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uss frolick

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  1. USS Frolick :  Would you please share your understanding of a  "topgallant fo'c'sl" deck


    Is this simply a fo'c'sl that is ABOVE the main pin rail?   Where is it in relation to a clipper with a topgallant rail above the main pin rail?

    1. uss frolick

      uss frolick

      A "top gallant forecastle" deck (as described and spelled in contemporary communications) is simply a short deck before the fore mast, usually seen on flush decked sloops-of war, that are relatively flush with the cap rail. They assist the sailors in working the anchors and foremost rigging, and in some cases it is a platform for mounting a small carronade, normally used in a boat during cutting out expeditions. Think of it as a poop deck for the bow. Here is one on a Cruiser Class brig:


      49839610482_6a103992ee_b.jpg0 by Stephen Duffy, on Flickr


      Hope this helps.

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