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I have some 2 part epoxy resin that I bought maybe 5 years ago. It is still perfectly fine and I have lots left. However, the resin had become very thick to the point I could not draw with a syringe. I popped it in the microwave with the lid off for 25 secs in increments (for a half full 12 oz bottle). It liquified again beautifully.

It seems that the resin can crystallise in cold or with time and that microwaving it or letting it sit in warm water brings it back. Visually, there does not seem to be any difference in its qualities. 

Previously I had thrown away epoxy or had trouble matching the volumes because of this problem so this seems a good fix. No health and safety guarantees though, I did it when the admiral was out.




When I was building my Kayak I occasionally had issues with the epoxy being too firm so we just got into the habit of placing the containers into a pan of hot water.  That made the stuff flow really nicely.  


One problem I've found with using epoxy as a finish coat was bubbling. I later spoke to an expert demonstrating epoxy finish who explained the multiple errors I'd made.


Basically there is air in the wood and any heating will expand that air forming bubbles in the finish.


So what did I do wrong ?

1. I warmed the epoxy to the point where it was warmer than the wood so when I applied the epoxy it heated the air in the wood - bubbles.

2. I set the coated piece in the sun thinking as warmth thins epoxy it would flow more and give me an even finish - more bubbles.

3. I did the coating in the morning so it would have plenty of time to harden before evening, day warms up - even more bubbles.


The recommendation was to have the wood initially 10C warmer than the epoxy thereby the epoxy will have a cooling effect and be sucked into the wood.

Start coating when the day starts cooling.

Keep in shade.

He also suggested spraying the surface with methylated spirits to break the surface tension of any remaining bubbles.


In the demonstration he was warming the wood to 40C & the epoxy to 30C, quick spray with the metho, glass finish.


(I've not tried this yet, his recommendation to me for the job I had in hand was polyurethane :default_wallbash:)




Mark D

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