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Everything posted by drtrap

  1. Hi Snake mates! A question in brief: for the mizzen lower-mast 0,75 shrouds, how many loops have i to create at the top (around the dowel)? Six (that is to say a loop for each single shroud) or four (for a double and a single shroud of each side)? Thank you!
  2. ..there must be a set of rules for the serving of such tiny structures, and (above all) of strictly specific (in mm) lengths...
  3. Hi mates, now it's time to learn the blocks, hearts and collars rigging but searching my literature and surfing across the internet I can;t find any tutorial for the basic consecutive steps for the serving.... Any help or reference please? Thank you
  4. Thanks Kevin! I'll try it and let you know the results. Cheers
  5. Hi everybody. Have you had any experience trying to apply wax to the ropes? The micro wax layer that rests on the rope creates a undesirable appearance, especially to black lines/ropes... Thanks. Stergios
  6. Jim, Brian thank you folks. I think that I need 0,25 line for the laynards... Cheers!
  7. Hi mates, even I'm late wish to all of you a Happy and Healthy New Year!! I think that I'm out of scale with these testing laynards, so I'd like to ask you what size of rope do u use for the laynards as the best indicated ratio for the deadeyes and shrouds? Thanks in advance. Stergios
  8. It was a fantastic, a superb experience Jim! Now, we're expecting to join the Snake club again...
  9. Hi Kevin Instructions and plans are so poor in understanding all the steps. I cut and shaped those lines just to become more familiar with those procedures but I think that even with the coppered layer, bearding and rabbet lines were needed to demonstrate the right shape and curvarure of the hull and keel respectively. Thanks
  10. That's right, especially for those 3,5 deadeyes....
  11. The second jig was more stable and usefull, to me...
  12. A lot of testing before the final approach to the mizen mast shrouds. Hypo gs cement glue is a more clear and clean adhesive util than cyano or pva, but a little touch up is needed to avoid some shinny spots from the cyano stabilizer of the hangman knots.
  13. Thank you mates for your feedback. Jason, I don't want to go so far away with the serving. That's why I'll try to serve only the anterior shrouds of the foremast and mainmast which are 1mm in diameter. Cheers. Stergios
  14. That was my quetion Jim. Now, I believe I must serve the entire length of the anterior shroud.... I'm not sure what;s the rule for the anterior shroud of the mizzen mast.
  15. This is true...this photo tells all the story. Only the anterior half pair of the foremast shrouds illustrated as served. Should I serve the same way the mainmast and mizzenmast shrouds? I'm searching my naval literature with no result till now...
  16. Now I realize that it's important for the fore (anterior) shrouds to be served for protection against wear... Is this a basic rule for all the masts (including the mizzen mast)? Cheers
  17. Thanks Jason how you already know, my (recent's time) concern is to make clear which proportion of each pair of the shrouds needs to be served...
  18. ...trying to avoid those "dirty" white remnants of pva glue at the rope-deadeye junction. I've stropped a third deadeye using hypo gs cement with better results but I'm not sure about its mid- to long-term results
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