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Wooden model found in loft... what is it?


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Hi all,

Sorry if not in the right section. 

Right I’m looking for some information or advice regarding an unfinished model that was my grandfathers. It has been in a wooden box and stored up in the loft for 50+ years. A mouse had made a nest from what might have been the instructions. The only information I have on it was that the model was started in the 60’s and my dad has said that from conversations with my grandfather it was believed to be the Henry Grace à Dieu. Whilst scrolling through countless images, that doesn’t seem to be the case. 

The only surviving piece of paper left was a handwritten note identifying parts to be made. Please see pictures. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

See pictures.



Thanks all!












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It appears to be a 'decorative' model loosely based on what was believed to look like the Henry Grace a Dieu. (No-one knows what she actually looked like!) Gunports would never have been placed one immediately under another. It's an interesting memento of your grandfather.

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17 minutes ago, druxey said:

Gunports would never have been placed one immediately under another. 


Its an interesting point about the gunports, something I reacted too as well when I saw it.   I had some time to kill and poked around for some sort of vintage toy kit given the style of Granpas model.  I didn't find anything useful BUT what I did find is that many of the museum models of this ship arrange the gunports exactly over one another...   maybe that's an historic ship model thing, I have no idea.   Interesting none the less. 









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1 hour ago, ragove said:

My guess is that the antique tobacco tin is the most valuable thing in the box.

Some of the bits in the box, including maybe even the unfinished model, may be of interest to collectors. Only way to tell for sure, if you're interested, is to dangle them out on an auction site. Personally, I don't collect (although I hoard a few kits, but hey -- who doesn't?), but I am a tad curious about what else is in the box.

Chris Coyle
Greer, South Carolina

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