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DAP glue

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I don't use a lot of CA glue so I wasn't to surprised when I found that my bottle of CA had gone bad.  Off to wally world to get some new glue.  Looking through their rather meager offering in the glue section I found a bottle of "DAP Rapid Fuse all purpose adhesive"  On the bottle it says Bonds virtually everything and sets in 30 seconds.  It was cheaper than some of the other glues so I decided to give it a try.  Took a couple of basswood scraps and spread a small amount of the glue on them and put them together.  Had about 10 or 15 seconds to move the parts around then it grabbed hard.  Let it set for a few minutes and tried to separate the wood.  It was as solid as a rock and dried clear and hard.  It is a super glue but has a very low odor and is easy to work with.  Better than other CA glues I have used.

My advice and comments are always worth what you paid for them.

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Haven't tried DAB brand but as all CA glues depending on bonding time all will set hard.

However, if you ever want to glue 3d printed pla (+)  parts together use epoxy.

I know by experience.... 


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Per aka Dr. Per@Therapy for Shipaholics 

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Nautical Research Guild Member - 'Taint a hobby if you gotta hurry

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I've been using Rapid Fuse for few months and like it. I Just purchased another small bottle. I find that if I purchase the small bottles of any CA glue they don't go bad on me. Previously I purchased larger sizes thinking I'd save $$$ but they usually went bad before I finished them. This depends on how much modeling you do and how much glue you use. Another thing I've discovered is a little goes a long way. You dont need to use a lot of glue to get a strong joint.


Another CA I like is Mercury. It has a small fixture at the inside top of the cap that helps keep the nozzle open.


One other technique I use is to rub a little petroleum jelly (Vaseline) on the thread of the bottle using a cotton swab. I've been doing for a few years and I no longer get bottle caps that are stuck to the bottle. You need to be careful not to place the jelly where it will mix with the glue you're using. STAY SAFE...Moab

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