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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Another unexpected stop I am happy winner of big and painful stye (Hordeolum) on my right eye .. caused by sawdust ... and dirty hands in workshop ... and ... Wear protective glasses during carving !!!!!!
  2. Some parts I made in 3th or 4th attempt, until I get what looks good. But, when rope's lines get there, maybe it will be more attempts
  3. Making masts, some queations appear. Pretty enough for mind blow and head ache. Look at this detail. And that is not only ... Dia of fore mas bottom in my scale is only 8mm There are placed two rings with pins and and with bumch of little rings. How should be dia of those little beasts? Pins lenght - 1mm? It is not problem to fake, and to make something to look as it should look. But, how to make it to be functional and strong enough to put end of ropes lines there ... How thin ropes have to be? As a hair, or less? Hmm Will it help if I enlarge dia of mast to 10mm? I don't think so? Dark side, dark side, dark side ... Hmm again
  4. 5 of 9 parts - done 4 to go Middle section of fore mast
  5. Maybe it will be useful for someone ... The mini lathe is too expensive a toy for most amateur modelers, at least in Serbia. On the other hand, while preparing to make the masts, and based on Campbell's plans, using Adobe Illustrator, I found that each of the 9 parts of the three masts has its own special dimensions both at the base and at the top, and that all parts are conical. To do something like that without a lathe is quite optimistic, so I thought for a long time how to solve it. At some point, it occurred to me to fasten the required piece of shape into the jaw of an ordinary home drill and to process it there with a knife and sandpaper. Hell, slow and inaccurate. Then it occurred to me how to speed up the process with greater precision. I put a rotary sandpaper roller in the Dremell engraving tool, and adjusted the home drill to rotate in the opposite direction from the Dremell tool, and ... bingo! It works perfectly! The fact is that the wood dust flies in all directions, so I recommend working with goggles, but we love that smell, right? By regulating the speed and speed of the drill and the Dremell tool, the precision of work is also regulated. Periodic diameter checking is implied. This mode of operation enables precision of the order of 0.1-0.2 mm, which is more than enough Of course, in the end there is a fine sanding and trimming. The photo shows the basics of this mode Enjoy the smell (and taste) of wood dust! And until this morning I was wandering where my Bluetooth adapter vanished ...
  6. Middle part of main mast Behind is 8mm stick I used for this
  7. Glad to see you again, Marc Lazy time full of fear reflect to everything. But, it is time to come back!
  8. I couldn't stand it ... always around Easter, fake wooden eggs appear, just born for playing with engraving ... And so ... instead of continuing with the masts, Nenad played and engraved his own fingers, and one of this little eggs. All in all, useful as a one of lessons toward serious engraving exercise, that awaits me when the figure-head comes to line
  9. Just to mention ... since I don't have a lathe, I get the conical shape of the mast by improvisation - I put a measured piece of wooden stick in the jaw of the drill, and then at low speed, using knives and sandpaper, imitating the lathe, and peel the wood to the required dimensions. Accurate diameter measurement to 1/10 mm at every step is implied. Ah, that smell of sawdust and wood dust ... Idea is to finish in wood all nine parts of masts, and after that to "dress" them with all miniature parts, and to paint them all in same way.
  10. And the third - done! As usual, with some bussines trip ... and awarded photo in one FB photo group made on trip
  11. Finaly, one day worm enough to do some bussiness out of flat. Until lunch, I was doing homeworks (londery, cleaning, cooking, grooming Rhea etc etc) and some yard-works (cuttung pampas and another grass, taking out flower pots from rooms to terace etc etc), with plan to go with her to a loong walk over Belgrade Sea But, fortunately or not, as a consequence of issolation during my Covid sheet, I was so tired, that I quit from that idea pretty easy. Take a little nap, a nd a long rest with some ness coffee, and decided to finish neccessary paper works to go forward with my model. So, daily plans were converted toward Her Majesty`s needs, and after three hours of "playing" with Adobe Illustrator CS6, working plans with shape and right dimensions for all three masts and all nine parts of them are finished. And I can say, we are on a god path to upper works above deck
  12. Shipyard or walking today? Walking with Rhea on Belgrade Lake And sunset was ... golden! Photos are takwn by cell phone
  13. Than you, and wellcome to my journey. Day is short for my chatacter (monkey see monkey do) and for my 100 hobbies, office work, home work garden work and social life. I hope I'll have time to move forward faster. But, there are always chalenges arround, such a this song I deadly want to know to play and sing
  14. Lower main mast. Mistake 1/100 mm 😁 I can live with that
  15. Hello to all Just to say Hi, and to declare that I am still live and here. We were all without Covid for now. After flood, things go out of control. All of works lasted about two months, and finished with 3 loong weeks in September, litterary laying whole day with terrible back pain, and next 3 months with medium pains ... there are some things ( moving cabinets and furniture alone by myself) that I still can do (in my 62 years), but I COULD NOT do that any more ... learned on really harder way ... So, any work except light office work was unpossible for me to do, considering home works. Even vacum cleaning returned me to bed. Last two months it seems that I am 90% recovered, so I hope to continue with yards and masts. And with vacum cleaning In mean time, Hot-head passed his very last bachelor exame on Architecture Faculty, and there is only bachelor thesis to do, AND THIS IS THE END OF HIS STUDY !!!! Be well and safe, my friends!
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