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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Walking on the edge of patience
  2. Thank you! Two more to go. After resolving two rings issue at the bottom of mast
  3. Step by step And I think it's OK nows
  4. Hello Rob, and thanks for nice words Yes, 9 years ... but there are some excuses ... my job, which varies betwen 0 and 16 working hours per day, my family, and my character - monkey see monkey do e.g. my another hobbies (photography, guitar, writing and publishing novels, painting with acrylic on canvas, researching history, gardening, traveling, reading books, study listen and collect music, theatre, opera, ballet, exibitions, long walks with my dog, etc etc), and of course my social life and some ladies To complete picture, I am not experienced modeler, so I still learn, which result usually with 2-4 attemts before I do something in a way I want it. And just to make the soup thicker, some time ago I was promoted to be one of Admins for famous Serbian photo group with 65.000 members ... in my vocabulary, word - boring does not exist ! But I am here, in shadows, watching what happens here on MSW
  5. Micro soldering 5x6x5 mm in base, and first layer of color
  6. Thanks. It was a kind of problem, considering this is full scratch build, to find a sheet of metal, to be thin and enough strong at the same time. A lot of ropes go there, which mena a lot of thiny forces will affect ends of structure, and structure itself is pretty weakened with openings.
  7. I decided to remake masts, and now I am looking for tin sheet metal piece, thin enough to look as real, and solid enough to be able to handle forces of tighted ropes. At the same time, to be easy for drilling and carving. It is not easy task as it looks on first sight
  8. Dark side, my friend. I fully understand why 😁. But ... better option than Dune with sandworms 🤫
  9. Not exactly 😟 Ironing base on down side od platform, without planing to open that hole, left no enough space for this You can see it on photo of detail
  10. You are right, my friend. C-plans are not quite readable for begginers When you point, I check it, and see ... In mean time, I re-think, and decided to make it again, this time from a bit harder material, and more acurate and clean Is there any part of Her Majesty which I can make at once? But, this is all one big game. so, let`s play!
  11. And ... can it be/have it be more precise?
  12. Just to mention ... long ago, I downloaded as *.pdf George Bidddlecombe`s book Art of rigging (1848) with 70-80 pages of nautic dictionary with terms and drawings, also book "Nautical terms for modelship builder" puiblished by www.modelshipbuilder.com, with 80 pages of terms and explanations ... and optimisticly started with learning ... but ... one to me unknown term is definied with another one or two or more terms which are also unknown to me, so, digging for that one or two additional terms, I found them but ... explained with another one or two unknown terms ... etc etc So I gave up
  13. Thank you Simon Serbia is continental land without navy tradition, and in our language, there are not terms for all parts of rigging mast and yard details. That makes me some problems identifieing and naming details, remember their names, and manage how all it works, on the way to decide about level of approximation and simplyfing. As I wrote earlier, in scale 1:100, cca 10 cm dia of deadeye on crosstrees are only 1m dia on model (with 3 holes !) which is impossible and meaningless to do. Also, white ropes which can be seen on photos are cca 1cm thick, which mean that on scale 1:100 it can be 0,1mm !!!! And can it all be really seen on model long 100 cm? I think - no. Althrough 6 this little beasts are seated UNDER crosstree, cca 15cm above deck, covered with sails, and nobody can really see them on model, and all that mess will be visually covered by bunch of sails and ropes of standing and running rigging. But for that decision, it is impiortant to understand how all this works MSW is great help for many questions that arrise here Nenad
  14. Next step Micro ironing And 12 little holes
  15. I don't know right name for this little platform on mast. Work drawing was made in AIllustrator, drawing over C-plan crop, using some photos in my collection to see what really happens there. After diggin through whole house to find not too hard but not to soft metal for main construction, finally find old box for ciggarets, and started with attempth No 1 But, after few hours, everything looks better thanI expext, so one of next days I'll keep on with ironng foot of platform, covering with wood, drilling, mounting thousand little beasts, and painting
  16. In the way to real dark side Lower Fore Mast, preparing and analytic Digged from C-plans
  17. Hello Denis I think you are familiar with things which happened to me - "monkey see monkey do" sindrom. Translated in simple words - You go where an attack of creativity leads you ... and here in my head there are many of that little sudden attacks. Beside I finally find rounded molds required for forwarding with masts, my "wooden eggs" passion dont let me peace So, my fifth "woodenge egg" is running on its way, from one peace of wood Good way and time to rethink about some mast problem which occupuies me from begining of making masts. It seem not to be great problem to make them in wood, also to put all parts and shackles ( I have succesful already done couple of simmilar little devils), but ... max dia of main mast at the bottom is 9mm, another are thinner ... and thinner ... and thiner ... and there I have to put two rings arround on all three masts near deck - one with pins and other with hooks ... where a bunch of ropes have to be tied in ropeing stage of build. Pretty crowded, isnt it? That lead to another question - how much thin ropes would be, to assume right look and feel to bottom of mast. 0,1-0,2 mm ???? Hmm ...
  18. Monkey (me) see, monkey (me) do ... First Anubis went to one lady as birthday gift, but ... I also want to have Anubis !!! So, here is another one, doubled, 60x90 cm Adn it is finaly time do leave my side projects and to return to her Majesty
  19. I agree !!! Maybe - just start with your work, and your model will show you what tool you need in exact stage of build
  20. And another side attack of creativity ... (Her Majesty cried ...) I wrote about flood in flat and replacement 50m2 parquet ... Somewhere i garage, there are still few leftovers of styrofoam 10mm, and from repairing day, I was wandering from time to time how to use them, and for what. And, my mind wheels kicked out idea ... My living room was arranged in minimalsitic style, and it will be good to have something white monochromat with shadows playing on it. One day, I was reading something about ancient Egypt, and this picture appear ... Hmmm ... not bad idea ... I did neccessary drawings in AI, printed them ... and it stand couple of months in some corner waiting for realisation ( what glue to use, how to cut ... etc) Yesterday I decided to try with fast glue for wood, and here is phase 1 Above all expectations! Next stage - corrections and painting to white stone colour And Her Majaesty is angry, now ...
  21. Side project going forward Learning with exercise in engraving, to become familiar with my dremel, until time to make Nanny comes
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