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Everything posted by drtrap

  1. Managed to come back soon. Cheers guys. Stergios
  2. I have'nt any experience using enamel colors. To my knowledge, vallejo's matt black color is all I needed all this time...
  3. Hi Kostas, thank you for intro comments. Welcome to the club. Any special build interest?
  4. Hi again. Thank you all for the comments and "likes". Cheers.
  5. The docking point of the fore mast preventer stay block...
  6. Hi guys, I'm posting a couple of pics (as usually) just to show you my recent progress. Thank you.
  7. It was a really difficult night, trying to change and adjust the docking point of the fore mast preventer stay block as to not interfere with the catharpins. Photos to follow...
  8. Thank you Jason. Btw, have you looped the topgallant shrouds the same way you used for the topmast and lowermast? Cheers.
  9. This "J" 5mm single block makes my building life difficult as interferes with the fore mast catharpins. I'm thinking to move it a little bit higher (photo), but I'm not sure for the later steps and especially for the placement of the yard..
  10. Hi Dave, and thanks. There are three pairs of topgallant shrouds. I'm thinking (for the mo) to simply tie them between the mast using half-hitch knots and around the futtock staves as i did for the topmasts. Peterson drawings and web literature can't helm me to find the most accurate way: looped shrouds, zip seized shrouds etc...
  11. Thank you Jason, I've seen the drawing on page 11 showing the topgallant shrouds dropped (in a loose way ?) to the deadeyes... Could you show me any relative photo from your model?
  12. Hi all! Is there any specific way to tie the three pairs of the shrouds to the top gallant masts? Thanks.
  13. Proud to have all topgallant masts in place. Sometimes I feel that I'll find time to finish her....
  14. Knots of capstan to tie the twin "H" blocks. Watered pva to secure.
  15. Hey guys, I've two basic questions for you: 1) should I place any sisters or blocks up here? 2) blocks H and line E should be placed above or below the respective topgallant mast shrouds? Thank you in advance.
  16. Hi Jason, I'm thinking to place the topgallant masts now. I feel tha it's time for this.
  17. Thank you Dave, and how did you attach those wire catharpins to the futtock staves?
  18. Next step the catharpins, but really there is no space for catharpins up here. I think to leave the futtock staves as they are and to proceed to the placement of the fore and main topgallant masts. If you have no objection, I consider that as my next step. Cheers. Stergios
  19. The procedure is done. A little touch up and micro-trimming is pending... Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone!
  20. Well after all, I've a tendency to put shroud cleats only on the rear shrouds of the fore topmast and main topmast. I still don't know how accurate is this.
  21. I'm still trying to find out whether is obligatory to have a shour cleat on every shroud..... Merry Christmas !!
  22. Hi Dave and thank you for replying so promptly! "Snake" has five "clusters" of shrouds at each side. Three of them for the lower 1/3 parts of the fore, main and mizzen mast and the rest two for the middle 1/3 parts of the fore and main mast. So I need 10 cleats for the very posterior shroud of each cluster, or it supposed that for the mizzen mast are'nt required? Thank you.
  23. ...only 8 pieces of shroud cleats (casting) in the list of my kit... Something is wrong?
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