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Everything posted by drtrap

  1. Thanks for sharing your built-steps mate! All the best
  2. Hi Jim and thanks I've attached this photo, showing the starting and ending points for the serving of each loop for the lowermast. I hope to be this way on the safe side... Thanks
  3. Hi Geoff I'm only three steps ahead of you, practising and serving lines... Waiting to see your serving progress and discuss our initial procedures! Cheers Stergios
  4. Hi Ray, your work is excellent. May I ask you how have you stabilized the lowermasts on the deck? Using carpenter's glue, epoxy, cyano or just nothing? Thank you. Stergios
  5. Hi Dimitris I'm so delighted to see you back. She's really very beautifull. Are u ready for the next one (I suppose... ) ??
  6. Hi guys I'm about to serve the shroud to create the served loop for the lowermast but I'm not sure about the length of that "served loop" I have to create... Is there any basic rule for that? Thank you for your help. Stergios PS: Thank you Jason for the photo...
  7. Fine work Jim. For the laynards, have you used white color line or the natural? Thanks
  8. I think that my way for the serving was a modification of Brian's and Jim's shipyards.
  9. I've left the two pairs of seizing unglued and the second line-branch untrimmed till the next placement of the shrouds to see better the relative lengths etc I have nt used water pva to simulate better the gravity of the pendants. I hope that water pva works fine and do not interfere with the serving of the ropes...
  10. Later on I have passed the second served line through the same two proximal pairs of seizing to create a kind of loop to suspend it around the mast... These are the two served branches side by side ...and suspanded around the lower mizzen mast Thank you Stergios
  11. Hi everybody Let me present you my point of view for the mizzen burton pendants using the served (with No 40 cotton line) 0,75 rope of the kit. I'm definitely a fun of zip seizing. Those are three pairs of seizing created around a wire/axis of 1,5 mm diameter The line for the seizing (as a basic rule is #0,25mm) Well I have passed those three pairs of zip seizing through the served line of 0,75 mm Created the main loop for the eye at each edge and secured with a double knot The distal pair of seizing placed then and secured (using pva on the left edge and hypo gs cement on the right to see the final resluts) Those are the semi-final results
  12. We don't need to serve the entire length of the shrouds, for example the section where the ratlines are attached? Thank you in advance again Jim. PS: I must open and read my rigging books to not disturb, all of you
  13. Jim do you serve the entire length of the shrouds (from the top loop to the looping rope edge to the deadeyes)? Thanksn again.
  14. Jim could we re-serve (for the desire length of the seizing) the already served two branches of the shroud to obtain a more unique seizing-appearance than that of the half-knots? What do you think?
  15. Echo that! That cherry-wood looking is so fantastic to me. What did you use for that?
  16. Dear Jim thank you so much for your pictures and comments. Those were exactly the steps of the shrouds rigging and serving, I wanted to understand better: looping and seizing around the mast. Thanks again mate !!
  17. Thanks a lot Jim. I'll be here to follow you!
  18. Hi Frank I thought you were referring to my queries about the shrouds serving... In every case you can click on the "quote" tab for a better understanding of the post or the picture you're referring to. Thanks again Stergios
  19. I'm searching any link to understand better how the served shrouds are seized around the masts. Can you help anyway? Thanks
  20. Hi Ray your work is excellent! May I ask you how do you seize the shrouds around the lower mast? Using half knots or something like that, and for how many turns? Thank you. Stergios
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