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Everything posted by BRiddoch

  1. Looking good Clare. I am also on somewhat of a roll and expect to have Higaki Kaisen completed by the end is Sept. Bob R.
  2. Working the bow section "bulwarks" for lack of a better term. This has proven to be the most challenging part of the build to date. Port side complete, just starting on the starboard. Bob R.
  3. Mike, At that time of day (8:30pm), you should be fine with the 93 to the 95. Bob R.
  4. Thanks Don. It is actually Japanese Cyprus. Please correct me if I'm wrong Clare. Bob R.
  5. Working on the bow section. Trying to finish by the NRG Conference. Bob R.
  6. Is it because Providence is much closer to the great Commonwealth of Massachusetts than Philadelphia? Bob R.
  7. Chuck...sarcasm?...Lol. Yes, my plan is to have it done by the conference. Hope all is well there in San Diego. Bob R.
  8. Clare, you are correct. Very delicate and certainly non-replaceable. Bob R.
  9. Hello all, My thanks to Clare Hess for inspiring me to get back into my Higaki Kaisen build. I have been slowly working on it and have completed the railing sections on the starboard side. More to follow. Bob R.
  10. Clare, Thanks for inspiring me to get back to work on Higaki Kaisen. Bob R.
  11. Marc, thanks for the photos. As Clare says they are very helpful. I might just have to install a shrine and add some cargo. Had the model in New London today and received many positive comments. I will try and update my build this week. Clare, pm me so I can give you my new email address. I need to ask you a few questions. Bob R
  12. Started planking the upper deck. Leaving openings in places to see into below deck areas. Bob R.
  13. Thanks George. Not really that difficult to follow the directions. Bob R.
  14. I have a lot of updating to do. Here are the pics of the capstan and ladder construction inside the main deck. Bob R.
  15. All, back to building and photos to be uploaded by Friday. It certainly has been a crazy last 3 months. Bob R.
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