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Everything posted by drtrap

  1. That's my version for the sling of the main yards. I used for the eye a custom made 5mm deadeye. Thanks. Stergios PS: The loop is passed the wrong way, I'll fix it later.
  2. Than you again Jason. I plan to use a 5mm deadeye and open a central hole to serve as the eye for the sling.
  3. Hi folks. Any idea or suggestion on how to create, serve and fit those lower central slings of the "senior" masts? Thank you in advance.
  4. Hi Jason That metallic (?) ring/"eye" of the lower sling, belongs to the standard kit's fittings? Thank you.
  5. A couple of pictures demonstrating the preliminary result using 0,5 and 0,75 black thread for the footropes. I'll leave the rigging semi-loose till the final placement just to be sure for the tension of the fittings and to simulate a sense of gravity rope "sagging" using floor cleaner as a rope hardener. I've found the tip to save my photos in a 270 degrees orientation. This way i can upload and show them without problem preserving my (and yours) cervical spine stablity.
  6. I think it is better to simulate the footropes using 0,75 black thread for the larger yards and leave 0,50 thread for the other two (nr 2 and 4)..
  7. Starting the rigging fot the footropes. I'm going for that with 0,5 black thread but I'm not feeling sure whether 0,5 seems "under-scaled", especially for the main yard....
  8. Unable to rotate all those pictures... Any help??
  9. Thank you Jason. Now all yards are almost ready for the final rigging. I've applied of course a thin layer of the best in my opinion varnish: vallejo matt varnish 71120
  10. This step of action trying to test and compare 0,5 vs 0,75 black thread for the lashing....
  11. I must find a way to rotate the pictures....
  12. Happy New Year 2018 to everyone!! A couple of pics showing the progress of this phase, using a custom made jig just to set the same length [14 mm] of the stirrups........
  13. Thinking to pass the twisted wire through a hole to the yard and accomplish the whole procedure covering the stirrup with a kind of lashing of additional relative's size black thread. That will be the second version of realism, hanging the stirrups through the center of the yard and not behind it...
  14. Hi Jason, those are three tinny telephone wire twisted bundles. The bottom pic is with the primer... I'm about to paint it black just to see its appearance Thanks
  15. Hi, yes that's right. Only the formast seems perpendicular to the deck, as per the plans.
  16. Hi to everyone, next step the stirrups... That's my personal poin of view regarding the "wired" stirrups. My main concern is to find a way to keep those 2-3 loops around the yard closely and firmly tied each-other. Thanks
  17. Well it is a real headache to navigate myshelf into the new msw interface... Can't find friends and previous posts...
  18. Hi guys! Just wanted to say that I'm still here!! Cheers Stergios
  19. A couple of pics showing the initial progress with the basic yards. In need of a final touch up, of course...
  20. Now, it's time for the foot ropes... Jason, finaly did you go with four or six stirrups per yard? Thank you. Merry Christmas to everybody!!
  21. Thanks Jim, it was a really great experience to have almost done the main yard. Go ahed for the parrals!!
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