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Everything posted by drtrap

  1. After a long period of time I'm attaching a couple of pics of the model.. Additional touching up is needed to a later stage on some structures/fittings. I think that I've finished the running rigging part "A", and I'm about yo start part"B". What are people's reccomendations on the order to start part B rigging? Cheers Stergios
  2. Hi Eamonn, wishing you all the best! Yes, it was my recent inspiration after a glass of red greek wine... ΄;)
  3. Next step the foremast topgalant yard.... Or leave it for later and start with the mainmast lower yard...??
  4. Despite my tries some pics are uploaded and 180 degrees rotated... Is that a browser problem, or something different?
  5. The same for the lower 5mm single block of the tackle of the topsail foremast yard rigging...
  6. Wishing a Happy New Year to everyone! I'm attaching some pics from my consecutive procedures for the rigging of the topsail foremast yard, in case of interest for newer Snake followers Thank you
  7. Jason, many thanks for replying so promptly, all the best! Special thanks to another, local, mate of mine for his assistance.
  8. Trying to find my way for the foremast topsail and especially the topsail yard tyes attachments... :(( I think I need a couple of suggestions from a mate of a more advanced level and skill. The most important: * looking at the plans I'm seeing at the same exactly place the attachment of both the foremast backstays and foremast yard-tyes... Which one is the right? Pettersson plan (page 40) cannot help on that. What;s the advice of more experienced people? Jason, Jim?? Thank you
  9. Hi. I have to search for a usb stick of those days with some spare pics. I'll let you know
  10. The lower foremast yard going to the final position (foremast dock)
  11. Hi guys First of all let me wish you the best for these holy days and a Happy and Safe coming New Year. I'm attaching some pics showing my progress regarding the rigging of the lower foremast yard
  12. Jason, you a master! A master of naval architecture and in the same time a master of photography!! Cheers Stergios
  13. Next step is to maintain the right proportion for the sling and the relative attachments
  14. Hi guys, I'm still here after so many days. Trying now to start and establish the right steps to attach the lower yard of the fore mast. A couple of pics trying to set according to Petterson the slin of that yard. Thank you
  15. Hi Phil Unfortunatelly the full gallery of those pics is lost those-days of the msw data-base black out. What exactly are looking for?
  16. Cheers Jason. May I ask you, finally have you worked the yards from top down or the opposite? Thanks Stergios
  17. So sad to realize that I have'nt place those jeers blocks in advance... Once again so dissapointed with the plans of the model and the company in general
  18. Hi guys. I have accomplished the bowsprit mast and the relative fittings. Pictures to follow… Shifting now to the last session, the yards. Thinking to go with the main (lower) yard of the fore-mast. What’s the best option to start with? Dry-fixing the yard on the mast (using the predrilled yard hole and relative mast pin) as my 1st step? Something else from your experience? Thank you
  19. Now it’s quite visible from you photo, Jason. Many thanks for replying se promptly!
  20. Now i’m seeing a starboard (only) hole, probably for the 1mm stay..
  21. Hi again Jason and thank you for the comment. Finally I'm seeing that I need to prepare one (or maybe two ?) additional lines for the topmast stay and preventer stay despite the fact that the plans show only one single line (no mouse, nothing to help... ) ... According to Petersson one mouse is needed for each stay and probably the "classic" procedure by "serving" the ropes... * I dont know whether you have any different opinion. * The point I can't understand till now is the way we attach and tie those lines on the bowsprit mast... Ani idea? Thank you
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