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SANTISIMA TRINIDAD by Floyd-Rw - OcCre - 1/90

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Hello everyone,
non 02/03/2022, I decided to undertake the construction of the ST, it is my 2nd boat, the previous one: Cutty Sark, was not a great success, it was to practice my hand.
 The ST is not an easy job, we'll see, patience and method... 
Here is the start of construction








The best work is done from noon to midnight.
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Spanish boat it was their largest warship in the 18th century, dismasted by the British at Trafalgar.
Its plans were designed by the Irish naval architect Matthew Mullan also named Mateo Mullán.
Built in Havana, from 1766, in American cedar wood, she was launched in 1769 with three decks and 112 guns under the name of Santísima Trinidad, official name from March 12, 1768
A priori, scuttled by the English who had taken it in tow or disappeared in a storm on October 24, 1805 at the end of the battle. The mystery remains...




The best work is done from noon to midnight.
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hello everyone,

Everything has an end, that's port, it's done.
Finally, for the planking and the ports.
The future enclosures, paintings, installation of ports and then, what I dread: the hull.

And since I have two left hands, it's going to be hard.
You will tell me that there is the solution of doubling the planking.... I hesitate.
We'll see on the job, depending on the damage.


The best work is done from noon to midnight.
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Hello Floyd-Rw, congratulations on a great start to your build.


I've grown rather interested in the Spanish warships of this period. I have a build of the Spanish 74-gun ship Montañés that I've been tinkering with. Also an OcCre kit, or based on it anyway.


Looks like good progress!

Clare Hess

He's a -> "HE"

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Hello everyone,

Here is a way to replace the first plank, which is not provided on this assembly, as I had already explained to RockinBudgie.
 Balsa blades 3mmx 2cm thick and placed between the couples. Then sanding and putty, I arrive at something quite regular.
Now I will be able to start the simple planking.




The best work is done from noon to midnight.
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