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    Brownsville, Texas
  • Interests
    Wood working and modeling, especially the rigging.

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  1. Thanks Ken That is what I thought and way I am proceeding. Again thanks. Hope I do somewhere as close to good (with mine) as you have with yours. Again thanks. Brad
  2. As everyone else has said "Looking real Good". I just my kit so I am way behind you on the build (haven't started a build log yet). Anyway I have an old question on the bearding line versus the blukheads, did you re-establish the bearding line to match the bulkheads? I thought I say this question somewhere before but can't find it or the answer. Thanks in advance. Brad
  3. Very good looking build. I too am building (going to) the F.A.. I just got the hit about a week ago. I have been looking over the instructions and the plans and have found a couple thinks. The keel and the keel stem are both short (I'll work with them). The other thing I am finding is the instructions always say go to page # of the plans but none of the plans are numbered, again a nusiance but livable. I say the rudder that Rafine built a just loved it but when I look at the plans and instructions I can't find any thing of detail about it. Does anyone have any details of the rudder or is it just guess work? I will be starting a build log a little later (when I get something done). Thanks all, I love this site. Brad
  4. Thanks everyone for the info. I ordered books, "Biddlecombe and Lannarth" will let you know what I think of them. And taking Danny's suggestion (which I really liked) I ordered the Harriet Lane kit ( I liked the hull which I think would work for other ship's and it was in Texas, which is where I am now). I am going to experiment with the rigging and silhouette style of modeling emphasing more on the rigging than the hull. I will start a build log when I get it, hopefully soon. Thanks again to everyone.
  5. Thanks for the info. I like the silhoutte idea. I am currently building the Virginnia Swift (kit) about 1/3 done and started the from scratch the Brig Syren. They both have been on the side for awhile (had a storke and slow to get back to playing). The other question I have is where to buy all fittings, bulk brass strips, eyebolts, deadeyes, blocks, etc. wood is no problem. I have been looking on line and everyone seems to have pieace here and there but noe one source has all. Also it seems everyone has a different way of measuring this stuff, mm, in's, fractions etc. I am already confused in the head and this just makes it worse. Any and all help would be appreciated.Thanks again. Brad (confused)
  6. I am looking for a model to learn about rigging techniques. I am building 2 ships now but want to practice rigging before I get to the real thing. Any suggestions would be great. I was thinking of a model with the hull already done I just need to start on the masts and the rigging. Thanks in advance. Brad
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