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  1. It is always the same: Once you have located a kit, you have to see how it gets to your desk. Transfer cost, customs, taxes can be ugly. As far as it concerns REVELL Germany: They are looking closely on the used kits market to get their inspiration what kit to re-publish. I used to visit them a few years ago and wrote an article in our LOGBUCH about it. Most impressive was their storage of moulds. Great! It felt like seeing at my own teenager time while wandering around in that warehouse. One has to understand that REVELL puts huge effort in re-working old moulds before re-publishing a kit. We were shown the works on the moulds of the 1:48 Mitchell bomber. Since moulds are, even as the strong steel blocks they are, worn out by the time. In order not to publish a kit that looks as worn out with low precision, the old moulds are worked over intensely, test-shots are run, the moulds reworked until the „old new“ kit meets the standard. I still love those olde kits like the USS MISSOURY, the USS CONSTITUTION or the old 1:48 scale Monogram propfighters. Regards Thomas
  2. tomwiberg, I would be very interested in the Kearsarge model. My personal email is POA@tutanota.com, holler at me and let me know what you would like for her?


    I am now doing the CSS Alabama at a highly detailed level and have been thinking of finding the Kearsarge and do the same. I going to assume the kit is in a good condition, not really worried about the box just contents.


    Thanks for your time and offer!





  3. Actually, I have both Kearsarge and Alabama, plus Connie and a Cutty Sark from the 60ies (no Sails). Since I am still occupied with my plans restauration work and some other endeavors, I would be willing to hand them over to somebody who has more need. If interested, post a personal message. Pls keep in mind the size of the boxes and they are based in Mönchengladbach/Germany (near Cologne). Greetings Thomas
  4. Hi Bruce, that is what I thought: A publication by a museum or collection set up by the curator documenting some exhibits and being distributed in an extreme small number... But anyhow, maybe someone has seen that thing already. I checked with various bookseller portal sites. By the way: All the other stuff from the bibliography of Mowll about the SS Great Britain is already here... Regards Thomas
  5. Whoever wants his own version: Airfix is planning a re-release of this kit in August 2020. Preorder registry is already on. Greetings Thomas
  6. Hi, William Mowll in his book about SS Great Britain refers to his books where he gathered his knowledge about steam propelled ships from. There is a photo of some, but not all were mentioned explicitly in the bibliography section. Especially this book on the upper half of the attached image: Does anybody know this book? I would like to know more about the complete title, author, publisher and may be the isbn.... Best regards Thomas
  7. Hi, it was a guy nicknamed "LtGarp" in the Wettringer Forum (German Language), living in Stuttgart. https://www.wettringer-modellbauforum.de/forum/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=28444&pageNo=58&highlight=kearsarge For example page 58.... In fact, that build is almost incredible. Greetings Thomas
  8. Yes, indeed, the F-104 is a very special bird. A friend of mine used to fly navy on F-104G. Long ago. That thing nearly killed him. A few months ago, we where at a model exhibition near Utrecht... ...and geee! A model builder had exactly his old ship in 1:48 scale on display. That was a moment.... Btw: I do have that exactly kit (F-104G JaBoG 33 flyout 1:32) on my pile. Greetings Thomas
  9. Actually, the same man, two different companies. In Schwerin, Fokker invented the fighter plane with the Fokker E.I / II / III. The reason for the so-called Fokker-plague. The Fokker Triplanes became famous and the Fokker D.VII was the only plane type mentioned in the peace treaty. After the war, Fokker went back to the Netherlands. First, to realize more military planes, but soon starting with civilian airliners. After WW2, some Trainers, turboprop transports and some jet Transportsteuerung were designed and became quite popular with hundreds sold. They produced license-build combat aircraft in hundreds, too, like the F-104. Lateron, EADS (Mercedes Benz) got hold on Fokker and, in Short, did result in a cease of ops. Some remains are still operational, mostly to provide spare parts. Greetings Thomas (Pictures from displayed airframes of the National Aviation Museum of the Netherlands in Lelystad - please support the museums)
  10. Popeye, actually, I don‘t. let put some comments: „StuKa“ is an abbreviation for Sturzkampfflugzeug - dive bomber. The Luftwaffe had in the mid 30ies no real good bombsight, so they decided to deliver ordnance in a vertical way. Like the U.S. navy did, too. Since that is a general term, there where a number of different type capable of dive bombing. The largest of them should be the He 177, which is kind of a huge bird for such a business. I think you refer to the Junkers Ju 87. Focke-Wulf and Fokker are two different companies like Lockheed and Boeing. Fokker was famous for his WW1 planes like the dr.1 triplanes and the d.vii built in the city Schwerin. When Germany was denied to build planes after the war, Anthony Fokker moved to his home country, the Netherlands. His company existed until the 1990ies. Focke and Wulf where two aircraft engineers working together from the 1930ies in Bremen. Wulf died early, Focke restarted after WW2, designed Helis, cars and others up to the 1960ies. Greetings Thomas
  11. The Fortress went straight in some 1000‘ at 130kts, the FW came down straight down from 6high at 4000‘, high speed approach, passed low under the Fortress and pulled up just in front. The best was the „Geronimo!“ on the air band radio. Big fun. You are right: This was for show, a kill would come from 12high, an undisturbed 2 second burst would have cut the Fortress in halves. Showing such an attack in federal German airspace would have brought Léon directly into deep trouble. 😉 Greetings Thomas
  12. How do you like this shot? (No models, real stuff! It is the B-17 from La Ferté! Photo shot in 2009 at Hahnweide) Léon did show a gun attack on an approaching B-17. R.I.P. Leon
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