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  1. Thanks Guys! And yes,Pathfinder is my preferred name. Come from my Muzzleloading life. Muzzleloading/Ships= 70/30. I did purchase the Blue Jacket plans. And Pat,I’ll take you up on your offer!! as a side note,Did you guys see the Kearsarge a guy built with a complete below decks engine room? I lost the link,but it was an in incredible scratch build!
  2. Not getting much response,sooooo,I’ll wing it using common sense and practices. May use known Clipper type rigging. Only a bit beefier. And what little photographic evidence there is. The cottage industries cannon set is for post war. I know the bow and stern decks were rebuilt,and a few other changes,do the Smithsonian plans include these changes? I’ll get them anyway,plus,a VERY kind gentleman sent me some plans and info,and Illst the return address. Are you listening? gona be a great ride!
  3. I’ve never done a build log,but this subject is VERY special to me. It may be my “Coup de Gras”. Should be ready to go by mid April.
  4. I’ll be starting the Sterling kit soon,and the rigging deck details and such are abysmal at best. Is there a good source for good details and correct rigging. I’ve already bought the replacement guns from cottage industries. The Revell Kearsarge was the first model kit my Father bought me AAAALLLLL those years ago. When this guy is finished,the Cutty Sark is next. I have Longridge’s books to guide me there,but I can’t seem to find info on Civil War era Warships,and how they would have differed from Civilian ships of similar size. Thanks in advance for any info and help. Ted.
  5. Howdy all! Been awhile since I’ve been active,just finished kicking cancers butt! October 16th. Stage 3 esophageal cancer. Andeocarcinoma. 41 days of daily chemo. 31 days of radiation. 4 infusions. surgery February 13th to remove the esophagus and stretch the stomach in its place. March 10th. 100% cancer free! Who hoo! I’ll be starting the Sterling USS Kearsarge soon. I’ll be having lots of questions,since the detail is rather light. So,off we go!..............,
  6. Any word on how the drawings are coming? Getting antsy for this!!! Especially since I learned of her involvement with the Gunboat "Philadelphia". Another of my favorite boats.
  7. "Like",is a very very good example of an understatement! I rigged mine as the British would have re-rigged her. I may have to build 2! The Lanteen rig is rather charming.
  8. Any word on the plans for this AWESOME build? This has really inspired me to buckle down and get to work! I built this ship back in the '80's,bread and butter up to the main deck,the framed up the rest of the way. I lost her in a divorce,and would love to build her again.
  9. I have the Nina in the stash,she may move to the front of the class. Impressive parts in the box. Looks as though it's going to be a clean build!
  10. Being a re-enactor of the 1756-1800 period,all my camping is done using only items available to folks in that time period. My hemp rope is a grey color after 1 season of use. I use dark brown for my standing rigging and a grey/tan for running rigging. No pic's yet,but I like the look.
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