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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Stage 1. Done Stage 2. (digging) starts First done (almost) Dimensions
  2. Thanks all of you, my friends for your supporting and kind words "... History becomes legend and legend becomes myth..." On my way, again, by all means I successful ruined my first boat trying to put inner vertical planks, so, once more from beginning This time, I learned exactly what I have to do, on which way and how, and what is the line of the moves. This time, more precise and clean She enlarge her, yes ?
  3. Thanks for nice words. I just concluded that doing this kind of work, my hands have to be absolute clean Thanks Patrick. It is really nice to be in shipyard again Hello Mark! Yes, pretty small ... Welcome to my log Jay and thanks for nice word Thanks Gerhard. I think I can do it better ... Wait a second or two Patrick ! My appetite just has grown, and I am thinking about, to hollow inside of boat, and to plank it inside and make benches and other things inside ... to cover it to half and expose another half ... just opportunity to ruin what I have done for now, and to start over Obviously, you have a bad influence to me ( Everlasting modelers question: Can it be smaller? Oh, yes! How much? We`ll see ...)
  4. Thank you Nils for your kind words. I read somewhere great and truth sentence: "Life is too short to be sad" After long discussion with myself I had last Autumn, I accepted this as my life motto, and direct myself in such a way. Why to wait for something nice to happen ? Enjoy in any moment of life. After court trial, step down to river and have coffee. Have a meeting ? Walk and enjoy in window shopping. Went to theater, listen Operas watch ballet, read a good book, enjoy with friends (male and female) , and work without internal pressure and nervousness ... you have time for all of this, if you organize your day well. Life is much better in this way
  5. Thanks, dear friend. I also think that seeing me back is good. As I said, I overloaded my life with so many things, and ... day has only 24 hours. Hope to find more time for her Majesty Thanks Gerhard. Yes, something is going on, again. I finally find a way how to "make" keel for boat ( thick is less than 1 mm) and now "planking" and adding parts can start
  6. Time to continue ... Captain's Gig, stage No 1 All boat lines are here.
  7. Hello Marc You made nice progress with your build, which turns me on to proceed with my build which is on "stand by" state, because of different reasons I hope to be more active soon All the best Nenad
  8. For now, Germany is targeted. She will finis her "Goethe" exam at June/July and start sending applications. Not so far away from me. I have no need to mention that Hothead also plans to leave Serbia at the same moment he got his master degree
  9. As a doctor of medicine with full time job, She has 35-50 patients per day in timeline scheduled by Government (only 10 mins per patient), which means that she is forced to do her work sloopy. In my home, she learned to do all of her jobs conscientiously quality and carefully, and She just can not stand with this work conditions. Also, for her monthly salary of only 450€, she has to work in first-aid cases etc etc. Also, she can not get her desired specialization (anesthesia). Even she can theoretically get it, she must five years do her regular job 8 h/per day + 8/h per day on hospital for the same monthly salary (450€) with obligation to stay for next ten years after specialization ... with month salary as specialist of 500-550€ per month ... with no perspective to progress further ... Why, to hell, she have to accept this in her age of 28 ? In Germany/Austria/Slovenia ... anywhere else, she can get job + spetialization with start monthly salary of 2700-3000€ per month with paid flat and regular working time ... and with start salary 4-5000€ per month after finishing specialization ... and with perspective There is no real choice for her And I support her decision
  10. Hello to everybody !!! At first i want to thank you for your kind care and support There are several reasons I did not post a while. At first - puppy is demanding some of my free time, and if she is alone almost all day, I feel she is unhappy if I at the evening go down to workshop and left her alone again. Workshop is for now forbidden space for her for many reasons. Last couple of days I tried to test her, spending some hours in workshop working on my side "play-project" inspired by Chinese Ivory Balls igranje.mp4 And test run well, so I think soon I will be back to Her Majesty. Rhea is 7 months old now, and she sleep when I am down in workshop. The second - some extra time I had to spend in office, some extra time visiting doctors, and I want badly to spend some time more with my daughter before she left Serbia forever at Summer/Autumn. My cataract is on early stage, so eventually surgery is planed at February 2018 with further medical consultations. Some other medical research are running through (nothing serious), so my free time drop by drop - gone The third - After almost two years my Admiral passed, I entered to particular complicated stage of my personal life starting some kind of relationship, also time demanding ... The fourth - to admit - sometime I am just lazy, and still thinking how to resolve my boats I really hope to return soon
  11. As I was told by doctor, now is a new medicine doctrine on - surgery immediately, no waiting for cataract to "mature". If I want to/have money to go to private clinic, I can resolve this next week (1500-2000€ per eye !!!). But, if I want to do this under roof of health insurance, I have to wait - not enough doctors of this kind and not enough specialized clinics for ophthalmology which are under roof of health insureance in Serbia. I`ll see what ophthalmologist surgeon will tell on Friday when consultation is sheduled
  12. Relatively bad news ... I visited an ophthalmologist and found out that I was the lucky winner of cataracts in both eyes in the early stages ... so ... I do further to avoid harassing my eyes ... these days I'm going to consult a surgeon for the following steps ... so ... Cutty has to wait a while ... Good news is that this kind of surgery is easy and fast, and not a big deal. If you have money. If you do not have, you have to wait almost year to get your place in the waiting line for this kind of surgey
  13. Hello to all! Still thinking ... After a couple of unsuccessfull tests, not worth to be posted, I am a bit more close to solution with solid body boats. My sweet beast is still a demanding one, and I am so delighted and excited with her character, personality, frendly attitude and intelegence. Much more I can imagine. She is 5 months old now, with weight growing over 20 kg, and herart and love I just can not describe with words. Still a baby, but really smart and sweet one, making every of my day nice and shiney I hope that I'll be able to show some progress soon In mean time, cheers to everybody!
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