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Everything posted by terryoneill

  1. Thanks Anja, This return may be late. I have been having pc problems but have them solved now. Terry
  2. seems to be a problem with the way the small bulkheads are depicted on the drawings. It seems to me that they should be placed outboard to cover the gap instead of toward the inside. If nobody has any reason I think I will install them to cover the gaps.
  3. Time to update this build a little. One of the problems I have with useing a dark stain on the deck is that the lines for placement of the bulkheads have dissappeared. tried to place them even and checked the other parts in order to locate them in the proper place. Hope it works out ok later. may have to adjust.
  4. If you spind as much time and care as on your canoe you have nothing to wory about! Nice job Terry
  5. I will be following this build. I built the kit from bluejacket a few years ago. I like your scale much better.
  6. Hey Clare, Great work , I have been a machine shop supervisor in my past and have seen many attempts that don't come close . Terry
  7. Hi janos, It takes a lot of memory to use splines and surfaces. If you have 8 gig on your machine it is slow but works. The machine that Antony probably has may not have enough to create a hull as you have described. I have also modeled the olympia this way and could create bulkheads where ever I wanted but had to leave the room to wait any time I made new geometry. Glad I could help Antony ! Have fun with it. Terry
  8. Hi Antony, Use the mirror function , you will need to draw a center line first for it to work, don't use the solids mirror but the sketch entities one. If you use the center line sketch entity it wont show up when you generate a solid. Terry
  9. Antony, I use solid works 2005 every day at work. I use it for parts used in blowout preventers here in houston. If you have any specific questions I will be more that happy to help.
  10. I am looking foreward to your build log, I hope you will start one!
  11. There is an error in my kit. In the laser cut parts identifier sheet there two 42a p/s marked. the one circled here should read 40 c.
  12. Brian, the download here by Bodner on scratch building is very good. If you really want to understand it you have too plot the points in his example. By doing it a couple of everthing will snap into place. Terry
  13. The hull on this model was very easy to put together. I would recomend it for someone wanting to start out on plank on frame modeling. Just be sure that all bulkheads are square when gluing and file everything for a flush fit. Then fair the framework before applying the planks. A little filler and some sandpaper and it looks like it should. I left it a little rough when sanding so that the planks would show thru after painting. I am thinking about going over the scored planks on the bulkheads because the scored lines on them don't show up as much as I want them to.
  14. Started painting the bulkheads on the first deck, Not at my best when trying to paint detail!
  15. Decided to use gorilla glue on the curving deck at the aft end. It needs to be strong to bend the deck to its curves.
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