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    Sjors reacted to Kevin in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023   
    good evening everyone,
    thank you for comments and likes
    day 21 1st planking port side complete
    i needed to fair the parts 29 on the stern post, so i then continued with a rough grit sanding pad and gave the hull a once over, i was real happy with how it turned out, no where ready for the top coat though
    i am about an hours work from completing the stbd side, will try and finish that tomorrow, but the boi is in for an operation at the vets, so i might be to stressy for that

  2. Like
    Sjors reacted to Henke in HMS Agamemnon by Henke - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Thanks for all the likes and comments. I do not know if I deserve it but at least it is encouraging. I am not a very skilled modeler but at least this shows what can be achieved with with a well thought out model as Caldercraft's Agamemnon in combination with perseverance. This week's work has been focused om the hammock cranes along the sides. I hope the pictures are OK. I see the model is a bit dusty....


    Best regards
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    Sjors reacted to LFNokia in San Ildefonso by LFNokia - OcCre - 1/70   
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    Sjors reacted to LFNokia in San Ildefonso by LFNokia - OcCre - 1/70   
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    Sjors reacted to Kevin in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023   
    good evening everyone
    day 20 1st planking
    the bow is 1st planked, - absolutely nothing special, but will serve as a good foundation for the 2nd layer, i look forward to many hours of sanding before that happens
    the stern will be completed in the next day or so

  6. Like
    Sjors reacted to Blue Ensign in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Blue Ensign - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 scale   
    Post Nine.
    Today I took time out to prepare a building board for Indy.
    A plain board of 900 x 245mm indicates the size of this beast.

    Battens are placed on the underside to both raise the board a little and provide  space for finger grips, this is /will be a heavy hull to move about. The space is also good for clamping purposes.

    The board is firstly configured for securing the false keel, but will later be modified to hold the keel, full hull, stem and stern posts.


    Simple corner brackets are used for the purpose.
    I spoke in an earlier post about getting an additional Amati keel clamp to support the long and heavy hull when I require to hold it higher or at angles.

    I was a little reluctant to pay out the £50 for a new one but as luck would have it I managed to get one on an e-bay auction for the princely sum of £24. It arrived quickly and is in excellent condition, better than my original.

    This should provide the necessary stability for angling the hull when required.
  7. Like
    Sjors reacted to gsxdent59 in San Ildefonso by gsxdent59 - OcCre - 1/70   
    Now i finish the foremast with the four yards placed but not cement. I will make the other two masts in the same way..

  8. Like
    Sjors reacted to Blue Ensign in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Blue Ensign - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 scale   
    Thank you Kevin, and Ron.
    @ Ron - I don't think Wallace has sufficient gravitas to grace the head of such a fine frigate, besides he's  a very inventive fellow, where do you think I get my ideas from. He's gone off now for a nice bit of Wensleydale.
    Post Eight
    Stern and upperworks Framing
    The stern area of the model is way ahead even of Sphinx in terms of authenticity.
    With this design Chris has saved me a lot of time and effort modifying the stern interior area to create a realistic great cabin and Quarter galleries.



    The framed doorway to the Qtr Galleries, if you want this on Sphinx you have to do it yourself.
    This stage is mostly click and fit, and the framework rises with almost minimal effort altho’ some of the parts are delicate and require gentle handling.

    In this phase parts #48, fillers for the cabin decking, require some shaping in the form of a slight bevel to match the deck camber, a section of frame 18 is removed, using a micro saw, as with the Qtr gallery door openings. – that’s it!



    It is almost incredible that building the hull to this stage has taken me only eight days, but progress will slow now as the  less interesting but all important aspect of sanding and fairing beckons.


    I think this stage marks the end of the ‘honeymoon’ period of this build. Going forward things will get more complex requiring greater skill levels and attention to finishing.
  9. Like
    Sjors reacted to Blue Ensign in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Blue Ensign - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 scale   
    Cheers Rusty 👍
    Chapter Seven
     Deck fitting.
    My initial attempt at dry fitting indicated a mismatch between the two deck halves just shy of 1mm.


    This was quite disconcerting as I note that Kevin reported in his log -  the main deck went down without any issues -  where have I gone wrong, thinks I.😬
    The retaining slots were cleaned using an emery board, close attention paid to the seating– but the mismatch remained.

    The port side half aligned with the deck beams but the starboard side alignment remained stubbornly a fraction out.

    After a lot of faffing around I decided to tweak the slots of the starboard side, taking a sliver off the aft edge of the slots which allowed to section to move forward to align the cut-outs. The depth of the slots  around the bow area was also deepened by a sliver which allowed the centre lines to meet without overlap.

    The deck halves now sit down nicely, with the masts and the all-important riding bitts slotting into place.



    Happy with the deck fit I can now remove the deck section to reveal the lower deck and Orlop ladderway.
    In fitting the deck I perceived that there is a potential weak area around the Mainmast where there is a lack of deck support. I added a beam just aft of the Mainmast to span the gap to provide this.
    Satisfied with the result I can now move onto fitting the deck.
    Gluing decks can be a fraught exercise, particularly on a deck of this size, where the glue can start to go off before the deck is in place. This is exacerbated if there is any last-minute fumbling in locating the deck.
    Certainly in this case, I didn’t think it necessary to glue both deck halves at the same time. Separate halves will reduce the time before glue contact is made.

    I glued the Port side first using slightly diluted pva brushed onto the deck beams, the starboard side slipped into place and the deck weighted.



    Job done, and moving on…
  10. Like
    Sjors reacted to Kevin in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023   
    good evening everyone
    Day 18 1st planking
    as soon as i left the make up of the hull, i have had to start thinking about things, and this has resulted in some redo's, lol no matter how much fairing you do, there is always more
    anyway the hull is is about 50% done and although bit messy in places, i have a sound basis  to work on
    and yes i am still missing one part number 29 stern post filler, and the one fitted need working on


  11. Like
    Sjors reacted to Kevin in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023   
    good evening everyonr
    thank you for comments and likes
    day 16 1st planking
    port and stbd side templates fitted

    stern tuck, caused me some aggro fot a couple of hours, so the fixed planks were cut back and the stern was re faired allowing the 3rd plank to twist and turn

  12. Like
    Sjors got a reaction from Obormotov in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023   
    Enjoy Kevin, 
    It will be a long journey so i’m looking over your shoulder to see what you are doing! 😀
  13. Like
    Sjors reacted to Blue Ensign in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Blue Ensign - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 scale   
    Chapter Six
    Modifying the Gundeck
    The Gundeck will remain largely intact, but Chris has been kind enough to provide the interesting little feature of the ladderway down to the Orlop.
    This will be hidden under the standard arrangement but I want to reveal it. It adds to the illusion of a fully fitted out model.
    My idea is to remove that section of the deck between the Fore hatch and the Riding Bitts, but I will need to add carlings.

    A template is used to check exactly where and what may be seen.

    The Riding Bitt standards are test fitted as these will have a direct bearing on where the carlings are placed.
    The other thing to consider is avoiding opened up spaces looking like a standard feature.
    In the case of the ladderway to the Orlop if I leave a minimal square opening in the Gundeck above, to allow it to be seen, that could look like another hatchway opening.

    To counter this the unplanked area across the deck is extended and will allow a greater view of the lower deck in this area.

    The effect is completed by representations of the carlings and ledges.

    3mm x 2.5mm pearwood square stock was used for the carlings, and 2 x2mm for the Ledges.
  14. Like
    Sjors reacted to Blue Ensign in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Blue Ensign - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 scale   
    Thank you Ron, Kevin, Marc, and Capt. Birdseye.
    Chapter five
    Framing the Gunports.
    This is an ingenious method devised by Chris that gives a nod to the Plank on Frame method and removes all that testy business of cutting ports into a hull.
    The longitudinal stringers that form the top and bottom of the gunports are now fitted.

    I fitted the rear gunport strips from the stern forward, I found it easier to locate the two aftermost slots fully into the  bulkheads.

    These are followed by vertical risers that complete the port framing. They are position specific so care has to be taken in their fitting.

    The parts fit together beautifully, and at this stage of the build it is rather like doing a 3-d jigsaw puzzle, but without the puzzle element.

    I’m loving the look of her even at this stage, I think you will all agree she is an impressive sight.
    Chris must be well pleased with the fruits of his labour.
    The next stage is fitting the gundeck, but at this point I am going ‘off piste’, as I have some modifications to work out given the ‘Navy Board’ style of my build.
  15. Like
    Sjors reacted to kiwiron in HMS Victory 1805 by kiwiron - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    Thanks Sjors, It's as good as I could get it. I have learnt a lot doing coppering. Welcome in New Zealand anytime. Ron.
  16. Like
    Sjors reacted to Kevin in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023   
    Good evening everyone
    thank you for comments and likes
    Day 14 port side Gun port templates fitted
    well i never expected to be at this stage after 2 weeks, but here i am, and loving it, and i have not had any issues to criticize the build, or instructions, 
    after the hull fairing i test fitted the gun port templets, no other sanding was required

    the bottom of fwd template forms where the first run of planking under it goes, so a pencil line is drawn, the rest of the plank aligns along the top of the port sill , at this point the template can be removed

    first plank


    2nd plank

    the after template fits on the top of the 1st plank and lined up with the top right corner of the last gunport, instructions need to be read to be aware of where the glue is applied, as a section of the framework has to be removed at a later date

    a templete fits between and the area over the ports is covered, using limewood

    rough opening of the gun ports when the glue has dried

  17. Like
    Sjors reacted to Blue Ensign in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Blue Ensign - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 scale   
    Chapter Four
    What lies beneath.
    Before the Upper (gundeck) is fitted I need to establish what may be seen below on the Lower deck.
    This is relevant on my build as the deck will be open to maximum view.
    Planking and detail provision is made for the Lower deck between the Fore hatchway and the Mainmast, but aft of the Mainmast there are also ladderways and hatches down to the lower deck which just may be visible should I choose to leave the gratings off the hatchways.

    Template taken from the plans for the section aft of the Mainmast.




    These additional areas of the lower deck are planked using cannibalised maple deck sections left over from my Sphinx build, and I knocked up grating sets that are pretty much the same as the Gundeck arrangement.



    Temporary rough fitting of the gundeck gives a sense of what may be glimpsed on the lower deck.
    This will I hope give the illusion of a fitted out Lower deck limited as the view will probably be.
  18. Like
    Sjors got a reaction from kiwiron in HMS Victory 1805 by kiwiron - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    That looks real great!
    The copper plates are just if they are there all the time!
    It's a little bit to far for me otherwise I bring you a visit 🙂
  19. Like
    Sjors reacted to Kevin in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023   
    good evening every one
    thank you for comments and likes
    day 13 hull faired
    the weather here has been pants recently, with snow and rain, so i have been doing some smaller projects on the build, but i will post photos later on in the build as I would  like to keep this log in some sort of order, (never achieved that before)
    the deck has been sanded and varnished with a water based varnish @50/50
    to day a few days delay the hull went outside to be sanded, brilliant, oh thats getting hot fizzle bang me mouse blew up
    anyway an trip to Wickes (other palm sanding tool outlets are available0
    this is what i have now

  20. Like
    Sjors reacted to kiwiron in HMS Victory 1805 by kiwiron - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    Stairs next

  21. Like
    Sjors got a reaction from Beef Wellington in HMS Victory by Sjors - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    While i'm waiting for the plates i have done a little bit more.
    Painted the stern fascia, windows and ornaments.
    Also the trophy of arms.
    You really need a steady hand but i'm happy with the result.

  22. Like
    Sjors reacted to Kevin in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023   
    good evening everyone
    thank you for comments and likes
    day 10 lower deck planking complete
    let the sanding begin 

  23. Like
    Sjors reacted to Kevin in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023   
    Good evening everyone
    thank you for comments and likes
    day 9 lower deck planking
    the weather outside has restricted me taking her out to start sanding the outer hull, so using the boxwood i have started the lower gundeck,
    sorry the photos are not brilliant,
    very little of this will ever bee seen, all the slots down the port and stbd side are for the cannons, i made the decision to cover these for now and either find them later on, or find an alternative method for fixing them
    just loving this build

  24. Like
    Sjors reacted to hollowneck in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023   
    You’re the Max Verstappen of MSW. First Past The Build Log Post! Zooming along nicely…
  25. Like
    Sjors reacted to Kevin in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023   
    good evening everyone
    thank you for comments and likes, very much appreciated
    the inner bulkhead liners are now fitted, there are another two, to fill a blank space, if i get the chance i will put them on tonight, otherwise they will remain off until completion of sanding the outer hull
    8 temporary beams are inserted to ensure the everything stays in place whilst sand in the hull, i think they are discarded at a later date

    today was also spent putting on 4 profiles that accurately space the upper deck beams, another clever idea, apart from skimming the tops of the inner bulkhead liners to stop any fouling, this never caused any concerns at all

    prior to gluing the profiles in place i removed the beams to check the alignment once this has dried the beams will be removed to safe place and put on again later on after deck planking

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