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Everything posted by Hollander-jan

  1. Hoi Gregor, Nice the name looks verry good. As all of the ship. I wish I good have some off your skills, but I think it is all to do with experience and patience and caracter. Neverteheless a ferry nice pice of work. Jan
  2. Thank you Tony, Jan and Kester for the uplifting comments. I will definitely continue, did some experiments today. This support is more than welcome. Eventually it will work out. And then we look back in amazement. And we'll say it was difficult but the job is done. Know now that from the center to the boards is better. Have some other work in the house to do but I'll be back be sure off that. Jan Tony succes with your axel trees!
  3. Thank you Kester for this reply. As you might well feel I am not happy with how it looks. I have put the whole thing aside for a while because when I go on it will take me off. I am thinking off an other approch and do it all over again like you say start from the center and going outwards. There is enough wood to do it again. I have even wood to make a new margin (bought it today). I give a good thought and deside what to do. To cut the margin plank as I did was way to let it fit But again I give a rest and try to think of doing it all over from the center to the margin with new marging planks it is worth the effort. Thanks again for your advise. Jan
  4. 28 of januari after a day of cutting trowing away start over this what I can do. It is not very nice but the best I am able of. 1/4 of the deck with tape in place. Jan
  5. Hello Matti, just had a look at what your building. Looks verry good and great photografs. I will be following the build and sure it wil be a spendid ship to see. Jan
  6. Nasgûl, I thank you for what you said and appriciated verry much. I have done some building in the past but this is more difficult than that wat i did. Never the less I do what I can. Luckely I am a determent man and do not give up easely. So in the end there will be a ship and my skills wil have been developed. Bonus is the fun I have to do it. Skol Jan
  7. Thank you all for the kind words and all the advise about color and so on. It helps me to procede with this deck project. Kester nothing is glued it just placed on paper to see wat has to be done. In the end it wil look good I hope. For now it is a strugle but we will get there in the end. Jan
  8. Thank you Tony and Olie at least I have the notion now to go on with this project. Yes Tony the planks are just placed on paper with that what i have now on margings. So there is room to manoeuvre. I wil go on and keep you posted this is a real project and there is on some point no way back so I have to be carefull. Jan
  9. I have a problem with the deck planking. I made margin planks (they have to be shaped in the right size) from left over wood from the deck cut out. What is the problem: 1 - the margin planks are off color with the deck. 2 - I do not know if I am on the right track with these margin planks 3 - I realy have no idea howe it will look when done 4 - is it better to abandon this margin planking and go for planking without them Can any off you give me some advise? Jan pictures of the situation dry fit on paper.
  10. Jan OOB is Out Of The Box yes indeed I am not very pleased with it not by my own making and not by the material. I think it could be better and I will try so by again using the OOB material. But I find it hard to do so you understand. jan
  11. Her is a question for all of you: what is the picture below A - a go kart B - a cannon and carriage C - a monkey with a banana D - non of the above have fun Jan
  12. Thank you Jan, Tony and Kester for the answers you gave. The matter is simple I have to do the rigging and all the small knots to get it right. ok in due course we will see to that. And of course I should have looked in AOTS Cutter Alert which is on my pc.. After a lot of careful cluing sanding and woodworking with model knifes the hull is nearly finished the ports are open. It is all in all a satisfactory thing to look at. I did the best I can do for now but learned a great deal, next time will be different for now it is good to see that she is coming along. After a bit of painting we will see what to do with the deck have to do a bit of study about that one. Jan
  13. Hello Sherbourne loggers and all the others. I have a question about cannon rigging. Here is a picture of a cannon aboard a ship. The question is, because I can not recollect where a got it, is this correct for English war ships. I find the rigging easier to do then other riggings. This is the cannon in question. Jan
  14. Thank you Brakster. Hope to see you sometimes on the log so you can give comment and see my progress. Give my greetings to the girl and have a nice time in Sweden. Jan
  15. Gregor it looks great. Your build is very nice, and a great reference for me. The port lids are superbly and very well done as the rest of the ship. Looking forward to your rigging. Jan
  16. Sure what you say but never the less your answer is helpful and you put much time and effort in them that is the case. Sorry to hear about your bits lets hope the other ones arrive shortly. Jan
  17. Thanks Tony and Gregor that gets me forward. Sorry Gregor but as always Tony gifs an answer that is so well done you can not mis what he is telling excellent man, I love your reply's. (is your milling bit already there?) Another thing is that I have decided to go for six (6) guns. This is due to the replacing of the gun ports after gluing the bulkward wrong. It is not a big deal for me because the ship is, as I said, a schooling project. Opening more ports wil give trouble with the channels. On the other hand I will construct a nice deck house to let the captain enter his quarters. You wil see in due course. Jan
  18. Is there anyone who can tell me what the funcyion is off the copper wire in the building off the carriages. Likes a dumn question but I do not understand this.
  19. A jig for the carriages I have made a jig for putting togeter the carriage for the cannon. My problem was the carriage is to smal to handel and to get a copple of carriages that are the same I had to get something that would help me to get it the same. A jig was the answer. But to glue the carriage together and getting them out of the jig was something else. The anwer is shown the picture. The axels go in, A and the sides fit over the axels. The main problem was all has to very tight. Sanding the axels to the right proportions so they will get in and out is what you have to do and be sure off. The sides have to fit easeley as well. But all has to be tight. Dry fit to be sure. It all looks much work but it gave me confedence in getting the carriages right. And all off them the same and as Tony says not look like "Go Carts". The jig as shown in the picture is not perfect. The first carriage worked wel but the next I made where more problematic. The fitting was not precies enough and by the lake of tollerance in the scale it was not to be adjusted. After all a nice exercice but not what I had expected. It helped a bit but after all I had to make them by hand. Wich was not aesy because of the trembling in my hands. Iff I had to make more carriages I would have made a better jig but now it was to do by the number of carriages 8 in total. The wheels will be put on and all will be painted after that inner bulkward and the deck. Progress will be slower because of other building projects in the house (bathroom) foto jig . Jan
  20. Thank you for that perfect post. I dont't know if we are in the same age I am turned 66 last december retired after 43 years of hard working. I have all the time in the world to spent on my family, dog, boat, and housholding. The admiral is younger and stil working. It is realy wonderful to see and read what you do with the boat. I myself doing the best I can and it turns out satisfactory for me. In my own post I wil tell about a jig I have made for the construction of the cannon cariages. Works wel and gives me confidence for the rest of the small stuf. It was fun to do this jig. Jan
  21. This is all very impressiv. And a major contribution to how to do things. I feel a near neatherthaler as I read this. It is all really nice and off a great workmansship. looking forward to the cannons working on them now they are so small! Jan
  22. The planking of the out site hul is finisht. Here are some pictures of the boat as he is now. Jan
  23. Thanks for this very well done answer Kester. I have thougt about planking around the ports in some way and will do this in the futher. For now I am busy and very careful opening the ports and is satisfactory. The trouble is that there is not enougf patients in me but it is comming around. About the ports and the places this is due to an erlier mistake. I have checked but all wil go as far as deck is concerned. I see this as a learning ship and stil having fun to work on it. Jan
  24. Thank you Jan I thought that it would be someting like that. We will be more careful the next time. Thanks for the reply. Jan
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