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uss frolick

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  1. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from dgbot in American sailing warships with no plans or records   
    Three John Adams 1799 plans do survive, enough for a complete reconstruction. Chapelle missed them.
    1. Original body lines, pre 1829: National Archives, presumably (published in Charleston's Maritime Heritage, Coker.)
    2. Out board profile, which includes partial inboard profile, partial waterlines (or are they diagonal projections?), as designed, 1/4" scale
    Peabody Museum, Fox Papers. Note twenty-four broadside ports, but with no bridle port. The latter was added, along with a five feet extension of keel in Charleston. Not labeled as JA in Fox Papers.
    3. Half-breadth of Decks, all, with stowage, 1/8th scale, as converted to a corvette, circa 1807, Fox papers. Position of projected stern chase ports indicate an original six window design, with ports in the two and five windows, with the others planked over. All they did was remove the spar deck in 1807-08. Shows length, mast and gunport position as built. (Labeled as "Decks Chesapeake" in Fox Papers, by some long dead, blind, crack-smoking staff volunteer!!)
    I forgot one!
    4. There is an inboard profile plan from the 1850s showing her final configuration. I've seen it, but I don't have a copy, from the NA, that shows ten ports aside - down from the 1829 rebuild's twelve - a full projecting stem-post, and a sketch of her bust figurehead.
  2. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Canute in 1861: After Action report of the USS Preble, Battle of the Head of Passes.   
    The attack of the CSS Ram Manassas was actually the Preble's second "battle' of the week.
    Two days before the battle of Head of Passes, a rebel steamer, CSS Ivy, chugged down river and opened fire on the Richmond and the Preble with her rifled 32-pounder, performing a sort of recon by force.  The Union ships returned fire, but to no avail, their smoothbores just could not reach.
    Here is the report of Captain Pope, U. S. Navy, regarding the attack by Confed-
    crate steamer Ivy upon the United States vessels at the Head of the
    Passes, MissIssippi River.

    "U. S. S. RICHMOND,
    Mississppi River, October 9, 1861.
    SIR: I have to report that the Ivy (steamer) has been down this
    afternoon and made an attack upon these ships, throwing shot and
    shell over this ship and the Preble, keeping herself entirely out of
    the range of any guns on board either of the ships, her shot passing
    some 500 yards over this ship, which makes it evident that we are
    entirely at the mercy of the enemy. We are liable to be driven from
    here at any moment, and, situated as we are, our position is untenable.
    I may be captured at any time by a pitiful little steamer mounting
    only one gun. The distance at which she was firing I should estimate
    at 4 miles. with heavy rifled cannon, throwing her shot and shell far
    beyond us. This may have been an experiment to ascertain the rang
    of our guns, which they now have, and of oourse will quickly avail
    themselves of the knowledge.
    The guns for the battery have not yet been landed.
    It would be the height of folly to send coal or provisions, as they
    could not be taken on board under the fire of the enemy.
    Respectfully, your obedient servant,
    Flag-Officer Y~T W. MCKEAN
    Commanding Gulf Blockading Squadron."
    I suspect that shot flying 500 feet over the deck of the USS Richmond from the distance of four miles (from a 32-pounder) was a bit of an exaggeration. 
  3. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Canute in 1861: Frigate USS Congress prepares herself against infernal devices   
    OK. How about this one, Canute: "No guy's Saturday Night plans survive first contact with the ladies ..."
    On this, we can all agree ...
  4. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from trippwj in 1861: Frigate USS Congress prepares herself against infernal devices   
    OK. How about this one, Canute: "No guy's Saturday Night plans survive first contact with the ladies ..."
    On this, we can all agree ...
  5. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from GLakie in 1861: Frigate USS Congress prepares herself against infernal devices   
    Remember the old saying: "No military plan survives contact with the enemy."
  6. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from GLakie in 1861: Frigate USS Congress prepares herself against infernal devices   
    Somebody needs to build this fine frigate! No need to reconstruct the stern either!
  7. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from GLakie in 1861: Frigate USS Congress prepares herself against infernal devices   
    A Rebel view of the Congress:

    "Report of Lieutenant Sharp, C. S. Navy, giving information obtained
    while a prisoner on the U. S. ship Congress in Hampton Roads.

    Richmond, Va., December 9, 1861.
    MY DEAR SIR: In a moment of leisure it occurs to me to write you
    of my observations while on board of the Congress, Commander Wil.
    11am Smith, off Newport News, during nine days.
    There is a strongly built battery of five large guns riverward, at the
    npper bridge toward the river. The southeast gun is on a semicircular
    battery alone; the others on a parapet. The battery seems continuous

    Page 748


    looking inland, but the Congress deck being about as high as the sand
    ~bank, I could not count inland guns, or even see then~, though the
    parapet curvature satisfied me that the battery is circular or oval.
    The same parallel line of view prevented me from the judging of the
    number of troops, but it was extensive. The river-edge trees remain;
    inland, they have been cut down, and houses, etc., are built and being
    built. In addition to the original old bridge, a fine, large one has been
    constructed, similar to the ordnance bridge, you may recollect, at Old
    Point. Steamers go to both bridges. The Express, steamer, runs twice
    daily between Newport News and Old Point; the other boats are hos-
    pital, house boats, etc.
    While there one night, about 8 p. in., a steamer was seen and reported
    as the P. II. [Patrick Henry]. General quarters and thorough prepara-
    tions were made, but relieved on falsifying the statement. The Congress
    has removed her gun deck cabin and has two long 32s out of stern
    ports. The original crew she had in Brazil, Lieutenants J. B. Smith
    and A. Pendergrast, Purser Buchanan, and Dr. Shippen; all the rest
    are masters and masters mates from the merchant service, unless for-
    ward officers. At sunset, though always loaded, batteries are primed,
    guns cast loose and ranged obliquely; regular sea watches kept; no
    hammocks allowed on gun deck, or lights above water; stream anchor
    at port quarter, hawsers bent, and others on deck; buoys all around
    ship, and spars in angular form reach from forward of flying jibbooms,
    lashed, hung by tackles from head booms and fore channels, passing
    the last so as to glance off passing objects, torpedoes, etc. Crew well
    drilled, furnisfied with Sharps and Mini~ rifles, and all modern appliances.
    Boat howitzer in Quarter-deck after ports. Stevens, Butt, and I were
    confined on the Congress; Dalton and Loyall on the Cumberland, Cap-
    tain Livingston; officers, Lieutenants G. U. Morris and Selfridge, Dr.
    Jackson, and others merchautmen appointments. The Cumbertand
    rows guard nightly. Both ships two cables length apart, nuder the
    battery, less than half a mile distant. The Cumberland has outriggers
    like the Congress. 1 left the Congress on the 20th ultirno,
  8. Like
  9. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from GLakie in 1861: Frigate USS Congress prepares herself against infernal devices   
    OK. How about this one, Canute: "No guy's Saturday Night plans survive first contact with the ladies ..."
    On this, we can all agree ...
  10. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from trippwj in 1861: Rebel account of the Destruction of the Norfolk Navy Yard.   
    I found this little gem in the stacks. I'm sure many have read it, but its new to me. Makes me want to cry ...


    Confederate reports and correspondence relative Jo the destruction and
    abandonment of Norfolk navy yard.


    NORFOLK, April22, 1861.
    North left for Charleston to-day; I answer your dispatch. The Penn-
    sylcania, Merrimack, Germantown, Raritan, Columbia, and Dolphin are
    burned to the waters edge and sunk. The Delaware, Columbus, and
    Plymouth are sunk. All can be raised; the Plymouth easily; not
    much injured. The Germantown crushed and sunk by the falling of
    shears. Her battery, new and complete, uninjured by fire; can be
    recovered. The most abominable vandalism at the yard. Destruction
    less than might be expected. The two lower ship houses burned, with
    the New York, line of battle ship, on the stocks. Also the rigging loft,
    sail loft, and gun-carriage depot, with all the pivot gun carriages and
    many others. No other buildings burned. The metal work of the car-
    riages will be recovered; most of it good. About 4,000 shells thrown
    overboard; can be recovered. The Germantowns battery will be up
    and ready for service to-morrow. In ordnance building all small arms
    broken and thrown overboard will be fished up. The brass howitzers
    thrown overboard are up. The Merrimack has 2,200 10-pound cartridges
    in her magazine in water-tight tanks. The flag of Virginia floats over
    the yard. Only eight guns, 32-pounders, destroyed; about 1,000 or more
    from 11-inch to 32-pounders taken, and ready for our cause. Many of
    them are ready in batteries. We saved about 130 gun carriages; all
    saved at St. Helena [Va.]. Many thousands of shells and shot, from
    11-inch to 32-pounders, safe. All the machinery uninjured. Magazine
    captured, with 2,000 barrels of powder and vast numbers of shells and
    quantities of fixed ammunition. An attempt made to blow up the dry
    dock failed. Everything broken that they could break. Private trunks
    broken open and officers clothing and that of their wives stolen.
    Glorious news! General Gwynn just read me a telegram; it comes
    from a reliable source; the New York Regiment, attempting to march
    through Maryland, was met half waybetween Marlborough and Annapo-
    lis and cut all to pieces.
    S. H. MALLORY,
    Secretary of the Navy."
  11. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Canute in 1861: Frigate USS Congress prepares herself against infernal devices   
    Remember the old saying: "No military plan survives contact with the enemy."
  12. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Canute in 1861: Frigate USS Congress prepares herself against infernal devices   
    A Rebel view of the Congress:

    "Report of Lieutenant Sharp, C. S. Navy, giving information obtained
    while a prisoner on the U. S. ship Congress in Hampton Roads.

    Richmond, Va., December 9, 1861.
    MY DEAR SIR: In a moment of leisure it occurs to me to write you
    of my observations while on board of the Congress, Commander Wil.
    11am Smith, off Newport News, during nine days.
    There is a strongly built battery of five large guns riverward, at the
    npper bridge toward the river. The southeast gun is on a semicircular
    battery alone; the others on a parapet. The battery seems continuous

    Page 748


    looking inland, but the Congress deck being about as high as the sand
    ~bank, I could not count inland guns, or even see then~, though the
    parapet curvature satisfied me that the battery is circular or oval.
    The same parallel line of view prevented me from the judging of the
    number of troops, but it was extensive. The river-edge trees remain;
    inland, they have been cut down, and houses, etc., are built and being
    built. In addition to the original old bridge, a fine, large one has been
    constructed, similar to the ordnance bridge, you may recollect, at Old
    Point. Steamers go to both bridges. The Express, steamer, runs twice
    daily between Newport News and Old Point; the other boats are hos-
    pital, house boats, etc.
    While there one night, about 8 p. in., a steamer was seen and reported
    as the P. II. [Patrick Henry]. General quarters and thorough prepara-
    tions were made, but relieved on falsifying the statement. The Congress
    has removed her gun deck cabin and has two long 32s out of stern
    ports. The original crew she had in Brazil, Lieutenants J. B. Smith
    and A. Pendergrast, Purser Buchanan, and Dr. Shippen; all the rest
    are masters and masters mates from the merchant service, unless for-
    ward officers. At sunset, though always loaded, batteries are primed,
    guns cast loose and ranged obliquely; regular sea watches kept; no
    hammocks allowed on gun deck, or lights above water; stream anchor
    at port quarter, hawsers bent, and others on deck; buoys all around
    ship, and spars in angular form reach from forward of flying jibbooms,
    lashed, hung by tackles from head booms and fore channels, passing
    the last so as to glance off passing objects, torpedoes, etc. Crew well
    drilled, furnisfied with Sharps and Mini~ rifles, and all modern appliances.
    Boat howitzer in Quarter-deck after ports. Stevens, Butt, and I were
    confined on the Congress; Dalton and Loyall on the Cumberland, Cap-
    tain Livingston; officers, Lieutenants G. U. Morris and Selfridge, Dr.
    Jackson, and others merchautmen appointments. The Cumbertand
    rows guard nightly. Both ships two cables length apart, nuder the
    battery, less than half a mile distant. The Cumberland has outriggers
    like the Congress. 1 left the Congress on the 20th ultirno,
  13. Like
  14. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Canute in 1861: After Action report of the USS Preble, Battle of the Head of Passes.   
    Here is a interesting, yet sad letter written by Commander French concerning four runaway slaves that sought US Navy protection. Note that the USS Preble and the USS Marion were identical sister-ships! How often did that happen?


    "Report of Commander French, U. S. Navy, requesting instructions
    regarding the disposition of four contrabands.

    head of the Passes, Mississippi River, October 5, 1861.

    SIR: While lying at anchor with this ship and the U. S. ship Marion
    at Ship Island, and being momentarily on board the last-named ship, on
    the afternoon of the 24th of September ultimo, a small rowboat wa

    reported as pulling from the mainland in the direction of the ship.
    Not certain whether they were coming there or intending to land on
    Cat Island, where rebel steamers had been passing, I directed Lieu-
    tenant-Commanding Bryant to dispatch a boat either to pursue or
    relieve them, as the case might be. In a short time the boat returned,
    bringing with them a small boat and four contrabands, or runaway
    slaves. They had made their escape from Handsboro, Miss., and were
    seeking refuge on board our ships. Their names and names of their
    masters are as follows: Parker Hamilton, Toney Graves, Stephen
    ONeil, belonging to R. C. Cowens; William Sanders, belonging to
    Robert Carr. Upon their statement that they were being almost
    starved to death, and worked to death, and that they wanted to stay
    with us, I directed Lieutenant-Commanding Bryant to retain them on
    board the Marion and to supply them with rations, and to send the
    other two on board this ship.
    On the arrival of Commander Smith in the steamer Massachusetts,
    with orders for me to report to you at Pass ~ lOutre, I reported the
    circumstances to him and received his orders to bring them all to you.
    I have them all here, and await your orders as to the disposition to be
    made of them.
    From these contrabands I learn the rebels have a powder mill in
    full blast at a place called Red Bluff, in Landsboro, on Bernards
    Bayou. They say it is working night and day and that daily trips are
    made by carts and wagons, bringing the raw materials, I presume, and
    taking& away the manufactured article. They state there are soldiers
    at Biloxi, a place 2 miles distant, and also at Ocean Springs, another
    landing place on the bayou, below the powder mill. One of them
    says a revenue cutter guards the entrance of the bayou, while the
    others know nothing about it.
    Very respectfully, H. FRENCH,
    Flag-Officer WM. W. MCKEAN,
    Commander/ Gulf Blockading Squadron, U. S. S. Niagara."

  15. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Canute in 1861: After Action report of the USS Preble, Battle of the Head of Passes.   
    An unidentified officer recalled the fire in the Portsmouth Journal of May 30, 1863:

    "Those on the lower deck had barely time to escape with their lives, many of them being quite severely burned ... In 15 minutes the ship was untenable, and the order was given to leave. It was impossible for many of them to reach the gangway, and they were obliged to throw themselves overboard, to be picked up by the boats.

    In less than an hour after the fire broke out, the magazine exploded, and all that remained of the Preble was in mid air. It was the most sublime and fearful sight I ever witnessed. The flames seemed to shoot upward for nearly a mile, and writhed and wriggled like so many fiery serpents, and near the top of the flames a second explosion took place, caused by a shell or large box of ammunition. The three masts were still standing when the explosion took place, and up they went into the air, whole, with the guard flag still flying at the fore."

    See "Constructing Munitions of War: the Portsmouth Navy Yard Confronts the Confederacy", By Richard E. Winslow III, Portsmouth Marine Society, page 164.

    Burned bits of the Preble reportedly wash up after heavy storms. The wreck was discovered by the navy in 1963, when artifacts were recovered, but its location was forgotten. Currently, archeologists are searching for her again.
  16. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Canute in 1861: After Action report of the USS Preble, Battle of the Head of Passes.   
    Official Account of the USS Preble's destruction:

    Report of Acting Master Shanleland, U. S. Navy, regarding the destruc-
    tion by fire of the U. S. ship Preble at Pensacola.

    NAVY YARD, PENSACOLA, April 28, 1863.
    SIR: It is my painful duty to report the total destruction of the
    U. S. ship Preble, while lying at anchor off the town of Pensacola, on
    the morning of the 27th instant. At 9: 30 a. m. the alarm of fire was
    made. I immediately started for the deck, and in passing from my
    cabin saw a volume of dense black smoke and flame issuing from the
    forehold. I instantly ordered to beat to quarters, and at the same time
    made every effort to subdue the fire. At 9:40, finding the fire increas-
    ing rapidly, 1 ordered Mr. Knowlton, acting ensign and executiv

    Page 163


    officer, to have the magazine flooded and to inform me when the fire
    reached the bulkhead of the wardroom. At 10:15 or thereabouts the
    fire had reached the wardrooni bulkhead. I instantly gave the word,
    All hands leave the ship, as I found it impossible to save her. I
    beg to state that all hands did their duty in trying to subdue the flames.
    The officers and men lost all their personal effects.
    At 10: 50 the ship blew up.
    From a report from Vincent B. Clark, landsman, I learn that the
    fire originated by the carelessness of William J. Wilson, ships cor-
    poral, temporarily acting captain of the hold. I can not learn further
    than he was emptying a barrel of tar oil into the tank; neither can I
    tell if he had an open light or a lantern. My orders have been very
    positive that no open light be used on any account in the hold.
    For a list of casualties I respectfully refer you to the accompanying
    report of Surgeon James S. Knight.
    I respectfully ask that a court enquiry be called as soon as possible.
    Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
    Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Acting commanding.

    Secretary of tite Navy.


    From all I can learn, no blame can be attached to the conimanding
    officer of the Prebie.
    A. GiBsoN,
    Gommander and Senior (officer A/bat.


    PENSACOLA NAVY YARD, April 28, 1863.

    SIR: In compliance with your request, I beg to report the following
    casualties which happened during the burning of the U. S. ship Preble
    on the 27th instant:
    John Norris, boatswains mate; hand, feet, and face badly burned.
    William King, master at arms; hand burned slightly.
    William Vetterline, marine; contusion of great toe.
    William J. Wilson, ships corporal; suffocated.
    Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Navy.
    Acting master, commanding.
    At the time, the Preble had been rearmed with 18 heavy guns: twelve medium 32-pounders, four 8 inch shell guns and two 20-pounder parrot rifles, a battery which she could not have born at sea, but suited her status as a stationary guard ship.
  17. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from Canute in 1861: After Action report of the USS Preble, Battle of the Head of Passes.   
    Not many US Naval sailing ships fired their guns in anger after the War of 1812, let alone small flush-decked sloops of war like the USS Preble. Being the dimensions of the old Wasp/Frolic/Peacock Class sloops of war, the Preble was armed with only sixteen 32-pounder carronades when launched in Portsmouth, NH, in 1839. She had a long career, sailing to China and Japan. She fought in the Mexican war and served as a cadet training ship at the outbreak of the Civil War. She was immediately sent off to the Gulf of Mexico for blockade duty in 1861, rearmed with as many modern guns as she could carry: six medium 32-pounders, one heavy 32-pounder, two 8" shell guns, and one 24-pounder brass howitzer, ten guns in all.
    Under the command of Captain French, she found herself part of a blockading squadron at The Head of Passes Mississippi, alongside the sailing Sloop Vincennes, the Flag Steam Sloop Richmond, Commodore Pope and the steamer Water Witch. The poor Preble was a helpless floating battery that was towed into place at the head of the line and anchored there. Their job was to stop privateers from sailing out of New Orleans. Her only movement, in case of emergency, would have been to slip her anchor and head downstream, trying not to run aground. But this was the duty required of her, as there were few steamer then available to the US Navy at that time.
    Just such an emergency came one dark night when the Confederate Ironclad ram, the one gun CSS Manassas, attacked them without warning. French's Preble was the first to engage, and she fired her guns almost non-stop until ordered to retire. The Richmond was rammed, but did not sink. The Water Witch and Vincennes panicked and both ran aground, after firing very few shots, and the Vincennes's captain the ordered his crew to abandon ship, and even lit a powder train to the magazine to keep the ship from falling into rebel hands. But a clear thinking quartermaster snuffed it out. All four ships survived and escaped, but the affair caused much embarrassment in the press in what became known as "Pope's Run" or "The Great Skedaddle". Pope and the Vincennes' captain were sacked, but French was praised for his cool conduct.

    The following is reproduced from  http://ebooks.library.cornell.edu/m/moawar/ofre_fulltext.html  

    "Report of Commanc3er French, U. S. Navy, commanding U. S. ship Preble.

    U. S. Ship PREBLE,

    Mississippi River, October 22, 1861.
    SIR: In obedience to your order, I have to make to you the follow-
    ing statement of the occurrences at the Head of the Passes on the
    morning of the 12th instant:

    This ship was anchored about 150 or 200 yards distant from the
    Richmond and about two points on her starboard bow, being the most
    advanced ship of the forces there at anchor. I had been on deck
    most of the time during the night, had left it but a short time previ-
    ously, and was lying in my berth asleep with all my clothes on, when
    a midshipman rushed into the cabin exclaiming, Captain, here is a
    steamer right alongside of us. .1 sprang instantly on deck; the order
    had already been given to beat to quarters and the men were then
    assembling at their guns. This was about 3:40 a. m. The moon had
    set, or was obscured by clouds, and the night somewhat dark, with the
    wind from the northward. As I passed out of my cabin on my way to
    the deck I saw through a port an indescribable object not 20 yards
    distant from our quarter, moving with great velocity toward the bow
    of the Richmond. My orders from the senior officer were in the event
    of discovering any danger at night to hoist a red light at the gaff.
    This had been done by the officer of the deck, instantly, on the dis-
    covery of the object, which was first seen about 15 or 20 feet directly
    ahead of this ship, and drifting with the current directly toward us; not
    a speck of light, smoke, or any moving thing could be seen on or in it,
    and it looked somewhat like a huge whale in the water. The instant the
    persons on board of it discovered our movements it seemed to change
    its direction to avoid us and made directly for the Richmond. In an
    instant huge clouds of the densest, blackest smoke rolled up from it, and
    we all expected to see her blown up, but afterwards concluded it must

    have been the ram, of which we had been told so much. It next made
    its appearance about a hundred yards distant, and directly abeam of
    this ship, where it lay quietly for a few minutes, apparently hesitating
    whether to come at us or not. 1 instantly opened my port battery
    and gave her three broadsides in rapid succession, the Richmond also
    firing. She then slowly steamed up the river, and when on our port
    bow threw up a rocket. This ship had been lying all the time with a
    range of only 15 fathoms cable, in readiness to slip in case of emer-
    gen cy. While firing at him word was passed ~that the Richmond was
    going ahead of us and to hold our fire. I was directing the firing at
    the battery, and hearing it, looked out of a port and saw that she was
    astern barely lapping my quarter, and therefore continued my fir-
    ing until the ram was out of line of pointing. 1 at once manned my
    deck tackle (for my capstan has been crippled since the hurricane at
    Key West, and I and therefore compelled to use deck tackles) and
    beo~an to heave in my chain. Immediately on the rocket being thrown
    up from the ram, three bright lights were seen coming down the river
    directly toward this ship, which we at first supposed to be steamers
    coming to attack us. They soon, however, increased so rapidly in
    size, that we were fully convinced they were fire ships, and such they
    proved to be. I was then working smartly with my deck tackle, and
    should have succeeded in weighing my anchor, when it was reported
    to me that the Richmond was steaming down the river. 1 could not
    and would not believe it possible until I ran aft and saw her astern and
    heading down. The fire ships were then not more than 150 yards dis-
    tant, directly ahead, and coming down upon this ship. At the urgent
    suggestion of the first lieutenant and other officers, I then gave the
    order to make sail and slip the cable, having first taken off the slip
    buoy, so that the enemy should not easily obtain it. The ships head
    was immediately headed toward the South West Pass, orders to that
    effect, in the event of our being obliged to slip at any time, having
    been for some time previously given by the senior officer present.
    The moment this ship was discovered by the fire ships (which were in
    tow of two steam tugs, one on each side) to be underway, their direc-
    tion was changed toward the Richmond and Vincennes, which were on
    the opposite side of the river and below this ship. Continuing down
    the river I came up with the Richmond, which was burning the Cos-
    ton signals, and passing within a few yards of his stern, I hailed and
    said I can hear your orders; what are they? The answer was
    Proceed down the Pass. We were so near my reply was made
    without the use of a deck trumpet. I continued down the Pass and
    soon passed by the Vincennes, which soon after signalized to Richmond,
    Shall I anchor, which was answered by general signal Cross
    the bar. Not long after the Vincennes was discovered to be
    aground, with her stern up the river. This ship shortly after took
    the bottom, and I feared would also stick, but after two or three smart
    rolls worked herself over and crossed the bar, when I anchored near the
    coal ships liTi thn and Nightingale, to protect them in case of necessity.
    I should have stated that the fire ships were towed on shore by the
    enemy at the Head of the Passes, and two or three steamers were seen
    coming rapidly down the river to attack the ships. The Richmond was
    at that time slowly moving down, Water Witch assisting Vincennes. The
    engagement had now commenced between the Richmond, Vincennes,
    and Water Witch on our side, and three of the enemys steamers, one o

    them being a large bark-rigged vessel, said to be the iJfiramon, but
    now called the McRae; two other steamers were also in company, but
    I could perceive no firing from them. At this time signal was made
    from Richmond to ships outside the bar to get underway. I, of
    course, obeyed the signal, as did also the Kuhn; the Nightingale being
    ashore, of course could not. It was not long before we discovered the
    Richmond to be aground; the firing continued about two hours or
    more, when the enemys. steamers retired up the river. About noon
    received from the Water Witch 6 officers and TO men from the Vin-
    cennes~, which, we then learned, had been abandoned.
    The only signals I saw made by the Richmond during the engage-
    ment were those made to this ship, and one other to Water Witch,
    Engage the enemy.

    Respectfully, yom obedient servan ~,

    H. FRENCH,

    Commanding U S. Ship Preble.

    Flag-Officer Wi~r. MCKEAN,

    Commanding (Gulf Blockading /Squadron, U. S. S. Niagara.​)"
      The USS Preble was relegated to guard ship duties in 1863 at Pensacola, FL, when she was destroyed by an accidental storeroom fire. The Preble and her four sister ships Decatur, Hull, Marion and Yorktown, deserve to be modeled. A full set of plans survives of her drawn by Chapelle for the Smithsonian.    
  18. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from mtaylor in 1861: After Action report of the USS Preble, Battle of the Head of Passes.   
    An unidentified officer recalled the fire in the Portsmouth Journal of May 30, 1863:

    "Those on the lower deck had barely time to escape with their lives, many of them being quite severely burned ... In 15 minutes the ship was untenable, and the order was given to leave. It was impossible for many of them to reach the gangway, and they were obliged to throw themselves overboard, to be picked up by the boats.

    In less than an hour after the fire broke out, the magazine exploded, and all that remained of the Preble was in mid air. It was the most sublime and fearful sight I ever witnessed. The flames seemed to shoot upward for nearly a mile, and writhed and wriggled like so many fiery serpents, and near the top of the flames a second explosion took place, caused by a shell or large box of ammunition. The three masts were still standing when the explosion took place, and up they went into the air, whole, with the guard flag still flying at the fore."

    See "Constructing Munitions of War: the Portsmouth Navy Yard Confronts the Confederacy", By Richard E. Winslow III, Portsmouth Marine Society, page 164.

    Burned bits of the Preble reportedly wash up after heavy storms. The wreck was discovered by the navy in 1963, when artifacts were recovered, but its location was forgotten. Currently, archeologists are searching for her again.
  19. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from mtaylor in 1861: After Action report of the USS Preble, Battle of the Head of Passes.   
    Here is a interesting, yet sad letter written by Commander French concerning four runaway slaves that sought US Navy protection. Note that the USS Preble and the USS Marion were identical sister-ships! How often did that happen?


    "Report of Commander French, U. S. Navy, requesting instructions
    regarding the disposition of four contrabands.

    head of the Passes, Mississippi River, October 5, 1861.

    SIR: While lying at anchor with this ship and the U. S. ship Marion
    at Ship Island, and being momentarily on board the last-named ship, on
    the afternoon of the 24th of September ultimo, a small rowboat wa

    reported as pulling from the mainland in the direction of the ship.
    Not certain whether they were coming there or intending to land on
    Cat Island, where rebel steamers had been passing, I directed Lieu-
    tenant-Commanding Bryant to dispatch a boat either to pursue or
    relieve them, as the case might be. In a short time the boat returned,
    bringing with them a small boat and four contrabands, or runaway
    slaves. They had made their escape from Handsboro, Miss., and were
    seeking refuge on board our ships. Their names and names of their
    masters are as follows: Parker Hamilton, Toney Graves, Stephen
    ONeil, belonging to R. C. Cowens; William Sanders, belonging to
    Robert Carr. Upon their statement that they were being almost
    starved to death, and worked to death, and that they wanted to stay
    with us, I directed Lieutenant-Commanding Bryant to retain them on
    board the Marion and to supply them with rations, and to send the
    other two on board this ship.
    On the arrival of Commander Smith in the steamer Massachusetts,
    with orders for me to report to you at Pass ~ lOutre, I reported the
    circumstances to him and received his orders to bring them all to you.
    I have them all here, and await your orders as to the disposition to be
    made of them.
    From these contrabands I learn the rebels have a powder mill in
    full blast at a place called Red Bluff, in Landsboro, on Bernards
    Bayou. They say it is working night and day and that daily trips are
    made by carts and wagons, bringing the raw materials, I presume, and
    taking& away the manufactured article. They state there are soldiers
    at Biloxi, a place 2 miles distant, and also at Ocean Springs, another
    landing place on the bayou, below the powder mill. One of them
    says a revenue cutter guards the entrance of the bayou, while the
    others know nothing about it.
    Very respectfully, H. FRENCH,
    Flag-Officer WM. W. MCKEAN,
    Commander/ Gulf Blockading Squadron, U. S. S. Niagara."

  20. Like
    uss frolick reacted to rafine in Frigate Essex by Rafine - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Kitbashed   
    DONE!! Essex is now completed. The last item was the lantern kit from Caldercraft that just arrived from the UK. Etched brass with a white metal top and base and brass rod support. A fussy little piece to do, but correct in size and shape.
    Essex has now sat for her completion portraits and it is time for some reflection on the past almost two years that I have worked on her:
    1) This was a great challenge. Those who have followed along from the beginning will remember that I almost gave up in frustration at the problems that presented themselves. I'm very glad that I didn't. It turned into an enjoyable and rewarding experience. I had my doubts about how things would turn out and some of my fears were realized --  for example, the placement of the quarterdeck gun ports turned out wrong when I did the rigging. This was my fault for not having thought it through well enough when I was making the various structural changes that were required. I thank everyone for kindly not pointing out the errors  when they appeared.
    2) I will not do another model at this small a scale again. The problems of aging eyes and arthritic hands made some of the very small work and particularly the rigging in very close quarters a pain. This probably also means that this may be the last large complex ship that I will model. My current plan is to stick to smaller vessels in larger scales. Chuck's Cheerful is next.
    3) Some words of warning and encouragement to those wishing to build the "new" Essex kit. I have not seen it, but I've read the posts from some who have. If the drawings have not been changed, you will have problems. The drawings have scale issues, inconsistency issues and, according to Sam Cassano, were not his final drawings. Using the AOTS Essex as an additional reference is a help, but care will still be required to make it all work. Having said that, I think that anyone with moderate skills and some experience can turn out a creditable model. I would love to see some logs started, and I would be happy to provide any help that may be desired.
    Thanks to all for the interest, the generous thoughts and comments and the help and encouragement throughout this project. It is always appreciated and is what makes this site so great. A special thank you to Sam for all his help and a wish for his good health.

  21. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from mtaylor in 1861: After Action report of the USS Preble, Battle of the Head of Passes.   
    Not many US Naval sailing ships fired their guns in anger after the War of 1812, let alone small flush-decked sloops of war like the USS Preble. Being the dimensions of the old Wasp/Frolic/Peacock Class sloops of war, the Preble was armed with only sixteen 32-pounder carronades when launched in Portsmouth, NH, in 1839. She had a long career, sailing to China and Japan. She fought in the Mexican war and served as a cadet training ship at the outbreak of the Civil War. She was immediately sent off to the Gulf of Mexico for blockade duty in 1861, rearmed with as many modern guns as she could carry: six medium 32-pounders, one heavy 32-pounder, two 8" shell guns, and one 24-pounder brass howitzer, ten guns in all.
    Under the command of Captain French, she found herself part of a blockading squadron at The Head of Passes Mississippi, alongside the sailing Sloop Vincennes, the Flag Steam Sloop Richmond, Commodore Pope and the steamer Water Witch. The poor Preble was a helpless floating battery that was towed into place at the head of the line and anchored there. Their job was to stop privateers from sailing out of New Orleans. Her only movement, in case of emergency, would have been to slip her anchor and head downstream, trying not to run aground. But this was the duty required of her, as there were few steamer then available to the US Navy at that time.
    Just such an emergency came one dark night when the Confederate Ironclad ram, the one gun CSS Manassas, attacked them without warning. French's Preble was the first to engage, and she fired her guns almost non-stop until ordered to retire. The Richmond was rammed, but did not sink. The Water Witch and Vincennes panicked and both ran aground, after firing very few shots, and the Vincennes's captain the ordered his crew to abandon ship, and even lit a powder train to the magazine to keep the ship from falling into rebel hands. But a clear thinking quartermaster snuffed it out. All four ships survived and escaped, but the affair caused much embarrassment in the press in what became known as "Pope's Run" or "The Great Skedaddle". Pope and the Vincennes' captain were sacked, but French was praised for his cool conduct.

    The following is reproduced from  http://ebooks.library.cornell.edu/m/moawar/ofre_fulltext.html  

    "Report of Commanc3er French, U. S. Navy, commanding U. S. ship Preble.

    U. S. Ship PREBLE,

    Mississippi River, October 22, 1861.
    SIR: In obedience to your order, I have to make to you the follow-
    ing statement of the occurrences at the Head of the Passes on the
    morning of the 12th instant:

    This ship was anchored about 150 or 200 yards distant from the
    Richmond and about two points on her starboard bow, being the most
    advanced ship of the forces there at anchor. I had been on deck
    most of the time during the night, had left it but a short time previ-
    ously, and was lying in my berth asleep with all my clothes on, when
    a midshipman rushed into the cabin exclaiming, Captain, here is a
    steamer right alongside of us. .1 sprang instantly on deck; the order
    had already been given to beat to quarters and the men were then
    assembling at their guns. This was about 3:40 a. m. The moon had
    set, or was obscured by clouds, and the night somewhat dark, with the
    wind from the northward. As I passed out of my cabin on my way to
    the deck I saw through a port an indescribable object not 20 yards
    distant from our quarter, moving with great velocity toward the bow
    of the Richmond. My orders from the senior officer were in the event
    of discovering any danger at night to hoist a red light at the gaff.
    This had been done by the officer of the deck, instantly, on the dis-
    covery of the object, which was first seen about 15 or 20 feet directly
    ahead of this ship, and drifting with the current directly toward us; not
    a speck of light, smoke, or any moving thing could be seen on or in it,
    and it looked somewhat like a huge whale in the water. The instant the
    persons on board of it discovered our movements it seemed to change
    its direction to avoid us and made directly for the Richmond. In an
    instant huge clouds of the densest, blackest smoke rolled up from it, and
    we all expected to see her blown up, but afterwards concluded it must

    have been the ram, of which we had been told so much. It next made
    its appearance about a hundred yards distant, and directly abeam of
    this ship, where it lay quietly for a few minutes, apparently hesitating
    whether to come at us or not. 1 instantly opened my port battery
    and gave her three broadsides in rapid succession, the Richmond also
    firing. She then slowly steamed up the river, and when on our port
    bow threw up a rocket. This ship had been lying all the time with a
    range of only 15 fathoms cable, in readiness to slip in case of emer-
    gen cy. While firing at him word was passed ~that the Richmond was
    going ahead of us and to hold our fire. I was directing the firing at
    the battery, and hearing it, looked out of a port and saw that she was
    astern barely lapping my quarter, and therefore continued my fir-
    ing until the ram was out of line of pointing. 1 at once manned my
    deck tackle (for my capstan has been crippled since the hurricane at
    Key West, and I and therefore compelled to use deck tackles) and
    beo~an to heave in my chain. Immediately on the rocket being thrown
    up from the ram, three bright lights were seen coming down the river
    directly toward this ship, which we at first supposed to be steamers
    coming to attack us. They soon, however, increased so rapidly in
    size, that we were fully convinced they were fire ships, and such they
    proved to be. I was then working smartly with my deck tackle, and
    should have succeeded in weighing my anchor, when it was reported
    to me that the Richmond was steaming down the river. 1 could not
    and would not believe it possible until I ran aft and saw her astern and
    heading down. The fire ships were then not more than 150 yards dis-
    tant, directly ahead, and coming down upon this ship. At the urgent
    suggestion of the first lieutenant and other officers, I then gave the
    order to make sail and slip the cable, having first taken off the slip
    buoy, so that the enemy should not easily obtain it. The ships head
    was immediately headed toward the South West Pass, orders to that
    effect, in the event of our being obliged to slip at any time, having
    been for some time previously given by the senior officer present.
    The moment this ship was discovered by the fire ships (which were in
    tow of two steam tugs, one on each side) to be underway, their direc-
    tion was changed toward the Richmond and Vincennes, which were on
    the opposite side of the river and below this ship. Continuing down
    the river I came up with the Richmond, which was burning the Cos-
    ton signals, and passing within a few yards of his stern, I hailed and
    said I can hear your orders; what are they? The answer was
    Proceed down the Pass. We were so near my reply was made
    without the use of a deck trumpet. I continued down the Pass and
    soon passed by the Vincennes, which soon after signalized to Richmond,
    Shall I anchor, which was answered by general signal Cross
    the bar. Not long after the Vincennes was discovered to be
    aground, with her stern up the river. This ship shortly after took
    the bottom, and I feared would also stick, but after two or three smart
    rolls worked herself over and crossed the bar, when I anchored near the
    coal ships liTi thn and Nightingale, to protect them in case of necessity.
    I should have stated that the fire ships were towed on shore by the
    enemy at the Head of the Passes, and two or three steamers were seen
    coming rapidly down the river to attack the ships. The Richmond was
    at that time slowly moving down, Water Witch assisting Vincennes. The
    engagement had now commenced between the Richmond, Vincennes,
    and Water Witch on our side, and three of the enemys steamers, one o

    them being a large bark-rigged vessel, said to be the iJfiramon, but
    now called the McRae; two other steamers were also in company, but
    I could perceive no firing from them. At this time signal was made
    from Richmond to ships outside the bar to get underway. I, of
    course, obeyed the signal, as did also the Kuhn; the Nightingale being
    ashore, of course could not. It was not long before we discovered the
    Richmond to be aground; the firing continued about two hours or
    more, when the enemys. steamers retired up the river. About noon
    received from the Water Witch 6 officers and TO men from the Vin-
    cennes~, which, we then learned, had been abandoned.
    The only signals I saw made by the Richmond during the engage-
    ment were those made to this ship, and one other to Water Witch,
    Engage the enemy.

    Respectfully, yom obedient servan ~,

    H. FRENCH,

    Commanding U S. Ship Preble.

    Flag-Officer Wi~r. MCKEAN,

    Commanding (Gulf Blockading /Squadron, U. S. S. Niagara.​)"
      The USS Preble was relegated to guard ship duties in 1863 at Pensacola, FL, when she was destroyed by an accidental storeroom fire. The Preble and her four sister ships Decatur, Hull, Marion and Yorktown, deserve to be modeled. A full set of plans survives of her drawn by Chapelle for the Smithsonian.    
  22. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from mtaylor in 1861: After Action report of the USS Preble, Battle of the Head of Passes.   
    Official Account of the USS Preble's destruction:

    Report of Acting Master Shanleland, U. S. Navy, regarding the destruc-
    tion by fire of the U. S. ship Preble at Pensacola.

    NAVY YARD, PENSACOLA, April 28, 1863.
    SIR: It is my painful duty to report the total destruction of the
    U. S. ship Preble, while lying at anchor off the town of Pensacola, on
    the morning of the 27th instant. At 9: 30 a. m. the alarm of fire was
    made. I immediately started for the deck, and in passing from my
    cabin saw a volume of dense black smoke and flame issuing from the
    forehold. I instantly ordered to beat to quarters, and at the same time
    made every effort to subdue the fire. At 9:40, finding the fire increas-
    ing rapidly, 1 ordered Mr. Knowlton, acting ensign and executiv

    Page 163


    officer, to have the magazine flooded and to inform me when the fire
    reached the bulkhead of the wardroom. At 10:15 or thereabouts the
    fire had reached the wardrooni bulkhead. I instantly gave the word,
    All hands leave the ship, as I found it impossible to save her. I
    beg to state that all hands did their duty in trying to subdue the flames.
    The officers and men lost all their personal effects.
    At 10: 50 the ship blew up.
    From a report from Vincent B. Clark, landsman, I learn that the
    fire originated by the carelessness of William J. Wilson, ships cor-
    poral, temporarily acting captain of the hold. I can not learn further
    than he was emptying a barrel of tar oil into the tank; neither can I
    tell if he had an open light or a lantern. My orders have been very
    positive that no open light be used on any account in the hold.
    For a list of casualties I respectfully refer you to the accompanying
    report of Surgeon James S. Knight.
    I respectfully ask that a court enquiry be called as soon as possible.
    Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
    Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Acting commanding.

    Secretary of tite Navy.


    From all I can learn, no blame can be attached to the conimanding
    officer of the Prebie.
    A. GiBsoN,
    Gommander and Senior (officer A/bat.


    PENSACOLA NAVY YARD, April 28, 1863.

    SIR: In compliance with your request, I beg to report the following
    casualties which happened during the burning of the U. S. ship Preble
    on the 27th instant:
    John Norris, boatswains mate; hand, feet, and face badly burned.
    William King, master at arms; hand burned slightly.
    William Vetterline, marine; contusion of great toe.
    William J. Wilson, ships corporal; suffocated.
    Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Navy.
    Acting master, commanding.
    At the time, the Preble had been rearmed with 18 heavy guns: twelve medium 32-pounders, four 8 inch shell guns and two 20-pounder parrot rifles, a battery which she could not have born at sea, but suited her status as a stationary guard ship.
  23. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from shiloh in 1861: Rebel account of the Destruction of the Norfolk Navy Yard.   
    I found this little gem in the stacks. I'm sure many have read it, but its new to me. Makes me want to cry ...


    Confederate reports and correspondence relative Jo the destruction and
    abandonment of Norfolk navy yard.


    NORFOLK, April22, 1861.
    North left for Charleston to-day; I answer your dispatch. The Penn-
    sylcania, Merrimack, Germantown, Raritan, Columbia, and Dolphin are
    burned to the waters edge and sunk. The Delaware, Columbus, and
    Plymouth are sunk. All can be raised; the Plymouth easily; not
    much injured. The Germantown crushed and sunk by the falling of
    shears. Her battery, new and complete, uninjured by fire; can be
    recovered. The most abominable vandalism at the yard. Destruction
    less than might be expected. The two lower ship houses burned, with
    the New York, line of battle ship, on the stocks. Also the rigging loft,
    sail loft, and gun-carriage depot, with all the pivot gun carriages and
    many others. No other buildings burned. The metal work of the car-
    riages will be recovered; most of it good. About 4,000 shells thrown
    overboard; can be recovered. The Germantowns battery will be up
    and ready for service to-morrow. In ordnance building all small arms
    broken and thrown overboard will be fished up. The brass howitzers
    thrown overboard are up. The Merrimack has 2,200 10-pound cartridges
    in her magazine in water-tight tanks. The flag of Virginia floats over
    the yard. Only eight guns, 32-pounders, destroyed; about 1,000 or more
    from 11-inch to 32-pounders taken, and ready for our cause. Many of
    them are ready in batteries. We saved about 130 gun carriages; all
    saved at St. Helena [Va.]. Many thousands of shells and shot, from
    11-inch to 32-pounders, safe. All the machinery uninjured. Magazine
    captured, with 2,000 barrels of powder and vast numbers of shells and
    quantities of fixed ammunition. An attempt made to blow up the dry
    dock failed. Everything broken that they could break. Private trunks
    broken open and officers clothing and that of their wives stolen.
    Glorious news! General Gwynn just read me a telegram; it comes
    from a reliable source; the New York Regiment, attempting to march
    through Maryland, was met half waybetween Marlborough and Annapo-
    lis and cut all to pieces.
    S. H. MALLORY,
    Secretary of the Navy."
  24. Like
    uss frolick got a reaction from CharlieZardoz in 1861: Rebel account of the Destruction of the Norfolk Navy Yard.   
    I found this little gem in the stacks. I'm sure many have read it, but its new to me. Makes me want to cry ...


    Confederate reports and correspondence relative Jo the destruction and
    abandonment of Norfolk navy yard.


    NORFOLK, April22, 1861.
    North left for Charleston to-day; I answer your dispatch. The Penn-
    sylcania, Merrimack, Germantown, Raritan, Columbia, and Dolphin are
    burned to the waters edge and sunk. The Delaware, Columbus, and
    Plymouth are sunk. All can be raised; the Plymouth easily; not
    much injured. The Germantown crushed and sunk by the falling of
    shears. Her battery, new and complete, uninjured by fire; can be
    recovered. The most abominable vandalism at the yard. Destruction
    less than might be expected. The two lower ship houses burned, with
    the New York, line of battle ship, on the stocks. Also the rigging loft,
    sail loft, and gun-carriage depot, with all the pivot gun carriages and
    many others. No other buildings burned. The metal work of the car-
    riages will be recovered; most of it good. About 4,000 shells thrown
    overboard; can be recovered. The Germantowns battery will be up
    and ready for service to-morrow. In ordnance building all small arms
    broken and thrown overboard will be fished up. The brass howitzers
    thrown overboard are up. The Merrimack has 2,200 10-pound cartridges
    in her magazine in water-tight tanks. The flag of Virginia floats over
    the yard. Only eight guns, 32-pounders, destroyed; about 1,000 or more
    from 11-inch to 32-pounders taken, and ready for our cause. Many of
    them are ready in batteries. We saved about 130 gun carriages; all
    saved at St. Helena [Va.]. Many thousands of shells and shot, from
    11-inch to 32-pounders, safe. All the machinery uninjured. Magazine
    captured, with 2,000 barrels of powder and vast numbers of shells and
    quantities of fixed ammunition. An attempt made to blow up the dry
    dock failed. Everything broken that they could break. Private trunks
    broken open and officers clothing and that of their wives stolen.
    Glorious news! General Gwynn just read me a telegram; it comes
    from a reliable source; the New York Regiment, attempting to march
    through Maryland, was met half waybetween Marlborough and Annapo-
    lis and cut all to pieces.
    S. H. MALLORY,
    Secretary of the Navy."
  25. Like
    uss frolick reacted to trippwj in 1861: Frigate USS Congress prepares herself against infernal devices   
    I have always found this from Gen. Eisenhower to be so very true:
    “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”
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