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About piratepete007

  • Birthday 05/09/1941

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  • Location
    Adelaide, South Australia
  • Interests
    model ship building
    restoring vintage telephones
    writing books

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  1. Max, you are doing a great interpretation of the plans and the resultant construction is impressive. Good to hear about your improved health. Now, I may have missed an earlier comment by you but are sails being considered for this build?
  2. Keith, Would you mind contacting me? I will look at MSW on occasions - tired of criticisms - but messages like yours today I can easily miss. I thought they also came through via an email ? Speak later today. Pete
  3. Allan, thanks for taking the time to present that detailed set of references - will be invaluable. Pete
  4. Thanks for your reply Phil. What you have done with the falls on the Albatross makes sense.
  5. Hi Folks, Building models is always open to individual interpretation and I fully respect what everybody does but I am wondering if somebody can assist me. Gun tackles are always a challenge in whether to include side tackles, train tackles and breech ropes and I appreciate all the intricacies involved. However, there is one aspect of rigging that I have not resolved - in my mind, at least - due in part to a post I read on MSW by Stockholm Tar, 21 July 2014 ... that I had kept in my own files ... “Ropes left lying on deck would probably never dry out, being repeatedly wetted by either salt or fresh water. If you consider a deck (with rope coils laid on it) which has just been rained on, or a sea has come over the side, the deck itself might gradually dry out, but you can bet that that part of it under the coils will still remain wet or damp – an ideal situation for rot to set in. Apart from that a heavy sea coming aboard would also leave the coils in a hopeless tangle, so coils on deck are also a safety hazard. From experience, the only time you would normally see a large amount of rope on deck, is when the ship is either setting or furling sail, or engaged in some manouvre such as tacking or wearing… The last order normally given after such an operation was to 'tidy up the spaghetti' – ie, coil up, and hang the running rigging from its pin “. Many modelers like to show the side tackles in a tight coil, sometimes known as a cheese, beside the gun, but I think this was usually only done for inspection purposes … During action of course, they probably wouldn't have been coiled at all”. Majority of builds have the barrels projecting out and are therefore ready for action. So ... it appears that when builders attach the side tackles, a few add the rope coils onto the adjacent deck but most just don't show this excess rope at all. If this rope is hung as suggested in the above quote, there must have been a series of pins along the inner bulwark walls ? Does anybody have any specific comments on this and especially a photo or two to show these ropes hanging during the normal running of a ship ? Thanks in anticipation, Pete
  6. Keith, Absolutely blown away by your meticulous work. Just incredible. Best of all, you have returned to writing these posts that will prove invaluable to other ship builders no matter what they are working on. Looking forward to your continued writings !
  7. Keith, I agree - to post any detailed comment on this forum does take a great effort. What you have written so far has been very interesting and illustrates what happens when building a Euromodel ship - every step is questioned, research is encouraged and individualism becomes a natural part of each build. You have done all of that. It would be a pity not to be able to follow your work as it happens. Pete
  8. Keith, There are two types of kit modelers - those that give up and those that don't. You certainly fall into the latter group and indeed the Euromodel philosophy in their kit designs is to leave the door wide open to doing your own thing. Almost without exception, I observe Euromodel builders researching and researching how these ships were built. Your construction of the transom components was amazing and just so individualistic. Have fun with adjusting some of those stanchions. By the way - and down the track - the plastic ship's boat is a great project in itself - exterior and interior profiles are easily carved and with various boards, thwarts and stringers added and doing some dry brushing, you can finish up with a real beauty !
  9. Ah Keith, great to see you have returned to you RW build. Looking forward very much to your future posts
  10. Max, Your kind words make me feel humble. You know as well as I do that these 'kits' are a unique way of moving away from kit building and inching towards scratch building. Just love the challenge. Out of the two ships you mentioned, the Falmouth is a good choice. HOWEVER, coming out of left field, the Euromodel Lyde schooner is the one I am working on at the moment and the files are the most thorough and extensive I have ever written for any ship. Just an alternative. Looking forward to your masting and rigging. Pete
  11. Great stage to have reached Max. The photos say it all and almost defy adding words of praise. However, I will - fantastic accomplishment my friend. One to be proud of. Coincidentally, I have just added this week revised files for the hull construction on the Euromodel website. A little late for you ! Pete
  12. Hi Max, Its quite a while since I caught up with you and just came across your fantastic work on the FW. What a build it is and congratulations on your work that you have put into this. Your attention to detail is obvious and I look forward to seeing more of those photos. Pete
  13. Looking good Max. When it comes to making a decision on most aspects of ship building, Mondfeld is an excellent reference. However, the beauty of working from the incredible Euromodel drawings is that you are always free to select what level you wish to work at. The Euromodel builds are certainly not scratch builds but in some aspects get close. So, keep up your meticulous work. As regards Euromodel, they have no upfront shop to physically go to but am sure some arrangement could be made to collect a ship from them in Como. Pete
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