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Full build of Amati Santa Maria

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When I joined the MSW this past April, I asked how I might get some help building the Amati Santa Maria, for which the company's instructions set a record for missing or flat out contradictory instructions!  I was told that someone might agree to be my 'mantor', and I now post this plea for help!  I am experienced in fairly complicated paper model chateaux and cathedrals, but this is my first wooden model, and I am frankly appalled with Amati's failure to include a clear and accurate set of instructions (and possibly even instructions for a slightly different version than I bought (not a confusion of 'First Step' with 'Full Build' versions).

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Did you start a build log?  That is the best way to get help , take pictures of each step, people will help along the way, some members are more helpful with hull building, some with rigging, some with planking, etc



"I drank what?" - Socrates


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I'm not sure this message will be delivered to Modlerbob and cdogg, but thank you for replying.  I see no builds - past or present - of the Santa Maria when using that as a search phrase, and so I guess I will have to 'start a build' topic and hope for the best...


paul brown

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Hi Paul,


I'm also looking forward to seeing your build log.  Cdogg hit the nail on the head with his post.  Once you post a log (with photos), people will start offering help when you ask specific questions.  



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there are a couple of Amati Santa Maria build logs.  Perhaps you can glean something helpful from them as you get underway.






Current BuildsBluenose II - AKrabbenkutter / Prince de Neufchatel / Essex Cross-section / Syren / Barque Stefano / Winchelsea / Half Hull / Maria HF31 - Dusek / Bandirma - Turkmodel

On the Shelf: Santisima Trinidad and Cross Section / HMS Cutter Alert / Tender AVOS / Confederacy

Suspended Build: Bluenose II - Billing Boats Nr 600 

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