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Jim Lad

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Everything posted by Jim Lad

  1. Helo, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. That kit makes into a very nice little model - a great one to start on. John
  2. Vaddoc, it's great to see that you're pushing ahead in spite of the multitude of difficulties you're currently experiencing! John
  3. The advantage of building a model like our museum's 'Duchess' is that we can bypass all the hype and written opinion and simply study the available photos carefully! 🙂 John
  4. Thanks for that link, Steven! John
  5. Another update. All the headsails are now completed, although I may re-run one of the fore topmast staysail sheets - we'll see. A start has been made on the main staysails, so it hopefully won't be too long before I can cross the first yard. There are still quite a few other outstanding jobs to do other than rigging, however I'd like to get at least one yard crossed so that visitors can get more of an idea of where the model is going. John
  6. More beautiful cabinet work, Ilhan. John
  7. I'm probably biased as all our local historical paddle steamers were side wheelers with the notable exception of one, which was designed by and American living over here! 😀 John
  8. You're doing some amazing work with that printer, Jerry! John
  9. The above excerpts are a very important cautionary tale. While contemporary sources are a very important resource, they are not necessarily primary sources, and thus as liable to error as any other secondary source! John
  10. Reminds me of Baldrick - "I have a cunning plan, my Lord." 😀 John
  11. Thanks for the encouragement one and all. A small note on the jibs: for those planning to add sails and fixing the staysails to the stays with rope hanks, be careful when you lock the knots with a dab of glue. If you don't move the sails up and down the stays occasionally as the glue dries, the glue will also glue the hanks to the stays. I can say this because of my vast intellect and my encyclopedic knowledge of model making (or was it because it didn't occur to me the first time and I suffered the consequences?). 🙂 John
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