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Dear colleagues,


I am very happy to present my book to you today. It carries the title:

" Die Farbe Blau im historischen Schiffbau – von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit"



A short description:


"The use of the colour blue in historical shipbuilding raises many questions. Which pigments, which colours were available and how were they used? What could be used in shipbuilding?

Join us on a fascinating journey over 5,500 years back from the discovery of the first blue pigments to modern times. An abundance of sources and pictorial materials round off the well-founded descriptions.

Let yourself be surprised what the colour blue has to offer in shipbuilding".



A few dates on the book:


- Hardcover with 200 pages

- High quality colour printing

- Over 160 images, mostly color

- Language: German

- Publisher: Books on Demand, Norderstedt

- Price incl. VAT 76,80 €






The book is expected to be available on the German book market at all booksellers and online shops in the second half of January 2019, from abroad directly from me. But you can also order directly from me, I will always have a certain contingent.





I accept pre-orders gladly, the supply within Germany is then free of charge and reduced accordingly abroad. Who would like it, can also get a personal dedication.



These are the main chapters:



Geschichtliche und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen der Farbe Blau

Die blaue Farbenkunde

Anwendung der Farbe Blau

Blau im Schiffbau der Antike

Blau im Schiffbau des Mittelalters

Blau im Schiffbau fernöstlicher Kulturen

Blau im Schiffbau der frühen Neuzeit

Zum guten Schluss



On my website you will find the complete table of contents and also some views of pages from the book. Have a look under it:





I'd be delighted if I'd aroused your interest in the book.


Best regards, Joachim

My new Book in ENGLISH and GERMAN available:

"The colour blue in historic shipbuilding"



Current build   Amerigo Vespucci    http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/836-amerigo-vespucci-by-schiffebastler-mantua-model-scale-184-italien-sail-training-ship-build-1931/

See also our german forum for Sailing Ship Modeling and History:


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Liebe Joachim,



Gut gemacht! Herzliche Glückwünsche. This sounds like an interesting monograph. The book looks beautifully produced. It would have a much wider readership if translated into English.



Be sure to sign up for an epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series  http://trafalgar.tv

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Thank you for your kind response!

In fact, I am considering making the book in English. Hopefully I can manage this within the next few months. My major problem is, to produce a comparable high quality description in english language. 


My new Book in ENGLISH and GERMAN available:

"The colour blue in historic shipbuilding"



Current build   Amerigo Vespucci    http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/836-amerigo-vespucci-by-schiffebastler-mantua-model-scale-184-italien-sail-training-ship-build-1931/

See also our german forum for Sailing Ship Modeling and History:


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