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You might want to invest in a small, hand held pin vise to handle your bits from #60 down to #80. 



Current Build: US Frigate Confederacy - MS 1:64


Previous Builds :


US Brig Syren (MS) - 2013 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Greek Tug Ulises (OcCre) - 2009 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Victory Cross Section (Corel) - 1988

Essex (MS) 1/8"- 1976

Cutty Sark (Revell 1:96) - 1956


Looks great Rich,


I like the idea to put pins into the rail......

Something for me to do when I reach that part.

So ,your tools are having secret compartments.......I have to take a look at my tools if they have also something like that!




Good old Constructo! If you look closely at this drawing, you will see Constructo tells me to glue two 2mm x 2mm pieces to the top of the toprail. There is no way I have the talent to try to glue two separate 2mm x 2mm strips with each only having a 1mm surface to grip to. I decided when I finish gluing on all the trim, I shall glue two 2mm x 2mm pieces together making on 2mm x 4mm plank which I will then glue & pin to finish the toprail. Do you all think that will work?


Posted (edited)

While I'm trimming the aft toprails, I figured I'd stay ahead with the bow toprails. Wow! Trying to bend 2mm x 10mm Sapele that  is harder than bending steel. At least steel is bendable. I only have to put a slight curve on them, but they don't seem to budge. The rest of the toprail is 2mm x 5mm and bends easier (not easy) the the 10mm stuff.


The 5mm stuff is being bent on the jig I built for planking the hull. The 1mm stuff is being bent on the form that came with by heating iron.


We'll see?



Edited by Hipexec
Posted (edited)

I just glued the last of the toprail trim & support to the aft portion of the ship. Next will be the forward section if I can get that 2mm x 10mm stuff to curve.


Edited by Hipexec

Now I'm trying to get net shape curves for the bow top rails. My jig only got me almost there, so I'm trying something new. I am using the cutout from my false deck as a jig and clamping the 2mm x 5mm planks to it in the exact shape needed. I soaked everything for 30 minutes.


As far as the 2mm x 10mm bow pieces go...I'm trying an extreme bending method. I'm using my heating iron jig and some vice clamps. I'll either break them or curve them. Time will tell.




Wow, that's a tough bend. Do you have any wider planks you can use? Then you can cut out smaller sections and scarf joint them together. Looks good when it's finished also. I ended up doing that on my enterprise when constructo wanted me to make my cap rails out of 3 pieces of 2x2 mm mis matched parts. I had to order material from hobby mill to do it though.


The trim work looks good.



Current Build Constructo Enterprise



Believe it or not...it looks like the 10mm stuff took the curve!


The 5mm planks took the curve perfectly so I pinned and glued them on. Next, I have to shape those 10mm planks then pin & glue them.



Posted (edited)

I just finished shaping the fore pieces for the bow toprail. I had to double check the prints and instruction book to get a rough idea of the exact shape. I guess I'm close. I'll pin and glue them tonight. This stuff is tougher that steel.



Edited by Hipexec


The curve and fit looks good.

Those small pre shaped parts are tough to bend I have found. I had similar issues myself. For me, in the future I think it will be easier to buy lumber and bend out of a larger piece then shape.

Current Build Constructo Enterprise


Here I am making planks to trim the toprails. The Constructo plans call for me to magically balance two and in some places  three 2mm planks on the head of a pin (a 2mm plank). I don't know how to do that, so I pre-gluing them, then I will pin and glue them to the toprail.





Ahhh my mistake, they looked suspiciously like the parts from the enterprise, I assumed they used a similar approach by giving you precut parts that you then bend to shape.


Looks like you have a plan worked out for your balancing act.


Current Build Constructo Enterprise


While I'm waiting for my trim to dry, I mounted the bowsprit and keel skeg and keel trim. I had pre-fit all these parts months ago when I was planking the hull, so it was just a matter of pinning and gluing. Constucto wanted me to put a blond keel trim on, but I like the matching Sapele that goes with the planks. 








Posted (edited)

While I'm waiting for my trim to dry, I mounted the bowsprit and keel skeg and keel trim. I had pre-fit all these parts months ago when I was planking the hull, so it was just a matter of pinning and gluing. Constucto wanted me to put a blond keel trim on, but I like the matching Sapele that goes with the planks.

Hi! I mised instruction manual book .Do you know pdf formatted instruction file of this book?




I got it...From procuder's sent them by e-mail  :D  :D  :D

I have pdf file.How can I send ?

Edited by okyay3557

I'm slowly installing the rails & trim  (pinned & glued) to the aft half of the ship. Constructo's use of 2mm x 2mm pieces, two across and three across, makes for interesting rails. I'll have to fill them in before varnishing. I'll start on the bow section next, but with its severe curves, It will be harder to trim. The bow stem fits pretty good, but that's because I worked on it for days right after I planked the hull.  






Now that I've installed the keel skeg, the boat suddenly got "floppy" on my work bench. So, I created a stabilizer with some straight Teflon strips I had...and what do you know....no more boat "flopping!"




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