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Posted (edited)

I am in need of 3 Billings Boats Fittings Kits which are all discontinued.  I have tried various retail channels with not so much progress, either, which is understandable considering the age of the model kits. 


Here is the list


1. Golden Hind (Ship Kit No. 480) Fittings Kit Number: 481

2. Cutty Sark Ship Model Number: 459 (fittings kit number is not present on box or manual)

3. Jylland (Ship Kit No. 465) Fittings Kit Number: 466


These are wonderful, vintage models ship kits I would love to build, but am missing the fittings kits.  Thanks for any/all help.  

Edited by tomsimon
Corrected kit number for Jylland

Did you contact www.Billingsboats.com, even though the fittings kits are discontinued, you can still purchase fittings from them, just go on the scale you need and order each fitting individually. Yes, it's easier to b uy the fittings kits when you can find them, but to me, this is more of a mole hill to overcome rather than a mountain. I would also look at Cornwall models in England, they have an extensive fittings lineup from numerous manufactures, just look for a boat similar in style and scale as the one you are building and buy those fittings. I have had to do this many times. I order from Cornwall at least 3-4 times a year and they are a valuable resource when you can't find what you need stateside.     

Shipping time is about 10-14 days for me.


Well, I believe you are in a bit of luck for at least the Jylland kit as it is presently on Ebay https://www.ebay.com/itm/Billing-Boats-Fittings-of-Denmarks-FREGATTEN-JYLLAND-OUT-OF-PRODUCTION-1960s/124556955626?hash=item1d002c4fea:g:h3IAAOSwzA9gEHnG  Mike's advice is good for the others as well, I've had good experience with Cornwall - I have taken a cursory look at the fittings for the Billings Dannebrog and found that most of them are still available from Billings, inter alia - check with MSW sponsor Ages of Sail also


some of the fitting kits are available.......I recall when I built an old kit of the Nordkap.......nothing was available.   most Billing kit list the fittings you will need to complete the model.   I was lucky....I knew a fellow that owned a Billings warehouse in Wisconsin.  sadly,  he closed it down a few years ago.  Ages of sails bought the warehouse and now runs Billing USA.  I'm happy that he kept it As Tom built it.  looking at the site,  I see that they list the kit for the Jylland and the Cutty Sark {though it has a different number}  I'm surprised to see that they spelt the name Nordkap wrong :D    Roger is the fellow over there at Ages of sails.......I'd call him.....he probably can help you. :) 

there is a small word of caution though.......the newer fitting kits can be different than the original fitting kits.  some of the parts,  that may have been wood or metal,  have been replaced with plastic  and like parts.   I ordered a Nordkap fitting kit for the Progress,  and was surprised to see the amount of substitution that was in it.   sometimes E-Bay,  Etsy,  and the like lists them.  so......if you can find an older kit,  the better you will fair ;)   check for a parts list in the kits and see if you can put something together....it may save you some money.

I yam wot I yam!

finished builds:
Billings Nordkap 476 / Billings Cux 87 / Billings Mary Ann / Billings AmericA - reissue
Billings Regina - bashed into the Susan A / Andrea Gail 1:20 - semi scratch w/ Billing instructions
M&M Fun Ship - semi scratch build / Gundalow - scratch build / Jeanne D'Arc - Heller
Phylly C & Denny-Zen - the Lobsie twins - bashed & semi scratch dual build

Billing T78 Norden


in dry dock:
Billing's Gothenborg 1:100 / Billing's Boulogne Etaples 1:20
Billing's Half Moon 1:40 - some scratch required
Revell U.S.S. United States 1:96 - plastic/ wood modified / Academy Titanic 1:400
Trawler Syborn - semi scratch / Holiday Harbor dual build - semi scratch


This is a wonderful approach: "most Billing kit list the fittings you will need to complete the model," but I have a challenges to report. 


1. The Golden Hind's (Ship Kit No. 480) manual says that within the manual is a list of the fittings needed to complete the kit.  The manual is not missing any pages and I am unable to find the list of fittings.  I have looked over the included parts list which is in the manual including the color schemes and I am unable to see where the fittings would be listed.  All of the parts list point to the plate number with the "loose" pieces listed.


2. For, Cutty Sark Ship Model Number: 459 and Jylland (Ship Kit No. 465) Fittings Kit Number: 466, the manuals are complete, but do not say that the fittings kits parts are listed, however, both manuals do list the parts and color schemes.


Is there something I am missing?  Help is appreciated.  Thank you


I'm having a similar problem with Billing's Dragen. I have some of the fittings but others I do not. The biggest thing I need is the brass piece that fits on the bottom of the boat. I emailed BOTH @billingboats.com and billingboatsusa.com.

All my ship models have been billing boats and in the assembly instruction manual at the end of the parts list is the Fitting list. Also if you go on line and select the model you want and click on the top right corner where they have manuals listed, the kit list is there as well.

I'm waiting to hear from both billing sites now. I'll try Cornwall models later today! Hang in there and you'll either find what you need or end up making your own fittings.



Current Builds: Mayflower - 1:60; Golden Hind - 1:50

Past Builds: Marie Jeanne, Bluenose, Bluenose II, Oseberg, Roar Ege,

Waiting to Build: Swift; Skipjack


  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/5/2021 at 3:45 PM, tomsimon said:

1. The Golden Hind's (Ship Kit No. 480) manual says that within the manual is a list of the fittings needed to complete the kit. 


I have the Billing Boats Golden Hind (Ship Kit No. 480) and fitting kit in the hopper awaiting build. Get me your email and Wednesday (latest) I'll scan the fitting kit and email it to you.





Current Builds: Mayflower - 1:60; Golden Hind - 1:50

Past Builds: Marie Jeanne, Bluenose, Bluenose II, Oseberg, Roar Ege,

Waiting to Build: Swift; Skipjack



Hi Tom. That's great. Glad you could find one. I know how difficult ordering all the bits and pieces can be. Going through that now with the Billing Boats "Dragen" kit no. 582. I need the brass piece for the keel and I can't locate a kit anywhere. Billing hasen't answered my email from two weeks ago. So now I'm trying to locate a block of basswood to make the keel piece. The block is small and you'd think I could find one but nope! So far anyway.


When you start your Golden Hind make a build log and I'll do the same and we'll compare notes.




Current Builds: Mayflower - 1:60; Golden Hind - 1:50

Past Builds: Marie Jeanne, Bluenose, Bluenose II, Oseberg, Roar Ege,

Waiting to Build: Swift; Skipjack


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