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Everything posted by bjoern

  1. Is the Underhill "masting and rigging" the same as part two in his book about building the "Leon" ? If it is, that is a very good deal. Very informativ book.
  2. Thanks for posting this, helped me a lot.
  3. try this company http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/sergal_plans.html
  4. The image I posted is not from my ship, it is one that I found on the net. It was the only way to show what i was talking about. I understand now, and are very thankful for the info.
  5. How do you build this. I am building the Pandora using AOTS book, and this subject is not mentioned at all. just some smal images.The kits I have done so far, and the scratch as well, has been easy as they was suported by plans/drawings. But in this case I am lost. Wat is the "link" made of, is it a metal plate or chain,wire or rope. The upper suport seems to be some "knee" made of wood. Is there a way to glue this to the hull and then it can be trusted when rigging is to be done. "sorry for my bad english"
  6. If you measure some of the other parts up against the plans you will have point to work from. This is what I do when something is missing. ( have bought some uncompleted kits)
  7. Paul You got a PM from me to. Always looking for improwment and knowledge.
  8. Some pics of the boiler. I usualy use hold the plank with my hands, but I also use clamps to hold it. This is a 2x5 mm pine . Just put the plank you want to bend in the boiler, start it up, and when the water boiles, it is ready to bend. Soft as butter.
  9. A waterboiler makes a good job for me. I use a glue who can be used on wet woodstrips. No problem. Just put the planks in the boiler,start up, and once the water boiles, the planks are ready to be bended and glued in place. I use a bottle or something to pre-bend the strips. I just hold it a minute or so.
  10. Hi Bounty would be a nice build connected as it is to breadfruit tree.
  11. Nice idea. I will try this on my new prosject.
  12. Amzingly done. Same idea I have on my mind when I think of the "Surprise" ( Have you been in my head) I thought of these in the early 2008 when I saw the movie "Master and Comander" This is very good.
  13. Hi.. As soon as I get my AOS Pandora book, I,m going to start building my model. I would like to use maple wood, but it is hard to get some where I live. But the model-shop do have some ayous strip, is this as good as maple ? Some references call it " african maple"
  14. Very nice build. One of the best I have seen .
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