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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Second wintch done ! Nothing without little assistance Five working hours, and it worth ! Temporary on position And one from "bird" view
  2. You are right Marc. There is an another point ... considering my son (Hothead) is last four years in Novi sad ( 80km from Belgrade) on his study od architecture, and he is at home 7-10 days in winter and 1-1,5 months at summer, he is factually almost gone from home. So, it seems that my single life, as my final life story, just begins, and I have to adjust and adopt myself to this semi-new situation. This is, let`s say, multilayered situation, in all fields of living and working. Home organization is quite different now, my day time also, by all means. Of coursse, I do not intend to spend the rest of my days alone, and I continualy do some steps in this direction , but life is life, adn we will see what will be on this field. So, on some way, there is a bit of time required to put myself in shape, and to make adequate, so needed in 60th year of life, regular day routine Life is nice, and let us enjoy in it !!!!
  3. Thanks, dear friend. We raised them to fly on their wings, aren't we?
  4. Inspiration? Hmm ... I was just playing with my shattered Einhel graver set ... testing my patience and trying to improve my skill ... starting with one trench, than another, deeping them and wideing them, then trying something and ... a ha ... it looks good ... and then playing with acrylic trying to get colour of Feng Shui toys my ... let`s say ... friend has in her "dool" collection. And it was gift which produced great great smile ... wellcome Voissewulf ! It can be, if you are able to use it on that way Ha ha, Denis ... let her decide what to do with it So, some great news ... Princess finaly, started her new, independet life yesterday ... She moved to Germany, to start working in hospital where she get her medical specialization in anesthesia ... little bird fly out from father`s nest ... Proud ... very very proud ... Parrent`s mission accomplished !!!!! One more to go (Hothead) !!!! I think, that was main reason for my relative absence from Her majesty build ... I tried to spend as much is possible time with her until she go So, I hope to continue a bit faster with winches etc etc, as soon as I stabilize my single life which started today
  5. Sudden attack of creativity 😁
  6. Happy New Year to you all, my friends Have one reason for smile, every single day in 2019th! First winch, done!
  7. Thx Mark think I am on a right way
  8. Last testing, and ... 😀 🤤
  9. FOLDER MECHANISM - part 4 In my sctrach build of CS, chekpoint I get stuck are deck winches ... Scale is app. 1:100, so, considering C-plans, dimensions are show on picture above Hmm, pretty small, and I want as much as possible details Question of material to use raised First attempt was wit paper laminated with vener, covered with acrylic paint, with idea to use acrylic ability to plastify Not good, too fragile Next attempt was with Cu foil 0,3mm So soft to manipulate with Results: I need something harder, but not to much, to be able to modify it with my Einhel graver set and tools I have And i rembered, that I use earlier in my build parts of folder mechanism, so why not again? I printed my working drawings on self-adhesive paper, and prepare metal part for working with And - yes, this is it! On next pictures you can se test part Sure, next step is to make four of them more precise
  10. Thank you Mark and Marc In meantime I saw that I have to correct drawings a bit, to make room for four thinu "wire" holders which connect "leg" to "leg"
  11. Next test was done with Cu foil ... Hmm ... No! Too soft What now? Think, Nenad, think! Eureka! I remembered that I use folder mechanism for bulwark sheaves, so, let's try it again This is where we are going to Preparing for next test - done. Self adhesive paper with laser stamp made in Adobe Illustrator After one hour of carving And - as I see, material is ok, testing passed good So, let's do it a bit precise in four same pieces
  12. Finaly, ready to make somethinh with hands Drawings done, paper test done, only to think and rethink about material, and to make several attempts with mistakes I ask myself - "Nenad, don`t you think that you get over by a bit ?"
  13. Last boat finished, and I can finaly leave booring job and go to something more interesting ( content of main deck, small parts)
  14. Last boat - one side - done. "...The end is near ..."
  15. After a loooong time of ... hmm ... Let's say: the shortest days in my life, after returning from my summer ten days long journey throught East Serbia, and having in mind that my vacation still goes on for one more week, I finaly finished third boat And here are some nice photos from places I visited If anybody is interested, detailed travelbook can be read on my FB page So, one more boat to go!
  16. Ok, in mean time, something different. Fake wooden Easter egg and my playing with knife and sandpaper + acrylic
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