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Everything posted by egkb

  1. I'm a regular with Cornwall MB Kester, but never thought of their glue range (just had a quick look over there as I'm typing this, and there is lots of Aliphatic glue listed) Brilliant suggestion!! I haven't used CA (would you believe I thought CA meant Contact Adhesive for years!!) on the planking yet Kip, but it seems logical especially to handle awkward places whilst the Wood glue sets, I used it on my Bounty build to hold pieces that were difficult to keep in position with wood glue (I would lightly lick both surfaces to stop the CA from soaking in, my girlfriend saw me do this once and thought it was odd to say the least, some weird timber tasting fetish ) Bye For Now Eamonn Keep the advice coming folks! Edit: I notice that Cornwall Model Boats also has Titebond listed !
  2. Thanks Ollie & Lawrence, It will do no harm to have that Web Address Ollie (I'm sure it would be of help to others on here too, so Post away ) BTW I recommend for anyone to nip over to Ollie's build and take a look at his final planking!! I've been soaking the planks 6 at a time Lawrence and shaping them (Trimming them as I go) prior to Bending with a Plank Bender (A well handy bit of kit) I found that around half an hour soaking was great! they are 1mm planks, were yours thicker for that 'big ol' ' Victory? The planks are taking the hull shape nicely, few gaps mind you but nothing too serious (not enough to put a dint into my warehouse load of filler ) Remember Folks there are still some franchises left for 'Eamonn's Filler Shop'... Thanks Again for Looking In Guys, and for the advice, and thanks too to everyone else who happens by.. Take Care, Eamonn
  3. Phew Kester that's a relief, I was beginning to think it was just me... I may have to go online to find that glue, am struggling to locate it near me (I might see if it can be ordered in) Small Update whilst I'm here Folks: 3 more planks per side in place now, the Filler blocks are doing 2 jobs now, 1, to shape the flow of the planks & 2. to help hold the flat 'shouldered' map pins in place! I highly recommend those Filler Blocks!! Take Care Eamonn
  4. Wow That Is Cracking Good Work Ollie !! My half planked Ballahoo is in the post to you as we speak .. erm.. 'Ollie in Australia' will get to you right? Eamonn
  5. Thanks Ollie, yea I'm gluing between the planks as I go along.. will try to pick up that yellow glue that Kester spoke about as my regular wood glue isn't the fastest at 'grabbing' hold. Once the 1st layer of planking is done i'll be attaching the Keel and Bow timbers which will help hold the ends/edges of the 2nd planking in place (Rabbet to be cut first) She's at that point now where you just want to keep looking at it to imagine the pleasing hull lines (Hmmmm I may need to get out more ) Thanks again for checking in Ollie Eamonn
  6. That looks Fantastic Mick, all those 'Bits-n-bobs' really make Will come alive! All the Best Eamonn
  7. Hey Kester, what is the Yellowish glue? Nigel hope you enjoy The Plank, it is pure class Eamonn
  8. Hi Guys, Kester, thanks for the tips, and please please don't hesitate to offer them! seriously, you will not offend me... much.. would you believe I picked up some of those 'shoulder' pins a few days ago (plan was to use regular pins for 1st planking, and not worry about shoving them in through the planks and thus into the bulkheads) my thought process on the matter was that they (the 'shoulder' type pins) would be able to go in easier when pushed into the 1st planking instead of a bulkhead.. if you follow, and that way not damage the 2nd planking.. Re the Nails, they aren't in yet you wouldn't bother with them? my glue is standard decent quality 'Wood Glue' you know the white stuff that dries clear, seems fine but I was anxious re the planks 'springing' where the bend is greatest, they have been pre bent with a 'bending iron' so perhaps it is overkill. The frame tops are hardly even glued to the Bulwarks in anticipation of.. you guessed it correctly.. 'Snap Them Off' with a pair of pliers to mis quote the instructions I picked up a nice Dremel many months ago in preparation for my builds, and I do indeed have the cutting wheel thingy knocking about, I do think I'll be taking your advice on using it as pliers and delicate bulkheads should not mix.. BTW did you check out the site Dee Dee recommended in the Post above (Post #95) some of those books are less than £ 1.00 !! ex Post !! that's where I got them from today (seems they are affiliated with Amazon ! so your commission is secure ) Thanks again for checking in, it is comforting to know we are thinking on similar lines! ('Oh God' says you) Thanks Wayne for visiting also, yea she is fairly symmetrical on both sides though the last row is slightly 'out of symmetry' at bulkhead no 2 & 3 from the bow, not a problem though at this stage. Oh By The Way, does anyone know anything about this elusive 'Wipe On Poly', how to use, where to buy etc. (my guess is that it is applied with a cloth not a brush hence the 'Wipe on' part) All The Best Eamonn And if there is anyone out there who hasn't seen The Plank (A 1967 short film with No Talking in it) then please Google it and hunt it down on You Tube or similar.. so well worth it!
  9. Photo Update as Promised: 3 more planks each side went on this morning for a grand total of 6 a side, remember I'm not overly concerned over their appearance as this is only 1st planking and my aim is to get them on relatively neatly so as to give a good base for 2nd planking. They are cut over length, and will be trimmed/sanded down later. I most likely will nail them in place also, particularly at the bow/stern areas as the last think I want is for them to 'spring' later. Thanks For Checking In.. Eamonn Oh and Dee Dee, if you are reading this I ordered those books from Abebooks this morning, Thanks again for the tip as I reckon I got them all for the price of 2 with Amazon! Thanks also to Kester & Nigel for putting me onto them to begin with! E
  10. Hi Stan, am I correct in thinking you are having difficulty relating to the Plan Drawings? Because virtually all the lines are in both drawings! What looks a straight line in one drawing will be a curve in the other (very few straight lines on boats) that's why the CWL (Waterplane-area Coefficient) looks straight from the side drawing, and is a curve from the front and back drawing. Have you checked out how to read Ship Plans on this site (there is a download in the 'Main Site & Article Downloads part at the very top of the this page, up where the 'Forum , Members etc.' are Go into Plans & Research and download the pdf Interpreting Line Drawings this should help with making better sense of the Buttocks, Stations & Waterlines in the plans, that is what all the various lines on the plans are called. The plans do consolidate in that they show the Sheer Plan, Body Plan & Waterlines Plan on one sheet of paper (Sheer Plan is the 'Side View' of the boat, Body Plan is the one looking along the boat from the Front and the Back, The Waterline Plan is the one looking from above down on the boat) Confusing I know, but if you were to colour the various 'Buttock, Stations & Waterlines' lines on the Sheer Plan (The 'Side View') different colours (example Red for Buttocks, Green for Stations and Blue for Waterlines) then locate them on the other 2 plans and colour them the same Red, Green & Blue it should really help you make sense of things Hope this is of help Eamonn I have no doubt that you will make sense of all those lines, and that things will fall into place very quickly
  11. Wow Dee Dee they are cheap! Many thanks for that, I'll be putting that seller into my Favourites. Eamonn Photos Later Folks
  12. Ok next post from me will be a serious one, and hopefully include a photo or two folks Eamonn Hancock was class though, but don't get me started on 'The Plank'.. remember that?
  13. Thanks Kester, are ye two on commission from Amazon by any chance? may lodge some more money in the bank next week and start buying them.. Considering I retired from Shipping about 26 years ago I don't think Methuselah is too far from the mark Kester (ok I was 21 when I was forced to retire, but still) Eamonn aka 'I remember Noah when he was a young fella'
  14. Yea, they gave me leave to swing over there and show them how to do it.... ahem ahem, in fact I was so successful that if you take a close look you will see that Andy got mine in about 3 mins!! I might as well have written the name of the ship in the question! Eamonn
  15. Jeez Thanks Nigel and I'm even older than you... Dinosaurs weren't even invented when I came on the scene so... Eamonn Will follow your advice though re the books, probably begin next week!
  16. I must look out for some of his stuff. E Just had a quick look on Amazon, they aren't too dear (paperback versions) is there any specific one that is 'better' or are they all worth a look?
  17. Thanks Nigel, those tester pots are dead cheap too, Looks like we have to wait a bit longer for the 'Where to Buy' advice Eamonn
  18. Hi Kester, I think you are right with the 'Wale'. And an off white sounds perfect. Amend last to read Off White I hope I remember Now.. feel free to remind me! Eamonn
  19. I will be painting the lower hull with 'White Stuff' aka Admiralty matt white paint, the Rubbing Strake (actual name escapes me, it's the extra thick planking effectively at the waterline) will be black and the topsides will be natural (I'll be asking about 'Wipe On Poly' at some stage so be ready!! for instance what is it? name suggests Polyurethane that you 'wipe' on with a cloth not a brush) incidentally the 2nd lair timber is Walnut which will be replaced for the topsides with something much lighter in colour, Beech perhaps, I ordered some timber yesterday with this in mind for all the ships I'm doing!) Inside the Bulwarks will also be painted, Red of course. Thanks For Tuning in Folks.. Eamonn Out
  20. Thanks Nigel, tis nice to have my thought process confirmed, hopefully I'll still be saying that in a few days time.. Eamonn
  21. Hi Kester, I started at the Bulwark, both sides, went down 3 planks and am now letting things dry. I might just keep on working down as this is 'first' planking and let things 'fall as they may' at the keel (2nd planking may be different, I will see how this goes ) I am following Nigels advice not to cut the Rabbet till after 1st planking, that way I will see exactly where it has to go (admittedly it is cut at the stern section of the false keel to about 1/4 way forward, to where the bearding line goes horizontal at the keel, as this section needed serious reducing in order for the double planking to fit the Stern Post, which won't be fitted until much later to ease sanding) then fit the Actual Keel and Bow Pieces. Thanks for looking in Kester Eamonn
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