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Album Comments posted by wefalck

  1. I like those small sloop- or cutter-rigged ships and such tiny models.


    Seems like a nice model, but on most pictures the hull is barely discerible from the dark base-board ... do you have Photoshops or something similar in which you can lighten the shaddows? That would help.

  2. I have some interest in this ship, as her sister was sold to the Prussian government because Napoleon III forbid her sale to the Confederates in 1864. She was second iron-clad in the young Prussian navy, but they were not happy with her, as Armand Fréres cobbled her together quite quickly (not to say shoddily) in order to profit from the American Civil War.  

  3. Very nice model indeed and I love those sail/steam transition period ships and iron-clads.


    When I looked at the pictures, I immediately thought of the French style of warships from the 1860s/70s with their very pronounced ram and the date of 1898 puzzled me. Looking further down the row of the pictures I also noticed the old-style wooden carriage slides for the guns, which would have been very anachronistic in 1898.

    So I did a quick search on the Internet to confirm my suspicion: I think you built the KÕTESTU ex CSS STONEWALL from 1864!  The AZUMA of 1898 looks rather different with three funnels:


    For comparison the CSS STONEWALL:


    Where did you get the detailed drawings from ?





  4. Very nice models.

    These kajaks always fascinated me and I have collected a lot of references on them over the years. I didn't make a big effort to obtain any, but I have none of the dozen or so of the papers etc. in my list.

    What kind of paint would they have used on these boats ?

  5. Ahh, you are interested in kayaks too ! And canoes ?


    A few years ago I happened to work in one of the French institutes for Arctic studies and as a kind of bonus lesson we could give on a pet subject, I gave one on kayak typology and construction.


    Where did you get the drawings from, form Adney & Chapelle (1964) ? I have quite a collection of books on indigeneous kayaks. However, as I am working in small scales, kayaks are not so interesting and practical subjects.


    Talking about Adney, a bark canoe, perhaps a 'voyageur' one, is also on my list.



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