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Hope everyone is well and warm. 

It's been a cold snowy and icy week of work. Too exhausted to build, but I think an update will suffice. 


With the fore lower shrouds in place and the sheer poles installed. 

I wanted to get the Tye and Halliard for the topsail yard rigged in before moving onto the rest of the shrouds. 

My thinking, it will be easier to do first, before setting in the topmast and topgallant stays. 

In the end it was all fiddly but was more difficult in my head. 


The set up will be fully installed on the pin rail with a rope coil done later. 


What you do to one side, you do to the other. 

Ship building at its simplest. 


With things falling into place, I could move onto the topmast backstays. 


Just worked my way down that side of the ship. 

I would alternate when installing shrouds. Set two on one side, then the other. 

I never favored one side, finished it, then do the other side. 

Tried to be as symmetrical as I could. 



The topgallant backstays could then be set in. 

Once both sides where completed, it put a fair amount of tension into the rigging running to the bowsprit. 

This was by design. 

The royal backstay will be installed next. 


Be good, 


Tom E 



  • 4 weeks later...


Hope everyone is well. Weekend is in view. Absolutely no commitments, no work, no responsibilities this weekend.

Just have to get thru Friday. 

I see some quality ship building.  We'll see what ultimately happens, ya know....life happens. 


Any who, 


Let's start off right with an update. 

Rigging continues.

With all the shrouds in on the fore mast, I wanted to tie off some lifts, sheets and clew lines running from the yards.

All along I wanted the black standing rigging in first, then install what limited running rigging I plan on installing.  


I wasn't quite sure if the rope should go over or under at the pin rail. Tried for a pleasing look.  

Coils will be added later.

I seem to prefer wood clips while rigging. 

Heavy enough, yet light enough that if I hook it with a shirt sleeve, the whole boat doesn't go flying. 


All along I've been following the plans as towards rigging.

Some of the below lines I did adjust on the pin rail so as not to foul with any other lines further up the mast. 

Seemed logical. 


Both sides of course. 


With all of that in place, the royal backstays were installed. 

There's some fuzz on my ropes. 

Admittedly, this ship does not have a case yet so it does get dusty.

It really isn't as bad as it looks. 


Both sides of course. 

Minus some braces and ratlines, the foremast rigging will be done. 


Be good, 


Tom E 



  • 5 months later...


Hope everyone is well. I must apologize to the modeling community. :blush:

6 months since I last updated.....that will not do!  Heck of a summer. Got a lot of house improvements done.

New toilet for the guest bedroom, new roof on the shed, repaired the front and rear porch......it just never ends!


Niagara has continued though. 


With the Foremast done, time to move to the Main mast.

With my inside out approach to rigging. That means the Spanker boom, gaff and mast are up next. 


A very simple parrel for the boom and gaff. 


My approach to the spanker mast was very simplistic.

I marked on the mast where the blocks should hang for the spanker boom.

This entire piece will be inserted into the mast top, glued where it meets the deck, and the blocks should hang over the sides of the main mast top. 


Three-piece maneuver, ready to be installed. 



The little bright nub at the top will be trimmed off and that will get a spot of black pain to blend it in. 




Slowly weave it in and it begins to rise.

Always checking rigging for twist, slack or Lord knows what else may pop up. 


Be good,


Tom E 


  • 3 months later...

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