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Everything posted by drtrap

  1. Before I go, three basic questions to know in advance: a) Have you used 1 brass wire for the respective connections or something thicker? The No 145 on the right, could be No 146 1,5mm wire? Have you used the casting material of the kit for the boom rings of the yards (No 152, 153) or card-paper or stirrups? and c) I'm not seeing any of those "caps" (at each end of the yard) into the kit... Is it something important? Can I deal without its existence? Thank you in advance again
  2. Finally I decide to go with the yards... I leave the bowsprit and other rigiing for later. My current plan is to prepare and fit all the yards before I place them on the masts. Cheers.
  3. Lennarth Petersson's "Rigging Period Ship Models" is on my desk. In difficult cases, I know I'll find your help....
  4. Well, is a real headache trying to understand the rest of the rigging of the ship.... (especially when this is your 1st effort). Did you find your way from the plans of the kit or from other period rigging manuals? Thanks
  5. Rigging of main and preventer stay collars finished Now its time for the next turn. I'm thinking to leave the bowsprit mounting and other relative fittings for a later stage because I want to avoid any unexpected "injury" of those parts. So my plan is to continue and accomplish any other "posterior" and "vertical" rigging is now available, and to leave the two final stages of yards and bowsprit for the end. I'm not so sure what;s your experienced opinions for my thoughts...
  6. This is my personal point of view (in consecutive pics) regarding the main and preventer stay collars...
  7. Thank you all guys! @Jason thank you for your advice, everything is placed temporarily for the moment. Putting the bowsprit on and off the board enable me to proceed to the realative rigging anf fittings but in the other hand to store the ship into the custom-made anti-dust naylon bag, every time I'm away the shipyard . I consider as my 1st permanent step, doing the gammoning. Thank's again.
  8. Hi Frank Hearts are definitely required for the fore main and preventer stay. Thanks. Stergios
  9. I'm about to serve the thread for the fore preventer stay (D), but I can't locate any 1,25 mm black thread in to the kit to use it as the labelled "D" preventer stay... Is it wrong, in your opinion? Thanks.
  10. Hi Carl and thank you. Jim has sent me his relative reply on time!! Cheers
  11. Took the decision to temporarily attach the bowsprit and start all the relative procedures (fore, main stay, minor rigging, etc) around it. Permanent fixation, lashing and boomkin fittings, at a later stage
  12. Hi Jim I'm trying to find your 3d orienatation of the boomkin. Did you place them after the bowsprit rigging, i suppose...
  13. I think your #682 pics are the final and the placement is important to be accomplished after the bowsprit rigging
  14. The 3D placement of the boomkin is a real head-ache Jason. Did you finally find its permanent orientation?
  15. I think I'm seeing a kind of block at the edge of the the boomkin on plan 3 and 6....
  16. After so many days I realize that 3,5 mm deadeyes were needed for the respective bowsprit fittings and not the 5 mm I attached yesterday..... Except that, a three deadeyes proximal block is important to be noticeable by the plans to the follower builders... I recosrtuction procedure is on the road... Of course a final touch-up and paint finish will follow...
  17. Hello again to all the "snakers". Well guys as all we know plans are so confusing almost all the times so I'd like to ask for your advice: a) rope C is tied to the boomkin (a distal groove on the boomkin is advisable)? B2 rope is linked to the p1 deadeye and b1 to the p2, or the opposite? Thank you again in advance.
  18. Thanks Janet Waiting to see your progress and pics from your build. Keep in touch. Stergios
  19. Hello again how you probably remember I've attached temporarily main topmast main & preventer stay (see #821 pics). To continue to the other main and preventer stays I need to have the bowsprit mast in place..... What's your suggestion, 1] to place and fix permanently the bowsprit mast first and 2] fix the other fittings of the area (boomkin, etc) and 3] drill the stem for the respective holes afterwards, or to proceed with adifferent way? Thank you. Stergios
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