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    BLACK VIKING reacted to EJ_L in Le Soleil Royal by EJ_L - FINISHED - Sergal - Scale 1:77 - 1669 Version   
    Had a busy weekend but also got in some good hours in the shipyard and manged to finish up the second set of planking on the port side and start on the second set on the starboard. Moving along nicely. 

  2. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from ken3335 in Royal William by ken3335 - FINISHED - Euromodel - Scale 1:72   
    All I can say is what a brilliant solution to the rigging problem Ken and I will definitely be pinching the idea for the ropes, well done mate 
  3. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Rossi46 in HMS Surprise by Rossi46 - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1:48 - First Wooden Ship Build   
    In her new home.  I built the case and renovated the room to fit this beast.  This has been a very satisfying journey and i would like to thank my dad "blighty" for introducing me to this great hobby.  Im hooked
    I know the Surprise was a big leap for a first build, but with the resources available, and equal parts patience, luck and determination, it wasnt so bad.  Having done a fully rigged build, i am much more knowledgeable and understanding of how the early steps influence the later ones. 
    Next on the table are the Real by Dusek, and the Wright flyer by Model airways.  Thanks for joining me on the journey folks.

  4. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to ken3335 in Royal William by ken3335 - FINISHED - Euromodel - Scale 1:72   
    Hello Everybody.
    Pete, Yes that's interesting research, it's good to know what one's making and as you said, in life there are always unexpected surprises.
    A small update, I've re-made the capstan, for the third time!  Each time I look at the build I feel some things could be improved on from my original attempt but I'm getting better. Also the entrance ports and steps.
    I've done the front, rails, catheads, bitts etc but need to sort some pictures for that before I post them.

  5. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to ken3335 in Royal William by ken3335 - FINISHED - Euromodel - Scale 1:72   
    Hello Everyone,  
    Again thanks for your likes and kind comments.
    I'm having a bit of a problem with my camera at the moment, the lens won't talk to the camera. I keep getting message Error 001 no info from lens, clean contacts, but that doesn't help. Anyway I'm having to use my compact for now, the pictures seem to be coming out ok but it's quite limited.
    I've completed the 12 canons on the main deck. I've painted, mounted and rigged them.
    Those of you who've been following my log from early on will know of the problem I have with my hands, handling the small blocks needed for full rigging was going to cause me a great deal of frustration, 72 of them needed!  I decided to rig the canons as best as I could without using blocks, a few different methods were tried and the one that you see was the most effective, I think that unless you are actually looking for the blocks you wouldn't know that they weren't there. There will be the overhead walkway and the boat in the waist to distract the eye so I'm happy with my compromise.
    The method that I adopted for making the rope coils was with double sided sticky tape. I run out a length of tape sticky side up, leaving the backing on and held it down in place with masking tape. It was quite easy to start and make up the coil using tweezers, this tape is very sticky and when the backing is removed is invisible. I cut the coil out, removed the backing and then pressed into place. In the end I was making a coil in about a minute and it's so sticky you can't get the cord off it when coiled.  





  6. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to marktiedens in Royal William by marktiedens - FINISHED - Euromodel - scale 1:72   
    A little update - I was unhappy with the ratlines - line is a little too large & many of the knots did not look so good - especially near the top of the shrouds where they are very close together,so off they came. I am re-doing them with smaller line - about .018 inch. The clove hitches are now much tighter & neater looking as you can see in the picture. Gotta love re-do`s.

  7. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from jay in Le Soleil Royal by EJ_L - FINISHED - Sergal - Scale 1:77 - 1669 Version   
    Thanks for the response EJ I must admit I love the colour of the wood so I won't be painting mine with white stuff and as for the gold on the carvings that is a brilliant idea with the yellow ochre and gold. Trouble is we will never know what colour she was as she is under a car park in Cherbourg so probably not a lot left 
  8. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from jay in Le Soleil Royal by EJ_L - FINISHED - Sergal - Scale 1:77 - 1669 Version   
    I was thinking the same EJ . I was not to convinced on what blue to use? And also was her hull painted with white stuff or just left natural wood 
  9. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from jay in Le Soleil Royal by EJ_L - FINISHED - Sergal - Scale 1:77 - 1669 Version   
    Your planking looks superb and I love the different colours of the two woods brilliant job .
  10. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from NMBROOK in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thanks for the comments EJ and the likes.
    It,s nice to start the second planking on the SR . I have finished planking the stern and bow forecastle and have started planking the hull sides. 
    I have not followed the instructions and have placed the planks following the line of the gunports as hopefully I will not end up with to many droppers and steelers but we shall see.

  11. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from NMBROOK in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thanks for the likes everyone 
    A little bit more done on the SR . She has been given a good sand and a little bit of filler and am really pleased how the first planking has turned out 
    I have now started the second planking on the stern and have covered the transom and stern chasers. As you can see I have trimmed one side just waiting for the other to dry 
    Thanks for following rgd Martyn 

  12. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from Elijah in Le Soleil Royal by EJ_L - FINISHED - Sergal - Scale 1:77 - 1669 Version   
    Your planking looks superb and I love the different colours of the two woods brilliant job .
  13. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to EJ_L in Le Soleil Royal by EJ_L - FINISHED - Sergal - Scale 1:77 - 1669 Version   
    May have to put that color up for consideration as well! I can easily get a lot of grabber blue from my dad's Mustang shop. I'm hoping to have some test strips painted in the next few weeks, (admiral is now out of school and so my build times will be a little tighter again till her new job starts). That may not always be a bad thing though.....
    I am hoping to make it to the hobby store today or tomorrow and look to see what I can readily find. May have to order in some colors if they do not carry what I need. Then I have to find where I put the airbrush when I moved. I know where my compressor is at but I guess I have not yet unpacked the box the actual nozzle is in. How that happened I will never know... I hate moving...
    The planking has gotten a little further since the last picture. I might have that row done this weekend. You can be sure that I will upload a picture when it is done!
  14. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to EJ_L in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Second planking is looking nice and smooth. You should not have too many problems till you get below the last wale. Until then the spacing remains even and straight across the hull. Below that lowest wale though is where you really have to start carefully measuring and tapering each plank to that they will all fit properly. Keep up the good work!
  15. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from Anthony Burnside in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thanks for the comments EJ and the likes.
    It,s nice to start the second planking on the SR . I have finished planking the stern and bow forecastle and have started planking the hull sides. 
    I have not followed the instructions and have placed the planks following the line of the gunports as hopefully I will not end up with to many droppers and steelers but we shall see.

  16. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from Anthony Burnside in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thanks for the likes everyone 
    A little bit more done on the SR . She has been given a good sand and a little bit of filler and am really pleased how the first planking has turned out 
    I have now started the second planking on the stern and have covered the transom and stern chasers. As you can see I have trimmed one side just waiting for the other to dry 
    Thanks for following rgd Martyn 

  17. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from NMBROOK in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thanks for the likes and comments 
    Hi Antony the kit is very well made and the carvings are brilliant and well cast .
    As promised a few pictures of what I have been up to. The first planking is going on and to break it up I have built the ships boats. The largest launch I have included some carvings on the stern , not quite sure if they had them but I like them .
    More to come so thanks for looking 
    Rgd Martyn 

  18. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from Ferit in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Hi all thanks for the likes and following my build 
    A small update I have finished planking one side and started on the other, it's going to be a slow process as I have torn the tendon in my elbow so planking is a little painful but onwards and upwards. Can't wait to get it all closed up and give it a good sanding 

  19. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from Altduck in Soleil Royal by BLACK VIKING - De Agostini - scale 1.70   
    Thanks for the comments EJ and the likes.
    It,s nice to start the second planking on the SR . I have finished planking the stern and bow forecastle and have started planking the hull sides. 
    I have not followed the instructions and have placed the planks following the line of the gunports as hopefully I will not end up with to many droppers and steelers but we shall see.

  20. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to ken3335 in Royal William by ken3335 - FINISHED - Euromodel - Scale 1:72   
    Hello Everyone,
    Here's the pictures of my efforts on the foredeck. The front rails were assembled and painted, the bitts were made as per plan and the catheads were made, TWICE.
    Due to an earlier mistake by me I hadn't made the sides high enough by about 4mm along the foredeck and waist area, you may remember from the fitting of the side decorations that they ended up too low, I was now facing the knock on effect of that.
    On the plan the catheads go through the sides under the cast strip and about 5mm below the sides capping strip. As my sides were too low the catheads when in place came in just above the capping strip height. To get some sort of ok fitting  I cut a groove in the cathead so that the capping strip would pass over it. It didn't look great but I thought that as there would be rails above it and with a strategically placed coil of rope it wouldn't be readily noticed.
    I then got hold of that plan and to my relief I saw that on it the capping strip would finish butted up and flush with the side of the cathead. This design would fit well into my lower sides so I stripped out my first effort and did just that and the result made that area much better. Again I'm happy with the way things are going, I only hope that there are no more surprises.
    From time to time I been making up the canons so that I didn't end up with a load to do at once, they are now ready for rigging. Don't expect too much here as I'm only gong to rig them simply and quite basic.

  21. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to md1400cs in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Hi mates,
    Martyn - so kind thanks so much.
    Minor update but big one for me.
    Decided to “bite the bullet” and challenge myself to improve areas that were new and very uncomfortable (working with sail details) – so most of the day yesterday was trying to get these two particular sails acceptably ‘ok’ – feeling comfortable with the results;
    The other nine are waiting in the wings, but I now have a direction.
    PS: these two sprit sails are reduced by 30+% - they will be furled.
    Would have been too bulky (scale wise )in full size --- Frank (fmodjr) thanks for that sage advice from your superb Vasa build log - I followed your build, and will furl all lower sails, but partially raising the lower main as you did- love that look that you created.

  22. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from md1400cs in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Wow what can I say every time I see your build I am just blown away ,brilliant work Michael plus I can smell those Cubans from here lovely 
  23. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to md1400cs in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Edwin, Frank, thanks so much mates for your posts -- appreciated 
    Peter nice of you to post Thank you!– much appreciated.
    PS: Not So fast. Cubans are somewhat available in this small box. I was in Cartagena a couple of months ago and brought some back (not the Cartagena close to you, but the one across the Atlantic closer to me) And whenever I travel to any other country on this planet Cuban's are available (:-)
    They are still illegal to possess in USA – so ridiculous after more than half a century. I have not been caught by customs - so far........
    As always thanks for the likes and just dropping by.
  24. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Wow what can I say every time I see your build I am just blown away ,brilliant work Michael plus I can smell those Cubans from here lovely 
  25. Like
    BLACK VIKING got a reaction from EJ_L in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Wow what can I say every time I see your build I am just blown away ,brilliant work Michael plus I can smell those Cubans from here lovely 
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