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Nisha by Grey - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Brixham 'Mumble Bee'

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Hi Grey we’ve all done that, breaking a part we have spent ages on, part of the process, thing is I keep having to relearn that one! 🤣 Learning to slow down is something that doesn’t come naturally to me, so you are not alone in having to keep that in mind.

you are making good progress, keep at it! 👏

Edited by AJohnson
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Oof. Don't I know it Andrew...ugh. It is what truly makes me nervous about the photo etch stuff. If I muck that up...whelp. That's that. But, I suppose there is also learning in that as well. I've got an old partially-started kit a friend gave me that I can cannibalize to practice destroying some things. Will be time well-spent if my current track record is any indicator.


I've resolved to leave Nisha sit for tonight. Fortunately: I have plenty of catching up to do with March, and I can always study the manual some more to get my fix. The Gorilla should arrive tomorrow with some map pins. I recall having some early modeling success w/ them, but I feel one must be pretty careful to not "rock" the plank. But: as all have mentioned, a more careful fit should help alleviate even that issue. 

I could always sneak down there though and have a go at some of the deck details... 😁

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Nothing photographic or fantastic to report...due to weather (too cold in the basement!), and pets behaving badly (vet visit!), I can say however:


The suggestion to use Gorilla CA Gel has been perfect for me. Easy to control/apply, and a stock of toothpicks has made smearing and fastening easy.

This comes with the usual beginner caveat: But the last two planks placed on Nisha's hull were my best ever. 

Work on deck fixtures was slow to middling.


I need to figure out if it's my glasses/magnification lens/nervousness/or if I just check WebMD right now, and get all my answers but: There is a certain range of distance and: size of part(s) that seems to trigger a shake in specifically my left-hand. I am left-handed, so a lot of the finer motor skills reside there. I have no noticeable twitch or other activities that seem to bring this on. Any guesses? Suggestions? Could be I just need to steady an elbow or wrist on a work surface...but it's quite obviously irritating putting together the ladder for Nisha's 1/64th scale fishermen... 

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Hello Grey, the shaking that you are talking about is a well documented phenomenon. As soon as you apply glue to a part, the closer you get to where you are going to stick it, the more your hand will start to shake. You will notice that if you dry fit a part, no shaking. At least that’s been my experience 😀. Enjoying your build very much




Completed Builds   Glad Tidings Model Shipways. -   Nordland Boat. Billings Boats . -  HM Cutter Cheerful-1806  Syren Model Ship Company. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Grey

You've been quiet for a while and of course you may be busy with all sorts of other things rather than Nisha, but I want to check in to ask how you are and how it's going.


I've hit a sort of psychological barrier on my Sphinx at the moment - first planking! - and I know I'm inventing all sorts of diversionary tactics to delay the moment, like designing some period furniture to go in the great cabin (great fun of course, but there won't be a great cabin until I do the planking!).


But today I'm going to get back to the planking - it'll be tricky but if this hobby didn't provide challenges, it wouldn't really be satisfying,



Current build:  HMS Sphinx 1775 - 1/64 - Vanguard Models

Completed build:  HM Cutter Alert 1777 - 1/64 - Vanguard Models

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Oof, nearly a month. 
Progress has been made, I swear!

But the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

I am on the road for work unexpectedly, with not a real firm end date in sight. 
I nary had time to pack good books, so I peruse as time allows and lament my down time. 
Am hopeful to reach friendly waters at the close of this month. 

Cheers, and be well!


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Great to hear from you and I look forward to seeing your sails in the offing when the trade winds bring you home!


Keep safe


Current build:  HMS Sphinx 1775 - 1/64 - Vanguard Models

Completed build:  HM Cutter Alert 1777 - 1/64 - Vanguard Models

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