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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Skid beam for Captain`s boat, preparing
  2. Marc, rigging is still great mystery for me, to say - jungle. I'm following you amd learn
  3. Thank you Wiktor.L and wellcome to my log. You are 100% right, my friend. This approach you are talking of, I used while making small parts on a fore and aft deck. I have to admit, that at one moment making Fife rails, I lose my patience, and thinking about bunch of ropes and sails which will go under and over, this details, particulary their microscopic look, is not to much significant. That was also reason why I gave up to make sheaves on pillars, as I did on a fore deck details earlier All coments are more than wellcome See you here and arround
  4. Next step and then ... flood in apartment
  5. Litle research work Position of different Fife Rails is briefly explained on Lou`s old photos As you can see, arround main mast, there are two different, one with "regular" rounded pillars, and another with built-in triple hinge in square pillar And with fore mast, there is second with built-in triple hinge in square pillar Anybody know reason - why?
  6. There will be a bunch of ropes, my friend, and, to be honest, that is main reason I decide to say "stop, this is it"
  7. Twin Fife Rails belonging to main mast are done. Third, belonging to fore mast is slightly different I just can not do it better I think it will be ok
  8. Ok, let's do something 9 vener layers, and sanding until reach 3x3x10 mm Three more to go
  9. My experience with Einhell was good ... until it shows quality issues ... Half a year ago, i replaced pencil tool third time ... and again ... Jaws ... it was soon impossible to mount drilling tools to stand still and not to fall out from jaws. Also top of tool oscillated in undesired direction. So, you can imagine how work with it looks like. And, considering my approaching birthday, I said - that is enough! 100€ finished my agony making little parts
  10. Two more to go If those two I would make better, I'll repeat this one
  11. This was grandfather And this is grandson
  12. Thank you Igor Litle break, during bussines trip to little town in middle Serbia, visitting Monastery Ravanica (XIV century) and Museum of coal and mining in Senj Enjoy
  13. Thank you, Denis. Repetitio is mater studiorum (lat)
  14. And now, Fife Rails Two over main mast are equial, but front one is differen For now, just preparing
  15. Thank you very much, Mark!
  16. Bilge pump - done. I think this is important point. With this one, I finished all complex structures on main deck, so ... only just a "few" easier parts to be made, and I get significant closer to masts spars sails and ropes
  17. Better, and it seems to be final solution
  18. Hmm, Carl ... it seems to be ... as I ... if I ... delicate too much ... I have to do some experiment ... we`ll see Hey Cap! Main problem ... it is hard to understand if you do not live in Serbia ... spend money for adequate tools is ... very strong attack to home budget ... considering I have student who study in oather town, paying him flat and schollarship, sending him money for living ... I just have to do everything with tools I have now. To be honest, here i nestrbia, a very few people can finance student in other town without credits od borrowing money, so I am happy I can do it from my regular income, but ... nothing stays for other purposes. In Serbia, average net earning is about 300$ per month, I make over 3000$, and still can not by me fine machine tools. Yes, I follow Ed`s log, and mainly stay withouth breath Thank you for your kind words, Mark. And I am sure, too Hello, piet, thank you for your supporting words So ... My crazy brain do not sleep, and here is first attepmt, just to get feeling about dimensions and material I am not satisfied, so show goes on See you one of this days
  19. Thank you, Carl !!! And next step is ... OMG ... much more fragile ... bilge pump .... This time, I really need magic wrand or any kind of spell to do this Drawings I made in preparing to start
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