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I am currently rigging my Constructo Enterprise and need some advice on where to run the Main Stay to. I have for better or worse thrown the instructions away and am using Chucks Syren  build and TFFM for guidance. TFFM indicates the Stay should be reeved to two hearts at the Head, Syren instructions indicate it should be at the Foremast. I imagine both are correct for the ships presented, but neither is the Enterprise. Any thoughts as to which was more common? I am leaning towards the Syren plan here as that is closer to the Enterprise.




Current Build Constructo Enterprise


Speaking of the run of the mainstay: I would seriously consider dispensing with the Fore and Aft Mainsail on the Fore, it strikes me as being implausible. At least in how it's depicted in photos of the Constructo model I see online. It's possible I'm wrong but my feeling is that this Sail can't be tacked OVER the Mainstay and that on half of all tacks the sail would be chafing HEAVILY on the Mainstay. Also the way the braces for the Square Foresail are run to the Main Masthead, the Fore And Aft Mainsail Boom would be heavily chafing those Braces too. I doubt anyone would rig a vessel with all these built in issues.






 Niagara USS Constitution 



Thanks everybody.

As many of you pointed out, running to the bowsprit area would interfere with the Fore sail, something I would not have thought of until it was too late. JCF, like the Fore Sail I would not have thought of that either, thanks to all who pointed these issues out. I had not planned on putting a whole lot of sails on, I was leaning towards something like the photo Gregory posted, one of 3 I have and totally forgot about! :o

This conversation is pointing out other mistakes I have made, mistakes I am sure are clear to you more experienced. I am not pulling my masts out to redo them, they will be good lessons for the future.

I have a larger version of the picture Gregory posted, I think I will be printing this and using it as guidance.

Thanks again and if there is anything else people want to point out feel free, constructive criticism is always appreciated.




Current Build Constructo Enterprise

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