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Posts posted by themadchemist

  1. Wow, how'd I get so far behind on this one log again.

    Nice job on the masts and even better job putting off shrouds and ratlines :D


    That bowsprit, when mounted by itself looked like a hook waiting to catch a sleeve. The sooner the shrouds are up the more stable she will be ... just keep repeating that, maybe that'll help.


    Looking good, can't wait to see her with standing rigging, she's gonna look Awesome.

  2. What about the AL Charles Morgan (is this kit still made, thats one cool whaler) and the Model Shipways 18th Century Longboat on the shelf. I looked long and hard at the Longboat but its scale frightened me away. So I went with the pinnace, what it lacks in rigging it has in style and beauty. Plus Chucks practicum makes it hard to resist. After an AL kit instructions, that becomes a much bigger consideration.


    My problem is that I could quickly become Popeye with just a nudge. That huge front room we closed off to conserve energy would make a heck of a shipyard.


    Congrats on beating those dang gunports, failure is only success telling you to try again. I also try to see failure as opportunity, unless it involves surgery. (hum, duct taping tools to hands, another excellent Andy original :dancetl6: ... ) You showed them gunports though.


    I was thinking and didnt you use the kit provided ports? Maybe they attacked due to jealousy over the doors you made. Kit parts can be ruthless that way, I argue with my parts all the time. When Al isn't acting up that is...


    ... and I liked the countersunk  method used on them without a complete chop job on the hull.


    Now comes the fun part. Seems to me that the SF has lots of bashing that can be done on deck furniture.

  3. Wow, thats a lot of missing parts, Amigo.  I'd throw in more spanish but strangely I only know the word that are food related. I think inventory of parts is my worse hated part of building but your experience shows just how much it is necessary.


    Reminds me of the time I was working at the packing house and did inventory with a guy that was dyslexic. Maybe he's working at OcCre now and counted your parts. ;)

  4. Good thoughts Andy, or have a swimming platform on the Denny Zen also. They'll have to do something waiting for them lobsters to snare themselves.


    No diving board huh, what about the on board HOT TUB!


    Seriously though I love the crazy thoughs your builds stir in me. Who needs rules in a hobby other then those you make.

  5. My wife Tammy is an orthopedic OR technician, and knees are pretty common place anymore. Not that surgery isnt serious, I'm just saying I'm sure she'll be up quickly and in much better shape due to the repair.

    Dad had a total knee replacement in january and now he's not needing the other done as the stress that replacing the bad one relieved has stop the other from being a problem.

    Tammy and I send best of luck and well wishes to your wife and you and hopes of a quick and painless recovery.


    Oh boy, sea tales, I can wait. :dancetl6:

  6. Hello Geoff

    Beautiful work. the details on the masts are amazing. Your bowsprit turned out excellent also.

    I tend to spend way too much time thinking things over myself. I prefer to think of it as internal research rather then putting it off. The difference is the amazing detail that was produced by that stalling/thinking. I like the pace that model ship building forces us to take sometimes. Its a slow precise hobby and your mastering it. I can't wait to see your rigging, as I'm sure it will conform to the excellency of the rest of your conny build.

  7. I was looking at a surprise build log last night. She'd be an interesting build I'd think.




    I was surprised to see AL had made this one also a single plank build, so with the single plank, addition of guns and more complex rigging, plus its just plain bigger, all this would increase the challenge. If I remember correctly the Swift for you was like for me, a model to cut my teeth on. Other then gun rigging, the surpise is just a larger process of the Swift, and a cool ship ta boot.

  8. Hello Derik

    Very nice planking job, and I love your decking.


    I haven't checked out any Surprise logs yet and have been working my way through differing logs as I have time and tonight it was yours. It is so easy to get bogged down (this is good) and spend hours looking at build logs, at least for me. I like your concept of planking without losing any planks, I too chose to attempt the same on my Swift and was pleased with the results on the first planking. I was also surprised (PUN) that the surprise is a single plank kit. Is AL going to single planking on many of their kits? I see the San Francisco is also been changed.


    I really like the effect of the 0.5mm mechanical pencil for embossing trenails. If you dont mind my asking. I had considered this but worry about the grapite smearing. did you seal the markings with anything to pevent this or have smearing problems. Thanks for the work of putting this one up. Looking forward to seeing your next step


    BTW, did you use any heat in bending your planking? or just water bending?



  9. Yikes 2 ratlines down and 19 to go, just on that shroud alone. Have you counted the number of hitches you'll need when finished?

    Instead of a clock watcher, you'll become a ratline hitch counter...


    Oh BTW, have Jarero tie one line of those ratlines and then he won't feel those 1/2 billion brass nails was quite such a tedious job.

    Oh and you should put your penny up, That orange clamp in the background looks monster and it looks like my litttle ones.

    If they are 0.1" then the 2 you tied are only 0.4" apart, sheesh that makes my eyes ache just thinking about it.

  10. Excellent post, love the angle gig for setting the open radius angle of the ports.


    My thoughts exactly, is it real or is it Gil's work,

    Just so I'm sure, that last picture is the model, I'm I correct, as its so hard to tell?


    Its hard to believe the absolute reproduction of the smallest detail which is SO historically correct. The beauty of your work Gil, come not just from the quality but more importantly from the precision and accuracy of your art and your historic reproduction. More importantly though is the beauty of you as a person and your willingness to share your methods and ideas with those of us that desperately what to learn the art correctly.

    Its not just what you know, but how it is used and shared that make all the difference. You inspire me personally and I consider your mastery and egoless approach to the model ship wright world one of the things that make this such a GREAT hobby and MSW a joy to belong to. I one day strive to achieve your level of mentorship


    Thank You Sir.

  11. Hello Bob


    I picked up a bluenose kit on ebay a few months back dirt cheap as its missing a bulkhead ( big whoop, its on the blueprints). Anyway I haven't been exploring the bluenose logs much as I kinda still had the Aw shucks, post MSW1 blues.

    I decided to check out a few new logs tonight and there was your bluenose on page one. I know I've looked your log over a few times but tonight I took the time to stop and marvel at the spectacular metal work you have scratch built for your Bluenose. I love the history of this fishing vessel made race boat and watching you recreate the detail of all the pieces, brings it more to life.  

    I have several ships begging to be next and your log has helped move my Bluenose up the list.

    Thank You sharing and then resharing your details. I very much agree with your 3 reason for logging our builds you mention in your 1st post. You have most excellenntly accomplished those ideals.

  12. Thanks for the comparison pic's Sarah. I figured they were about the same length, hull-wise at least. HL is a bit longer with the bowsprit of course. But  then with the canoes 1:12 scale compared to the HL's scale, if the HL were 1:12 you'd need a much larger room to build her.

    Takes seeing them like this to really understand scale. Like that HUGE penny you use :D.

  13. Andy, interesting facts on the naming. Peterborough to Peterboro to save space, LOL.


    I've always found the oddities in language fascinating. For example color vs colour, I use to drive teachers nuts spelling everything the Brit' way. Or the pronounciation of schedule or clerk in US vs UK.


    Thanks for the added info, your a wealth of knowledge.

  14. Nice Work, Isn't it just amazing how that Tung Oil makes the wood come alive. I really like your added woods. So now back to munchkin rigging, huh. 


    In reality, is the HL bigger than the peterboro? Be interesting to see them side by side for the HL's scale. Without the bowsprit they are probably about the same size.... and they both have paddles.


    Great job, Its a fun build. I'd recommend it for anyone. As a tutor for new builders or as a break for expereineced builders that just need a break. So are you going to build the kayak also Sarah, I know you mentioned preferring to Kayak somewhere. It should be another fun build.

  15. Looking good Sarah.

    I wish I hadn't bevel the planking at the stem initially but rather left it like you did it. That caused me some problems with thinning of the planks at the false keel line, but live and learn.


    I also noticed many plank edges need beveling to help make the curvature, but still got alot of clinkering (I didnt even know it was called that then).

    Its amazing what sand paper will do. Ive been scraping and sanding the Swift today and have it close to where I can start working the keel section for fitting of the false keel.


    I cant wait to see a side view of your canoe all sanded slick with all that wood variation.

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