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Bill Hudson

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Everything posted by Bill Hudson

  1. I started a build log under the title of Salvaging the Marie Celeste model kit. But I can not find it. I found it in Build kits 1851 to 1900.
  2. I bought this kit from a local hobby shop about 1971. I started building on it but my 12 year old son took it over and started the planking. He go about 3/4 the way on the planking and lost interest. After all these years of living in closets I finally decided to try to salvage it. What you see in the photos is the condition it is now. I'm having a problem deciding whether to strip off the planking and start over or to try to salvage it as it is. I am hoping this can be a build log. We'll see. I am open to feed back and suggestions.
  3. Dose it have to be copper? Copper is about the worse metal you can try to work. It is sticky meaning it does not file cleanly and the filings quickly fill the file teeth.
  4. Of course Gary I would always b e interested photos. B
  5. I have decided to attempt to salvage the Marie Celeste model. First order: figure how to build and install the bulkheads; called bulwarks in the instructions. The plans do not show how the stanchions are attached to the hull. I believe in true life they were extensions of the ribs. My thoughts: since the present deck is damaged I will plan on laying a new deck. Before laying the deck I will cut mortices through the old deck for each of the stanchions.
  6. Did you build this Gary? Nice looking model.
  7. Thank you all for your feed back. Bob, Gary and Roger: I agree with you all. I am a long time model builder. I worked mainly in Horse drawn vehicles. Most all my work was done in 1/12th scale and 1/8th scale. I also created others pieces in miniature at 1/12th scale for top line Doll house collectors world wide. I taught classes in miniature mostly in metal at the Guild School which was held at Maine maritime Academy, for 14 years. I did the preliminary design and development of the DE model for Bluejacket. I designed it as the ship I served on during the Korean War; the USS Naifeh DE 352. BJ changed hands several times as I was developing the model and several times it was tabled. Then it was revived and Dr. All Ross took it over and did the major design and work on the final kit. I have The History of American Sailing Ships and am looking at building the 51 ton USRC on page 193. So here is the problem: I am now 89 years old. I have developed tremors and neuropathy in my hands. some times I shake so bad I can't use a hand tool and have to stop work. I had to give up my fine modeling and driving. (violin music in the background). In spite of all that my mind still wants to build things in miniature. I have always wanted to build a sailing ship model. I would like to build this model near the same size as the Marie Celeste model kit. We are facing down sizing and will have limited space. I will put the Celeste model aside and start from scratch on the Cutter. I believe I can build the hull but not sure if hands steady enough to rig her. Maybe some day I will finish the Celeste. I am not really good at figuring out scales. As I said before I worked in 1/12th and 1/8th. I plan on enlarging the drawing 200% any one have an idea what that scale would be? I really respect and welcome y'alls feedback and suggestions. Thank you, Bill
  8. Digging through my junk closet I came across a model ship that I bought for my son some 41 years ago. He didn't quite finish planking it. Found others things he was more interested. I have been considering building a model an American Revenue Cutter with a pivot gun on deck. Any suggestions of where to start from? Is there any source for plans or detailed drawings? Thanks, Bill Hudson
  9. It has been quite some time since I last posted here. I am shutting down my studio for making miniatures (horse drawn carriages, etc) I also did the basic design for the Blue Jacket DE model several years ago. I am now 86 and need to down size and will probably have to live in an apartment so will have limited space. I would like to build a plank on frame Revenue Cutter but a small one not much l;longer than 18". Any ideas?
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