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Posts posted by Kevin

  1. Now I have to wait until Monday, what are you trying to do to me. I love the work and the detail is outstanding. Keep the pictures are coming. On some of the small detail parts, like the one you said has 28 pieces, any way you could show how you made pieces like that in the future? The detail is what makes this build outstanding.


    Paul i feel sorry for you, all these requests to show more detail, we all want to see more detail, but want to see the next bit as well

  2. hello everyone, 


    yet again my weekend has come to an end, yeah ok it is the middle of the afternoon, but have things to do, and i have avoided all the news all day to watch the Australian F1 race this evening, i would watch it live but the weather affected the qualifications so messed my routine up


    anyway, i have totally rewired my garage, and put in place a full ring main, new lighting sockets, aerial  points, just tidying it all up now, had to clean the mess up to take the photos


    i will be building a table next, to free stand in the middle of the room so that i can work on the build from any side, i hope to complete that by this time next week.



    all the best






  3. After 30+ years in the Royal navy,I retired 3 years ago.

    Being around warships and submarines,all that time,  it is surprising just how quickly you forget about the small details required to make a vessel operate, it is not until you see the plans of yr build, seeing all the inlets, outlets deck fittings etc,  the things that take a average model into something special, i will follow with intrest, good luck

  4. my garage conversion continues, raised floor ceiling and walls are finished, the barrier between me and the wabbits is 90% done, at present i am working out work top area and storage, still on track for a Easter restart.

    i fully appreciate this is a hobby site for boats and not loft/ garage conversions, if anyone is concerned with this, please tell me and i will stop posting non Victory related stuff






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