I had it much easier than you folks who are much further along in your builds since I'm still at the early stages.  Looking forward to seeing your build again and your progress going forward.



  3. Thanks Derek & David.  Glad we all made it back here.  Glad too to know that I'm in good company as far as breaking bits off the stern fascia, and you're right Derek, it will never show once the stern is finished.  I'm going to dry fit the quarter gallery skins and leave them off until much later in the build. 


    Mort, it's probably the camera angle (and my poor photography) but the stern facia is fitted firmly against all the stern extension pieces and the aft ends of the quarter gallery patterns and has a definite curve to it following the pieces it is fitted to.


    I should be good to start the second hull planking sometime this week although I'm building a fence in my back yard along with a friend this week so will have to see how much time that takes up.  It's February, in Maryland, it's freezing outside...and I'm building a fence.  I question my sanity sometimes!



  4. Started on the quarter galleries.  This wasn't quite so daunting of a task as I thought it would be.  Once I figured out the right position for the inner stern facia reverything else seemed to fall into place quite easily. In the second picture above, you'll notice that the bottom corner of the stern fascia has snapped off.  This happened on both sides in exactly the same place.  Because of the slots for the back of the quarter gallery frams, the bottom corners have a very tenuous attachment to the stern fascia...and I'm clumsy!  Other photos show the broken corners fitted back in place, so it all worked out.


    And that's as far as I am 50 days into the build.








  5. Middle gun deck planked.  This was an interesting problem.  On my old log I mentioned that I though that I'd maybe placed the gun port strips perhaps a millimeter too gigh but wasn't too worried.  When I went to put the middle gundeck planking down I noticed that the "drop" from the entry port sill to the deck was a bit too much and to scale would have been somewhere around 18"...resulting in a lot of sprained ankles.  So I took some 1mm x 6mm walnut scrap I had left over from a previous build and put down a false deck, then planked it over with the kit's Tnganyika deck planks.  It's a "double-decker"!  I think it came out OK.




  6. First planking complete, lining gun ports.  I decided to line and paint the gun ports prior to doing the second planking as others have done.  I think this will make the 1mm set back for the gun port lids easier to do that trying to set the linings back 1mm after the second planking is on.  A simple jig will ensure that the second planking stops 1mm from the gun port openings...if that makes sense!  I wasn't happy with "gaps" between the lids and the gun port openings, so went back with filler and filled them in and painted again.  Happy with the final result.


    This is also as far as I had got before the great MSW crash, so following posts are what I've accomplished in the last week.











  7. Hi Derek,


    Great to see you've got your log back up and running, and with so many great pictures already.  Got my own log started again, no pics yet but will add soon.  First planking complete, gun ports lined, middle gun deck planked.  Starting on the quarter galleries today and having the devil of a time getting everything aligned, so logs and pics like yours are a huge help.


    Best of luck



  8. Hi David,


    Welcome back.  Very glad to see you've been able to get your log re-opened and pics loaded.  I've re-started my log but no pics right now.  Will add some soon though.  First planking complete, gun ports lined, middle gun deck planked.  Just getting started on the quarter galleries now...giving me the devil of a time getting everything aligned.  I need a third hand!



  9. Here we go again then!  Just re-opening a build log for my Victory.  Will post whatever pictures I have in a little while.  As a re-introduction I started my Caldercraft HMS Victory at New Years this year.  Right now first planking is complete, lower and middle gun deck ports lined, middle gun deck is planked.  Today I'm going to get started on the stern galleries. 


    I'm hoping all the other Caldercraft Victory builders will be back with their build logs up and running again soon...you guys are an inspiration and a fabulous source of problem-solving and technique.



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