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paul ron

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Posts posted by paul ron

  1. what kind of wax did you use? are you sure its the wax?


    ive never seen anything like that, aside an old dusty ship ive ignored for 30 years.


    dont flame it. i can picture you blow torching it to ashes.


    maybe put it in a warm place or in the sun the run a brush over the lines. another thought, perhaps using a solvent on a soft brush run over each line that can remelt the wax?



  2. but was rigging over the front of yards done and what could they be? ... again, besides bunts n leeches that are suposed to run on the fore side of sails. the rigging im seeing would definately foul with sails over it.


    the south street museum has evolved into a yuppie tourist trap. at night its just a large space of loud music and younginz drinking... hardly anything left of the maratime theme with expensive coffee shops n over priced restauraunts occupying the old run down buildings. i see lots of gutting of buildings only to turn them into bars or commercial space for clothes n chochkies... not restorations. hardly a sign of the old fish market left too.


    the Wavertree replaced the Peking... the former rust bucket in that space. tons of money poured into that one too and was scrapped not long ago. those black holes in the water make alot of money, hardly any of it makes it to the cause from what i see as a regular down there. come back in 10 years and nothing will change other than coffee shops n bars junk shops and another rust bucket with new names. its an embarrasment for a city as big with such rich maratine history n so many vistors. 


    ill look up jersey frankie. 




  3. ok so rewording... the yard's arm is the end of a yard, got it.


    so what lines are running straight down the front central area of yards i see on the south street nyc ship wavertree? as stated before, i thought running rigging (aside bunts n leeches that are suposed to be infront of sails) shouldnt run over the front of yards? 


    btw the wavertree has no sails, nor is it fully rigged or even has the associated hardware for bunts n leeches... it barely has any rigging except esentials... its a stripped down rust bucket tourists dump money into just to walk the deck. but i do see ropes over the front of the yards. isnt that taboo?


    my clipper and the wavertree are not ships of war. 







  4. im scratch building the 1851 flying fish clipper and was wondering if its taboo to have rigging running over the front of the yardarms below? i have been looking at a ship at south street nyc, the wavertree a bark, and see ropes passing over the arm below. its hard to see which lines they are from street level. to me it doesnt make sense to do that because it will be under the sails attached to that arm. behind the arm seems a more logical route.


    what do you guys think?

  5. i love lathes. that sears will last forever. i had a nice lathe at the job that was as big as a locamotive, 3, phase so no stopping it. the engeneering dept made everything on that thing, even did screw threads as well as acme thread in n out for nuts too n gears... it could handle any job you threw at it. i miss the shops we had.


    now, id be very happy with a small desktop lathe.

  6. i once asked the same question many years ago and no one heard of doing a ballentine. flat coils will foul if allowed to run.


    when i spent time on an old schooner, i learned the proper way to coil a working rope using a ballentine technique described below...



    was this ballentine method of coiling ropes used in the 1800s? 


  7. im not sure i understand what you want to make with an english wheel... ive never seen any small enough for hobby use. id be curious to see something small enough unless you made one for this use.


    maybe slip rollers?



    or one of these with interchangable rollers for creating beads n seams




  8. 11 hours ago, kgstakes said:

    It is not a stand alone,  Internet access needed.  I do know that much🤪 and I have windows.  Other than that 🤷🤷. Just worked for what I tried.


     Oh and usb or WiFi it’ll work both

    well thats sad but exactly what i suspected. i dont understand the need for a machine to rely on internet. if it needs to talk to the company on the net... its not your machine.





  9. ahhh i see. they dont say anything about computers in the blurb, thats why im trying to get some answers from an owner. its a nice gizmo for what most of us can expect of a small cnc machine but to be able to do cad or other drawing pgm designs on my pc, then send it to the machine in a common file format, thats as easy as it can get. but blue tooth doesnt interest me. usb connected to what can be propriatary...  that can get fussy with limiting software that only runs under certain os and or needs internet... is it compatable with a universal output file format available in other programs?


    thats something an owner can tell me. i may contact the company n see what they say. or i might find a user manual someplace.


    brother makes some decent sewing machines. ill see what they have too.










  10. 1 hour ago, Gregory said:

    I'm pretty sure Cricut works with Apple and Windows.  It may even have a Phone app.   It will have BluTooth/WiFi capability and a USB connection.

    im wondering which ver of windows. 

    is the interface usb, serial, parallel, does it require internet connection? is it stand alone capable?


    gregory... do you have a machine?




  11. ohhhh very cool machine. i once had a hermes sign machine... 24x36 vacuum table that operated very similar. i used a generic cad program and converted the files to a generic gpl laser printer format. i wonder if thats possible with this small machine? 


    what is the computer interface? is it fussy about the operating system?





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