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Bill Hudson

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Everything posted by Bill Hudson

  1. How many here use dust masks while sanding and respirators when paint spraying? Bill Hudson
  2. Thanks Denis, This ship model is just a fun project to bide some time. I am using any kind of scrap from my bin that will work. Although am using traditional methods for building a sandwich hull, nothing unique. Before you start whacking away at a chunk of wood I suggest you do some research on carving a solid wood hull. Also use an easy carving wood. Several of Blue Jacket kits (several builds posted here) are solid wood hulls. They come simi preformed and you will have do the finish carving. I suggest that would be a good place for you to start.
  3. A little progress although slow going. I cut the deck boards from 1/64"thick model plywood. Because the veneer is so thin I had to be cautious of sanding through it. What looks like uneven decking boards on the fantail are just differences on the absorbs of the stain each board. I feel once the transom and braces are in place plus the tiller it will not be so obvious.
  4. Thanks Mark, I have good dust masks. I made a little progress today.
  5. Thanks for the feed back to this point. Project is lagging until I overcome this respiratory virus. It has been long hall.
  6. Today was roughing out the hull. I used double stick carpet tape to hold the two halves together. The pictures pretty much describe what is happening.
  7. Last November I got hit with one of those nasty respiratory virus. It knocked the crap out of me for a couple of months. By time I made it to my 91st birthday I last week I finally started pulling out of it. Now I’m getting antsy .Later this afternoon I decided to start on a small project just to keep busy. I had some basswood sheets that had been in drawer for too many years so I decided to build a mini Revenue Cutter. Cut the sheets down to 4” x 5” sheets. I ripped each sheet into six equal width strips. I glue laminated the strips into six layers. This gave me two laminated blocks the same size. I will Lay out half of the hull on each block and saw them to profiles. I wil lay out and cut the keel and sandwich it between the two blocks giving me a rough hull which I will carve to shape.
  8. Very nice!  Thank you for posting it. I have an upcoming kit Toulonnaise that has colonnades but the plans are very poor.  This helps a lot.


    Bill Hudson

    1. captgino


      Glad this helped. Here is where you could get the plans.

    2. Bill Hudson
  9. I have started research on the ship's guns. It was equipped with screw type elevating rather than a wedge type as shown here.
  10. Still working on the MC. I took a little break… Also doing some mental work and research on the La Toulonnaise; looking for the proper carriage for the cannons.
  11. It is still on the shelf. Two ship models ahead of it.
  12. 83? You are just at a starting point. I'm 901/2, still going (slower) You just have to learn to work with thumbs.
  13. I believe this boat was commercially available as a whole. Maybe fifteen yers or so ago. I remember seeing them for sale in model magazines and possibly Micro-Mark.
  14. I believe this might be the Corel version of this ship. You might want to mute the music.
  15. Thank you all for the good and welcomed feedback. I m not jumping right on this kit. I want to do more research on this ship. Not finding much especially picture of it. The castings are fairly good. But metal castings were made to use in place of wood for simplicity. I will remake those in wood. The cannon carriages are a joke. Very flimsy. I will build proper gun carriages from wood. The blocks appear to be plastic but are good castings so I (at this point in time) will not try to replace them by making them all from wood. I will put the kit on a shelf in a closet and ponder it some before starting the building. I still have the the Amazon (Marie Celeste) on my work bench to finish. I think I will do minimum rigging on it. My son says he is not interested in having it soI don't see a reason to get too far into the rigging. Maybe I can sellout air a garage sale. I also have several orders for miniature tin ware to fill. (can use the income).
  16. I now own this kit. Cost $0.00. They just gave it to me. Not sure if or when I will build it. .
  17. Thank you Roger, You make some good points. However at 90 1/2 years old there is always the possibility that anything I start may not be completed. However I do not think sitting and looking out a window till death comes is an alternative for me. I have to be building something with my hands even though they to aren't working as well for me as in the past. Since 1975 the majority of my income was from making miniatures and model horse drawn vehicles, tin ware and furniture from scratch. Each time I started a project I build extra bodies etc. in case I need to make another one. I just dumped a whole box of unfinished projects. I do not become attached to them when I build them. Scratch building would be my preference but researching, gathering material and accessories would be very time consuming. There are other ship mode kits I would rather build but the prices are way beyond my pocketbook. I will buy the kit if the price is reasonable. I see this kit as a basic platform to start from. Just from looking through the plans I can see lots of room for improving much of the detail.
  18. La Toulonnaise by Artesania Latina kit. I think it might be out of production because it is not listed in their kits now. A neighbor hashes kit that his wife bought over twenty years ago. He has no interest in building it. Although the kit has been opened everything is still in sealed plastic trays. He was not able to find the plans. There is only an instruction manual in several languages. I brought it home to research it. I did fine 1 1/ 2 pages in English. Once I removed the trays with materials from the box I found the plans for both the ship and sails. The kit seems to be of fairly good quality. some of the sheet stock is warped but I am not sure it will hinder construction. Same for the strips and dowels which were contained with rubber bands on the ends. I believe they too are salvageable. They have offered it to me yesterday but today whenI went to pick it up they kind of backed off giving it to me. They have no idea what price they want to charge me for it. Any one familiar with this kit. What would its value be. His wife paid $100 for it from a hobby store back then.
  19. This is a little lap dust collector I have had for many years. I believe I purchased it through Woodcraft. It set on your lap with the bag between your legs. Bill
  20. What type of anchors would have been used on the Marie Celeste? late 19th century.
  21. As my time says "salvaging…" The wheel that was in the kit is metallic coated plastic about 12mm OD. It is very fragile and had several knobs broken off. I have not been able to find a replacement in that size so I made an attempt at salvaging it as best as possible by drilling out the rim and gluing in bits of 24ga brass wire. I built the wires up with glue but not able to form a ball on the end. Perhaps at a later date I can machine a new one. I also have been building some of the deck furniture and bending mahogany for the gunnel. Going is slow. an attempt to try to salvage it.
  22. I'm making slow progress on the ship model. I used waxed linen thread which I blackened with black felt pen. I feel it gives look of tarred rope at this scale, hard to tell in the pictures. . Also spent part of a morning making eye bolts. About 1/16 od ring.
  23. Still developing the masts and bowsprit. I feel I am reaching a point where I can move on to something else on the ship. The instructions and details are very minimum so I am winging it.
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